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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Tatiana & David Atlanta 2008-04-23 - High 2008-05-23
Akram & Ayesha JFK 2008-04-22 - High 2009-02-23
Undeadmike Michael & Jennifer Chicago 2008-04-22 - High 2008-09-06
Emma&sammy Emma & Sammy Los Angeles 2008-04-22 - High 2008-11-04
Eti Hil & Eti Philadelphia 2008-04-22 - High 2010-08-11
CairoBound Hassan & Roxann Chicago 2008-04-21 - High Total time in customs was 15 minutes. Officer looked at his papers and asked him how we met, where we lived, etc. and sent him on through. No luggage checks were made. 2014-07-22
SoLiEL Miguel & Vanessa JFK 2008-04-21 - High 2009-04-18
sabry & michele JFK 2008-04-21 - High 2008-04-16
Kamel & Cheryl Atlanta 2008-04-21 - High Very easy entry experience in Atlanta. 2016-04-26
Apu Aparna & Shreekant Newark 2008-04-21 - High Like every U.S. P.O.E. Very Kind and Professional. If you have a connecting flight Allow yourself atleast 4 hrs as the EWR organization is horrible. Eventhough you just passed customs, you still have to go through security check once you come out of customs and the lines are long. I only wish they had entrance to gate area from the customs so that one does not have to waste time. 2010-09-08
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