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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
BillM Elena & Bill Atlanta 2005-09-01 - High 2010-05-06
Tanya & Jason Atlanta 2005-06-24 - High 2005-08-29
Trang & Anthony Atlanta 2006-03-24 - High 2010-06-19
Keith & Shari Atlanta 2005-09-08 - High 2012-09-15
Latina_0227 Aaron & Jane Atlanta 2005-09-28 - High It was very simple and quick. we were in and out of the office within 15 minutes. 2005-12-27
Timothy & Bethanie Atlanta 2006-09-01 - High Easiest Port of Entry yet. 2006-11-01
Ishteaq & Mary Atlanta 2006-05-23 - High Interrogated over 2 hours and I received a call at home and was questioned as well. They almost had him miss his plane home and his luggage was lost. 2009-06-18
Natalia & Warren Atlanta 2006-02-25 - High 2012-08-28
Michel & Aimée Atlanta 2006-04-11 - High half an hour waiting time. Smooth, no questions asked. 2009-08-28
Lucila & Steven Atlanta 2005-09-26 - High Arrived at 8 am both my wife and I went through the Non-USC line. My passport was processed then my wife's stuff was collected and placed in a green folder we were told to go to the green door. There her index finger prints were taken. We waited about 10 minutes for a spanish interpreter. And then we were in and out of there within 20 minutes or so. Very easy. 2007-09-10
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