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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Itali Itali & VeinTwain Baltimore 2014-04-29 - High 2014-04-20
Mikey & Nina Baltimore 2014-05-23 - High 2014-05-17
Timi39 Mom & Em Baltimore - High 2015-12-15
Nobbie Steve & Susan Baltimore 2013-10-01 - High 2016-05-22
Romane & Santianna Baltimore 2014-04-11 - High Great experience, didnt wait very long. 2017-07-23
V & K Baltimore 2014-07-03 - High 2015-05-01
Sanna-Kaisa & Lenny Baltimore 2014-12-09 - High It was a rather smooth entry. Was brought into a back room where I handed over my packet from the Consulate, was asked a period of several generic questions, pictures were taken as well as my fingerprints and I was sent on my way. Overall the entire process took about 30 minutes from time getting to the Officer, to the time I walked out. Not a bad experience at all and was hassle free. Officer was very nice as well. 2019-04-10
Tonic and Kish Kishaw Wheatle & Antonius Hallmark Baltimore 2015-01-11 - High 2015-01-21
P & Andrew Baltimore 2015-07-09 - High 2019-01-05
Jeremybmueller Svatia & Jeremy Baltimore 2015-01-06 - High 2015-05-15
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