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POE Information

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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Beatrice & Philip Seattle 2007-07-01 - High No problems 2007-12-19
Mae & David Minneapolis/St Paul 2007-07-01 - High My POE was in Minneapolis and the immigration was very nice to me. It didn't take more than 5 minutes to get cleared of. 2011-09-19
Bevray Bev & Ray Chicago 2007-07-01 - High immigration officer asked why our file was so full and said we sent information not needed 2009-07-21
Anders & Rochelle Newark 2007-07-01 - High 2010-04-17
Robin & Jeremiah CDN-USA Border 2007-07-01 - High As a CDN citizen who didn't receive passport stamp or visitation visa, I needed to send a notarized letter describing the details of my entry. 2011-01-30
Rachel & Davin CDN-USA Border 2007-06-30 - High 2007-06-30
Kins Jill & Michael Boston 2007-06-30 - High 2007-08-06
Reeses16 D & L Washington DC 2007-06-30 - High POE- Washington, DC-Dulles via Ethiopian Airlines. It took 2 hours to get through customs and immigration. 2012-02-08
Inese & Jason Chicago 2007-06-30 - High Very polite, and very quick. 2007-09-02
Ljrascoe Rascoe & Lana Toronto 2007-06-29 - High 2015-05-03
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