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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
KJC Kenny & Stephanie Detroit 2008-04-14 - High After being worried to the extreme after opening the envelope before reading that it was to be "opened by immigration officials on entry", I worried I would be turned away by the immigration officer when he realized it had been opened. Instead, he just calmly opened and went through the paperwork and barely asked me any questions then said "Good luck to you", and that was that. 2010-11-18
luba & mj JFK 2008-04-14 - High I had no problems entering! Everything went really well!The officers were polite and smiling! 2012-02-27
Twinklebaby elisa & kerry San Francisco 2008-04-14 - High 2009-03-21
Jo & Carlos Los Angeles 2008-04-14 - High 2009-01-22
Ze22 Mrs. Khan & Mr. Khan Chicago 2008-04-13 - High poe at chicago is super cool.... 2008-06-20
Jennifer & James JFK 2008-04-13 - High 2013-04-26
Nik1980 Nik & Marilyn Los Angeles 2008-04-12 - High 2011-04-27
Michelle & Adric Washington DC 2008-04-12 - High Very friendly and welcoming 2008-12-18
James & Angela Detroit 2008-04-11 - High 2009-02-07
Bluebelle secret too & Secret Portland 2008-04-11 - High 2010-12-20
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