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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
LizC Andres & Elizabeth Boston 2008-06-18 - High 2008-11-25
Julie Ann & Mike Los Angeles 2008-06-18 - High very good.. smooth, dont have any hard times...Immigration officer was very nice and he welcome me in the united states then picked up my luggage then im out! very nice POE 2009-03-05
Maymay & Jim Washington DC 2008-06-17 - High I put "Some" because the situation was new to her but in general she got thru the process OK 2011-08-18
sherl & robbie Detroit 2008-06-17 - High -- smooth.. :) 2012-08-04
Mlopez Miguel & Melanie Washington DC 2008-06-17 - High 2008-07-14
Scott & Rachel CDN-USA Border 2008-06-16 - High POE was at the Peace Bridge in Buffalo. We were told we got the EAD stamp but we did not; the guard didn't know what he was talking about (and we didn't know what to look for). 2008-11-03
Rahela & Mitch Washington DC 2008-06-16 - High Everybody very nice and friendly.The whole process took around 45 minutes,most of it was waiting in line at the B-section (secondary inspection). 2011-03-10
EmilyM Emily & John CDN-USA Border 2008-06-16 - High 2009-02-20
L & C Atlanta 2008-06-16 - High 2009-11-30
Sashagrin Sasha & Kaunda JFK 2008-06-16 - High First officer didn't look happy and sent me off to fill a form. The second one was VERY nice, cheered me up and took me to the waiting room personally! 2014-08-24
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