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Names Point of Entry Entry Harassment Comments. List anything unique to your case. Updated Last
Nineta S & J Philadelphia 2008-06-19 - High 2012-08-09
Imtay Tim & Schmissa JFK 2008-06-19 - High It went perfect! 2012-04-27
Nicolas & Tiffany Miami 2008-06-19 - High 2009-02-10
Martin&Nat Martin & Natalie JFK 2008-06-19 - High 2009-06-22
Z and S Z & S Chicago 2008-06-19 - High The passport was stamped without any problems. It just took a very long time because the officer did not know what K3 visa was. He had to grab his supervisor who then had to train him on how to process the case. 2010-12-17
Rancher74 carla & rod Detroit 2008-06-19 - High 2009-03-21
Nathan & Masha Los Angeles 2008-06-19 - High The officer was pretty nice. All he did was to take a look at K1 visa folder and checked medical. That's it. He was pretty nice.I was surprised because I used to be stopped and asked so many questions and be sent to the second inspection for three times. 2008-10-02
Sherry0201 Hubby & Sherry Los Angeles 2008-06-19 - High The officer was pretty nice. No major trouble. 2008-12-22
Khanh & Tien Newark 2008-06-18 - High The wait was a bit long, but the processing time was really quick (less than 5 minutes). 2013-02-11
Chloe & Gabriel CDN-USA Border 2008-06-18 - High My POE was Montreal Airport 2016-07-06
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