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Detroit US Port of Entry Reviews

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Detroit US Port of Entry Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
171 Review(s)
Detroit Review #16732. Entry: 2015-08-11



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Pretty straightforward. I think we had a "new guy" but overall painless <3

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Detroit Review #15937. Entry: 2015-06-21



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

My wife and I came back from visit to Rusiia via Beijing. This was my wife's first re-entry on her Green Card, and we were surprised to find that Detroit had gone to electronic kiosks. My wife scanned her GC, and her fingerprints, and the kiosk took a photo, then I did the same minus the fingerprints with my passport and we then receive receipts to take to an officer who asked us a few basic questions regarding the length of trip and where we were at, etc. the whole process took about 5 minutes with at least three planes arriving.

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Detroit Review #15895. Entry: 2015/04/19



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

POE was interesting. The female officer asked me questions about my fiancé, how we met, his job. She wondered why it took me long to come here (visa approved February 9. Had to stay for another two months to finish work). I explained this to her and she said, ok that's all, good luck.

I was already at the baggage carousel and pulling my luggage away when she called me back. I was nervous at this point but remained calm. She said she just forgot to ask one more thing. She noticed my visa application was so close to the expiry date (Feb 13, got approved Feb 9). She didn't really ask anything additional, but told me she just needed her supervisor to validate it. A male office came in, signed off on my papers, and said I was good to go.

Everything took maybe less than 15 mins. All they asked from me was the yellow packet.

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Detroit Review #15946. Entry: 2015-02-27



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

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Detroit Review #15837. Entry: 2015-02-14



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Topic: Port of Entry Review

Hi all,

Figured I'd leave a short review for my arrival yesterday in the US. I'll keep it short because there is only so much you can about this.

After landing, made my way to the passport / visa checkpoint.
Detroit has no separate lines for people that come for a new visa so I had to step in the long queue. Which I was a bit annoyed about, since even though we as EU can travel with an ESTA, we're not allowed to use that queue since we're entering the country in a visa.
The waiting time wasn't ridiculous though, maybe 30 minutes, could have been a lot shorter if they would have more than 5 people actually working

When it was my turn, I told the lady that I was entering the country using my k-1 visa and handed her over my passport, the big envelope from the embassy and my i94.
She tore up the i94 since apparently I didn't need it for entering on a k-1 visa.

Then only thing she asked was how I met my fiancé, browsed through the paperwork. Then smiled, congratulated me and stamped my passport.
No additional interviews, no going into the homeland security office nothing

So not experience was good, only thing they could improve on is having more people working when it's quite busy.

Obviously things are hard to judge for a POE because it just depends on who is helping you and if they are in a good mood or not. But I can recommend detroit.

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