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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1649 Review(s)
Montreal, Canada
Review #4874 on August 20, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

August 19, 2009.

This may be the longest review ever. I apologize for that. I am many things, but 'concise' is not one of them.

- I arrived at the Consulate shortly before 7. I was confused, because I was the only one there... I started second guessing everything in my head... am I at the right place? What the heck? Of course I'm at the right place. I checked it out 3 times before! And it says "Consulate" right there. Duuurrrrr.. Stop thinking! Anyway, there was a man sitting on the steps near the Consulate , but I wasn't sure if he was waiting to go in too, but it turns out he was. Then SomberCat and her husband arrived (they are AWESOME people, by the way! We had a lovely dinner last night at the Keg. We were there for almost 5 hours! Haha. Seriously though, this trip would've been so much more stressful for me if they hadn't been around to hang out with. Thanks guys!) Shortly after that, the line started to get reaaaallly long. Yay for arriving early! Thanks to everyone who has posted reviews in the past for that tip! Well, and thanks for all the other tips, for that matter. Without all of you guys, I woulda been screwed!!

- They let us in around 7:30, as expected. The man who had been sitting on the steps got the letter "A". I got "B". SomberCat and her husband were "C". Some other couple had "D". I didn't really pay attention to them. Heh. We were told that someone would come down at 7:45 to bring us upstairs. The man told us that the elevator opens from the rear, but of course we already knew that. Heheh. And yes, the view was lovely.

- Eventually the "A" man was called to window #11 (as an aside, the "A" man was very nice. The poor guy has been waiting a year and a half since he filed! Yikes!). Shortly after, I was called to window #10. There was nobody there when I walked up, but I saw my open file sitting there. The I-130 submission was on the top. I could see that my numbered Post-It flags were still on the papers. I thought that was funny. Then the evil woman arrived at the window. Oh man. She asked me for my medical envelope and passport sized photos (even though the ones I had previously submitted were right in front of her, but whatever). So I gave them to her.

- Then she said she needed my original Marriage Certificate. I told her that the one that was in her hand IS my original Marriage Certificate, but I have another one exactly like it if she wants it too. (I wasn't trying to be snarky... in fact, I was trying really hard to NOT be snarky, but I just didn't know how to answer that question.) And then I gave her another original, which was the one that the Pastor had signed. The one she had was an original too, issued by the County Clerk, but this was the ORIGINAL original. So then she starts on about how it's not a Marriage Certificate, it's a Marriage License. I told her yes, I know, but it becomes the Certificate once it's filed with the County Clerk. That's just how they do it in Texas. She didn't believe me. She said it's supposed to say Marriage Certificate. I told her no, that is what they issue in Texas, and it has the County Clerk's seal and signature and document number on it, and that's what makes it official. She just said something like "well, we'll have to check on that." Okay fine. Whatever. Then she asked "well does it say when you got married?" I said "yes, right there". Then she asked if it says where I got married, and again, I said "yes. Right there."

- Then she gave me my DS-230 form, after circling my husband's address and phone number, and my parents' first names, and asked me to verify that they were correct. I said yes. Then she asked "well did you check?" I said yes. Then she said "did you check the items I circled in red? I said yes. They are correct. Uggghhhhh. Then she picked up my birth certificate and asked "is this your original birth certificate?" I said yes. She said "okay". (YAY! That one was easy!)

- Then she picked up my Police Cerificate and the application form for the certificate. She asked where is your original Police Certificate? I said "in your hand". (I mean SERIOUSLY! How the hell am I supposed to answer these questions without sounding snarky or condescending.) Then she asked about the application. I said I submitted both because the application shows that they checked my married and maiden names. She asked "where does it show your maiden name?" I replied "in the box that says 'maiden name' directly below the box that says 'surname'". "Well how do I know that these go together?" "Because the CPIC serial number on the certificate is the same as the CPIC serial number on the application, and they both have the same RCMP seal on them. She then said something about how she has to check that it was done by the RCMP. I kept my mouth shut.

- Yeah, it doesn't end there... Then she had my husband's 2008 tax return in her hand and she asked me for the most recent tax return. (F'ing SERIOUSLY!?!? Mother of god what is your problem, lady?!) I had no other answer than "well, the one in your hand is my husband's 2008 tax return. Unfortunately, he has not yet filed his taxes for 2009." I swear, I answered every question as politely as possible. Anyway, she then said something like I'd be called back in a while for fingerprinting. I thanked her and walked back to the waiting room and told Sombercat and the "A" man what had just happened. Then the "D" man (who seemed to be either grumpy or nervous) was called up. Shortly after that, Mr. and Mrs. SomberCat was called up to a window (not #10, luckily!), and after a while the "A" man was called back to his window for fingerprints etc. I hadn't been called back by the time he returned, and I figured perhaps the lady at window #10 was sitting there plotting my death. The "A" man was very nice and reassured me that I'd be fine. Yay for the "A" man. I really hope everything went well for him.

- When I was called back to window #10, the lady seemed more cheery than she previously had been, so that was neat. She explained to me that my visa - if issued - would be in my maiden name because I haven't yet changed my name on my passport. I said that was fine. I figured that might happen. She then asked me to read the instructions for the fingerprints, and I did. Then she was waiting for her computer so she asked me some questions. I was having a lot of trouble hearing her, because the guy beside me was speaking loudly, so I told her that. And she said "yeah he is loud". THEN she turned on her speaker! Not until then. My word! Anyway, she asked my husband's address, so I told her his full address, including city, state and zip code. She asked his apartment number, so I told her. She then asked "and where is it?" (I was a little confused here, because I had just told her...) so I said "Tulsa?" She said "yes... so that's in Oklahoma?" I said "yes." Then she said "well you have to SAY it!" In my head I'm thinking WTF, lady? I just did! Bah. Then she asked my parents' names. So I said my Dad's full name, then my Mom's full name. She said "uhhh that's not what we have for your Mom". "Okay, but that's her name." Then she started spelling out my Mom's maiden name. And I said yes, that's her maiden name. (YARGH! It hasn't been her name for like 35 years!!! If she wanted her maiden name, she should've said so! On all of the forms, my Mom's married name is written, and her maiden name is noted where applicable.) I just said "oh sorry. I guess I misunderstood." I think that was the end of that ordeal and then it was time for fingerprinting, which went perfectly. So yay for that. She told me to go back to the waiting room and my name would be called shortly to speak to someone else. I smiled and thanked her and walked away.

- Then I got back to the waiting room again, and well... I waited. Very shortly after, I was the first one called to the interview room. I went to room #8. And that guy was REALLY nice. He greeted me and asked me to put my belongings on the chair so my hands would be free, so I did. I swore to tell the truth, etc. and then he gave me back both of my original marriage licenses/certificates... whatever you want to call them, as well as the two passport-sized photos that I had submitted to NVC (they kept the ones I gave to the lady at window #10, I guess, even though they were exactly the same.) He also gave back my original birth certificate. He also explained that they have to use my maiden name on the visa because it has to match the name on the passport, and I said that's fine. He may have said that at the end of the interview. I really don't remember.

- Here is what I remember being asked during the interview... I started writing using the Q & A format, even when they weren't questions. Q is what the man said, and A is what I said. It was such a casual conversation. As you'll see, much of our discussion was about hockey. Haha.

Q: How do you like Montreal?
A: I love it! It's beautiful here.

Q: When did you get to Montreal?
A: Yesterday afternoon.

Q: Where is your husband?
A: In Tulsa. He has to work.

Q: Where do you live?
A: Ottawa

Q: When did you get married?
A: February 13, 2009
Q: Congratulations!
A: Thank you!

Q: How did you meet your husband?
A: We were both on the same hockey message board and my team beat his team in the '07 playoffs (*grin*), and then we started playing NHL 07 on Xbox Live a lot, and then began talking a lot.
Q: Which team does he like?
A: The Stars.
Q: Which team do you like?
A: The Canucks.
Q: It's too bad you aren't being interviewed by my colleague. He's a huge hockey fan. I'm just a casual fan.
A: Oh, well that's cool.

Q: When did you meet in person?
A: April 2008.
Q: Oh, that's not very long to know each other in person.
A: No, I guess not, but we talked A LOT in the year prior and got to know each other very well.

(He started flipping through pictures that were submitted with the I-130, and he stopped at a picture of my husband and I at a Stars game and we were both wearing Stars jerseys (ewwwww!)

Q: Hey wait a minute... you're both wearing Stars jerseys there!
A: Ugh. I know. That was from October. It was Jason's birthday, so I had to. But it still felt wrong!
Q: Hey so your team has those twins, don't they?
A: The Sedins? Yeah! They just signed contract extensions this summer. It's awesome.
Q: I have twin boys, so I have to know these things.
A: Oh cool! Are they hockey fans?
Q: No, they're 5 months old.
A: Oh wow, well congratulations!
Q: So I guess since you're a Canucks fan, you probably don't like the Habs very much?
A: Actually I do. They are my second favourite team.
Q: Ah ok. I wasn't sure about cross-country rivalries.
A: Well, the Canucks are mainly rivals with the western teams because they play each other more often.

Q: How many times have you visited your husband since you've been married?
A: Twice.

Q: How many times has he visited you?
A: Also twice.

Q: What does your husband do?
A: He works as a property manager.

Q: Where do you work?
A: At a video store.

Q: Have you ever had any trouble with the law?
A: No sir!

Q: Have you ever lived in the U.S. for more than 6 months?
A: No sir!

Q: Have you ever had any trouble at the border?
A: No sir!

Q: When do you plan to move?
A: Um... well... if all goes well here, the intention is to move the week after Labour Day.

- That's all I can remember. There may have been a few more questions. But anyway, then he said something involving the words "congratulations" and "approved". I don't know exactly what he said because in my head I was just thinking "F'ING YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY!" He handed me the fabled "Welcome to the United States of America" letter, and said that I should receive my passport with the visa in it on Monday or Tuesday, and there will be an envelope that says "DO NOT OPEN", so don't open it. And then he said some other stuff. I don't remember. I just said "THANK YOU!" to everything he said. Heheh. Then I went back to the waiting room and showed my letter to SomberCat and Mr. SomberCat and the "A" man, and they congratulated me, and I don't remember what we all said then. It's a blur. I was out of there before 9:00!

I walked back to my hotel and got my husband on the phone a few minutes later, and I told him I slept in. He said "you did?!?" I said "Yeah I slept in and now they won't let me go to have an interview!" He said "they won't?!?" Hehehe. I am a terrible person. I only left him hanging for a second before I told him that I was lying, and that I was already finished the interview and it went very well. That was payback for him not coming to the interview, I guess. He agrees now that it was funny, so yay.

I suppose that concludes my horribly long review! Wow. Exactly 6 months ago, my husband and I dropped off the I-130 package at the post office. We were so incredibly lucky to get through this so quickly, especially considering we had to wait 3 1/2 months for the interview. Thank you SO MUCH to everyone who helped us along the way.

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4865 on August 18, 2009:

lil mama

Lil mama


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4838 on August 11, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Got there pretty - 6:45am - early, was a 5min walk from Hyatt Hotel.
Waited and a bit after 7:30 they opend the doors, I was second in line -Single B- behind a couple -Couple A-.

Went inside after showing the letter and my passport, passed through the check point with no problem at all, they were very nice. Waited to be taken up by a guard at the elevator with about 10 people, the guard only brought the first couple, myself, and one other person and left everyone else downstairs.

Waited upstairs untill after 8:30ish and I was called to wicket 12. Gave all my documents as requested (the woman was VERY friendly and very nice, she noticed I made a mistake on the zipcode before I even got to tell her and ask if it could be fixed and she said she fixed it for me and we laughed about it)was told to go pay and come back, then got my finger prints taken, then told to go sit and wait in the waiting room for my name to be called again. "Couple A" was already sitting down again and asked if I had to wait for another interview, I told them I did and everything was going well so far. They said they were waiting too.

Just after 9am my name was called and told to go to room 8. Inside room 8 I was VERY surprised as the person giving my interview was extremely upbeat, happy, cheery, comical, and pretty well joking through the whole interview! He asked me a few questions, how did you meet, when did you meet in person, how many times did you visit, whats his job and rank, who proposed and how, then he asked some funny questions and joked around while he booted up his computer. I was the very first person to be interviewed and he hadent even turned on his computer yet! He said he was just checking some files and was joking around and then asked me if I ever had been stopped and not allowed to enter america, then said the computer was going to pick a finger to scan and I scanned my finger that it picked, he said everything seemed in order and asked me when I would be moving, to which I said as soon as I get my visa of course! and he said "Well since you are -you- acording to your finger and you didnt bring any random fingers with you! I have to say.. Congradulations! and give you this letter if I can get it apart.. " the letter was stuck to a few other letters hehe. And he said welcome to America! had me sign a paper, explained about my visa and that it would be mailed and be inside my passport and I had to bring it all when I cross the border etc etc.

I never expected to have such a good interviewer! I was expecting someone a little more pinched and cold. Amazing experience, very clean and friendly.

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4833 on August 9, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We arrived at 6:35 am at the Consulate- and was first in line! I didn't want to take any chances - got the letter A- and was first in and first out! Ladies are only allowed a small purse. There was a gentleman who was carrying a large backpack and had to leave to find a locker to place his stuff- fortunately he was able to find one at the bus station.

The interview itself went very smoothly- the officer gave me the option of getting the IR1 visa since it will be our 2nd year anniversary on Sept 30- so he said if I mailed my passport in after Sept 30- the IR1 visa will be issued- or I could have gotton my CR1 visa the day of my interview. No brainer for me- I don't want to have to remove conditions- and my plans are to move after October anyways- so we opted for the IR1 visa. My hubby and I thought that the officer was very kind to give us the option.

We found the process to be very good- and were confident because we did our "VJ " research- honestly VJ has helped us in so many ways- so I am very grateful. Remember to make eye contact with the officer, smile, be friendly, answer the questions and do not volunteer any additional information.

Montreal is a beautiful city and there are many lovely places to celebrate after! We celebrated in Old Montreal - so romantic!!

We stayed at the Bonaventure Hilton - a 10 minute walk to the consulate. The hotel was lovely-no issues- very comfortable stay.

If you need any specific information please feel free to PM me and best wishes to everyone with upcoming interviews.

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Vancouver, Canada
Review #4827 on August 7, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Appointment was at 1PM arrived at 12:45 PM. Presented my appointment letter and passport, they went through my paperwork and told me to proceed up the stairs. Got up the stairs went to the elevator, got sent to the 20th floor, went through a second set of security. Sat in this little area that felt like forever. Went up to the window presented DS-156 and copy, DS-156K, 2 passport style photos, medical results, I-134 and supporting documents, criminal record check, long form bc and copy, certified copy of divorce decree, and passport. Was asked if I have lived in any area longer than 6 months after the age of 16, and how do you spell my SO's name.

Sat back down, got called up for fingerprints.

Sat back down, got called up for interview.

Very informal. Asked:

How did I meet him?
When did we meet in person?
When did we get engaged?
What does he do? How much does he make?
What do I do? How much do I make?
Asked for proof of bonafide relationship. I asked her what did she want because I have lots, she just wanted pictures.

Visa was mailed out.

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