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Detroit MI USCIS Office Reviews

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Detroit MI USCIS Office Reviews
Average Rating: 4.5 / 5
130 Review(s)
Detroit MI Review #27640 on December 6, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

The interview was scheduled at 9.40 am. My wife and I woke up at 5:30 am and we got to the Detroit USCIS office at about 8.20 am (Yes, we woke up very early to have a nice and calm breakfast and, of course, to have plenty backup time in case of emergency, you never know when bad things are about to happen). Once we get there we tried really hard to find a bathroom but the neighbor didn't look very nice so the gas station bathrooms were closed or didn't even have one. After a couple stops we found a McDonald's less than 3 miles away in the main street (we also went to the one close to the car assembly plant and its doors were closed). After all this bathroom mission it was time to get in the building. At exactly 9:20 am we were going thru security (Airport style), then at the lobby counter the lady asked me for my interview appointment. She told us to go to section 1 where we were going to be called by a number that she gave us. We didn't even had time to sit down when our name was called. The Sir asked for the interview appointment again and then he took a picture of myself and left and right index finger prints. He then told us to go to section 3 where I was going to be called by my name. It was about 9:30 am when we sat down. 40 minutes after my name was called out loud from a white lady in her 30's with a strong accent, serious but very nice. Once in her office she made us lift the right hand and swear in ("Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?"). Then she said: "I will need both your passports, birth certificates, driver licences, and all the documentation you want to submit. All original please". We handled her our passports, my original birth certificate with its translation to English, copy of my wife's birth certificate (We thought we had it but when we did the last check out the night before the interview we realized we didn't have it. My wife forgot she submitted with the form I-129f. So, you can tell we freaked out a little bit cause she putted a lot of emphasis when she said original documents but once we told her we already submitted it, she said it was ok), my wife's driver licence and our original marriage certificate. Then she started to ask questions about the form I-485 to the both of us. She asked my wife my name, parent names, my date of birth and vice versa. Then she asked my parent's date of birth. She was a bit surprised I knew even the year they were born and went "what a good kid". She also asked my SSN and I told her I didn't remembered it but I was sure it had a 13 in between and she state "that's right, you just confirm it". At the end she started to ask me the yes/no questions. All of them. It even felt like she asked them a couple times with different wording. To sum up she spent about 30 min going thru every detail of the form. My prior visits to the US, jobs, addresses, how long we have being in Lansing, why are we in MI if my wife is from VT, etc. At the end she asked us for joint assets or liabilities and we gave her proof of health insurance, car insurance and lease agreement. How we have been married for just a couple month it's all what we could get but she was ok with those three documents. Then I said "and we also have pictures". She went thru the album (about 60 pictures) in no more than 2 minutes and then she said " Ok guys, everything looks good for me and I don't have anything in the system so I will approve you, Happy Birthday!" (Yes, I got the best birthday present ever javascript:emoticon('')). After that, she made me sign the form and the ROC informational document. Being 10:50 am we walked out of the office.

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Detroit MI Review #27562 on November 24, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Very efficient officer. Good

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Detroit MI Review #26915 on August 22, 2019:

Duane & Haney


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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Green card interview was for 2:00PM, arrived at 1:00PM.
Were not allowed to pass into the waiting room until 1:30PM, there was a 10 minute line at reception, we waited twice.

Once we got into the waiting room, we waited in section 3. There were also sections 1 and 2, but those were apparently for a different kind of visa / interview. We heard numbers being called off for those sections, and saw people being interviewed at booths, but the GC interviewees were all called by name at the far door.

We were called about 2:10PM, our officer was a very nice and friendly young man. He tried to make us feel comfortable, and invited us into his office. We took an oath, then he began to review the I-485 and ask questions from it, the ones that we had come to know would be asked, but things you have to know anyways, like parents names, wedding and birthdates, normal questions.

He then quizzed Haney on some of the "standard" questions from the I-485, all of which the answers to we "no" except the last question.

For evidence there really wasn't much problem, although because of timing and the fact that Haney didn't have her SS yet, we may have been a little thin. Haney had a credit card in her name which she uses occasionally, we also provided receipts for our Catholic wedding (in the future) and the marriage preparation courses we signed up for. I also provided a budget spreadsheet that Haney and I did together, to show how we combined our finances.

We had a lot of pictures, as well as evidence of communication in WhatsApp, probably two three ring binders in total 3" thick. Although he looked through that evidence, he didn't keep it.

At the end of the interview, which lasted about 25 minutes, he told us we were approved, but we wouldn't see it online until tonight or tomorrow (we checked the next morning and it showed "new card being produced" as on the day of the interview). He gave us a letter that showed that our case was being held for review, but assured us that that was only protocol, and in fact we'd been approved.

We were really happy, because we know we'd done everything right, and were grateful that Haney gets the privilege to stay and work and be here.

BTW, we received a two year conditional, with the explanation that we'd only been married for 6 months, which is true. This is what we were expecting and was not trouble.

All told an excellent experience, no issues, only grateful and looking forward to the next step of removing conditions in 1 year and 9 months!

(updated on August 23, 2019)

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Detroit MI Review #26879 on August 17, 2019:



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Review Topic: Adjustment of Status

Interview was at 9:30AM. Had to wait for about 20 mins before we were called in. Officer Bynum interviewed us. Took about 15 mins.

1) took the oath
2) went over the forms
3) asked basic questions of how we met
4) Saw some evidence- tax forms, marriage certificate (did not bother with everything that I got so I guess I was over perpared)
5) I asked him if he was sure he didn't want to see pics. He ended up saying "okay, since u asked...lets have a look"
6) approved us on the spot and told us about the restrictions that we have to remove in 2 years.
The End.

Over all a good experience. Really nothing to worry about if you have all the evidence lined up and you are honest.

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Detroit MI Review #26421 on June 13, 2019:

Duane & Haney


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Review Topic: Other Experience


Arrived 30 minutes early, about 10 minutes to get through security, told us to leave our rings on, otherwise straightforward.

Looked very busy, but were directed to a different area for biometrics.

Checked in and were given a form, which compared to what we've filled out before, was easy.

If you follow the instructions in the invitation and bring everything you need, should not be a problem. Form is in English, so if your English is not good, bring someone who can translate for you.

After filling out the form, waited another 2 minutes, then were called for biometrics.

We left the building 15 minutes after we arrived, YMMV

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