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Vietnam US Consulate Reviews

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Vietnam US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.6 / 5
312 Review(s)
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Review #2559 on March 4, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

After countless hours of preparation, finding as much "proof" of our relationship as possible, Chan's interview consisted of four questions after which, she asked one question, "Do you want to look at any of my evidence?" And the Consular Officer answered, "no, that's not necessary," and handed her a pink paper!

In all fairness to the Consulate, who did a fine job, they probably felt comfortable with the evidence submitted with the application last May.

The man questioning her was very polite and friendly. Even the Vietnamese staff, which has a bad reputation with the Vietnamese people there, was polite and professional.

It was surprising to see how many people showed up for their interviews in pajamas! Don't let your significant other do that!

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Review #2541 on March 1, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We got up before 6am and got the Consulate by taxi before 8am. The guards pointed us to the entrance for Visas and we got the security wand check before we were able to proceed to stand in line in a open air room that after going thru a gated turnstile went back out on the street, then you're directed to the short line that went into the Consulate. That's the main security check there.

While in line in the open air room we saw 8.5x11 papers in Vietnamese and English saying her passport photo copy needed a real photo attached besides the photo that is part of the passport. That means you need 5 photos not 4 that the Consulate said in our Appointment letter. When we got the line back on the street to go into the Consulate, they wouldn't let me in. I gave Thi the 20 or so pounds of evidence and told her I'd wait outside for her.

Waiting was very boring as I was only one of 3 American fiances there (the other two were across the street with the crowd of vendo... read complete review

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Review #2342 on January 12, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I wanted to post the questions That An was asked yesterday at her Interview and let you know how it went .

arrival= 6:00 am we sat a a coffee shop very close to the consulte drank coffee with An since we arrived early there was allot of parking for our driver then we payed a man to let us stay there until she finshed cost about 10000dong less than a dollar.

Doors open at the Consulte= The doors on the east side of the building opened around 7:00am every one that is doing every visa must go threw these doors and wait in line. This took about 30 minutes for An to get thru this line then she is told to go out in a single file line in front of the Consulte. And they allow one person to go threw the xray machine area at a time. Very slow process.

Security= At the Consulte there is about 4 armed Vietnam Police with Machine Guns all around the Consulte no one is allowed to park or drop off any one on the side of the Consulte . They will not allow a... read complete review

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Review #2251 on December 12, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Friendly CO

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Review #2113 on October 16, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Considering how many visa applications this embassy processes each year, I give major credit to the COs and the internal office employees for keeping things going. My experiences dealing with them were always good. Having said that, I believe they are in major need of help in handling the current caseloads and perhaps need to look at how they evaluate applicants. I had problems with vagueness, both in information requested and in the responses from the front office staff. Of course, my opinion is jaded as I was on AR for 8 months for still no discernable reason.

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