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Vietnam US Consulate Reviews

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Vietnam US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.6 / 5
312 Review(s)
Review #29699 on June 3, 2021:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

is there a sample K1 interview questionnaire in Vietnamese ?

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Review #29241 on March 2, 2021:

Daniel Phuc

Daniel Phuc


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Review Topic: General Review

We arrived early and walked to the gate at 7:20 am, at 7:30 they opened the gate and we walked in and gave them our appointment papers. Then we waited to be called up to give our passports and papers. At about 8:50 am Linh and our son were called to interview. They asked me and our son to have a seat while they talked to Linh.
They asked her a few questions and she answered all of them correctly in English, a couple of times the translator asked, and then she always answered in English. The IO was very kind and polite and friendly, she was always smiling.
Linh saw the blue slip and we were a little worried but the last question was I didn't make enough income to sponsor them and if we had a joint sponsor, but then Linh asked if they looked at our assets or not. The IO looked and said okay you passed, we will print your visas and send them to you in a few days to your address. We were done by 9 am. Overall was a great experience and we were both very happy as all we saw ... read complete review

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Review #29234 on March 1, 2021:




· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: General Review

We arrived early and walked to the gate at 7:20 am, at 7:30 they opened the gate and we walked in and gave them our appointment papers. Then we waited to be called up to give our passports and papers. At about 8:50 am Linh and our son were called to interview. They asked me and our son to have a seat while they talked to Linh.
They asked her a few questions and she answered all of them correctly in English, a couple of times the translator asked, and then she always answered in English. The IO was very kind and polite and friendly, she was always smiling.
Linh saw the blue slip and we were a little worried but the last question was I didn't make enough income to sponsor them and if we had a joint sponsor, but then Linh asked if they looked at our assets or not. The IO looked and said okay you passed, we will print your visas and send them to you in a few days to your address. We were done by 9 am. Overall was a great experience and we were both very happy as all we saw we... read complete review

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Review #29165 on February 15, 2021:

Tien T

Tien T


· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Overall great experience.

My wife did the interview entirely in English and all the questions were about me and my family.

How do you meet?
How did your husband proposed to you?
What does my parents parents do?
What do you guys argue about most?
What do my siblings do?
How many times have we met in person?
What my job is and where is it located?

She couldn't remember all the questions but as you can see it pays to know everything about your spouse. The interviewer went through the questions very quick and didn't even look at any of the evidence that my wife brought with her in a binder.

She arrived at the consulate at 7:30am, waited in line for 30 minutes, and then went through the various windows that previous VJer's have explained. Interview lasted less than 10 minutes and they took her passport and said it will be mailed to her. Finished at the consulate by 10:30am.
... read complete review

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Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Review #29077 on January 29, 2021:

Tin Nguyen


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My Fiancee was approved for her K1 Visa today.

She did her entire interview in english.
Overall the questions that were asked were simple and straight to the point.
Also helped that she saw her pink slip ready to go before the interview.

Questions that were asked:

How did you meet?
When was your last argument?
What was it about?
Do you have relatives living in the us?
Who does your Fiance live with?
Some other questions were asked but my fiancee forgot what it was about.

Evidence was flipped through by the interviewer and pictures were shown.
She was scheduled for 0805 and was out of there by 0900.

The interview went smoothly, make sure all your papers are neat and orderly and it should go smoothly.

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