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Uganda US Consulate Reviews

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Uganda US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.2 / 5
16 Review(s)
Review #12316 on July 12, 2013:




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Review Topic: Other Experience

On 10 June 2013 filled for application CRBA and passport for our son, The CO who interviewed us said all documentation locked okay, paid up the fees and were approved, asked to wait 2 to 3 weeks and we shall be notified to go pick both up.

Waited 4weeks no response from the embassy, wrote an email to them there was no response, so i decided to call them up, the gentleman who picked, took my contact number and he was like he would call me back the next day, come the next day, it clocked midday and there was no call, so i called back and he transferred me to another person, explained my dilema and he also took my details and said he would check for me with the mail department the next day and update me on our application because on the day i called which is a Tuesday, American services were closed because the embassy handles them on Mon, Wed and Friday. (Never know anything like this, is it even true?) So i sent another email trying to find out what was going on and why they did not reply my earlier email, that very day i received a notification of receipt of my email and there after a few hours another email of them asking for more evidence of my husband's 5 year residence in the US. And that i should understand the process involved in sending back and forth documents, Uganda is a third world country and our mail system is messed up, blah blah, blah, Really!!!!!!!!!! after 4weeks of waiting..... javascript:emoticon('')

Next day no call from the gentleman who had promised to get back to me, and this is 10:30am yet embassy opens at 7:30am, so i called back and was transferred to him and for heaven's sake he wanted to take my number and get back to me later in the afternoon, i was like cut the crap, i already received and email stating this and the other, what are you talking about, then that whn he says at the Embassy a CO can approve the request but the moment it gets to Washington, they can request for more documentation, (Really and Washington office only responded only after i queried about our application? (Is that how the system works?) If i had not queried are they saying, we would not have any clue on this?

Am like, someone did not do their job, they left our file stuck at someone's desk accumulating dust, he failed to own up to their own mistake. So am like if the rest of the documentation is brought, how long do we have to wait, he was like 2 to 3weeks. Another question posed, how soon shall we receive with this whole messed up mail system in Uganda, he is like the passports are sent on diplomatic pass so it only takes two days to get here (I think he forgot what he had said before).

Am like there is a real problem here, my visa is valid for only a few more days, how are we going to take care of that since it was issued at another consulate, he is like you contact that embassy yourself and request them to extend it, if they accept your reasons, then they will extend it.

No body is owning up to this at the embassy and they have not been helpful at all. javascript:emoticon('')javascript:emoticon('')

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Review #12211 on June 26, 2013:

MB & Rap

MB & Rap


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Well here is ma review of ma medical appointment and interview date .Ma interview date was on 24th june 2013 and i scheduled ma medical appointment on 17th june 2013 , i arrived at the IOM clinic based in gigiri village market o17th at 6.30am coz ma medical appointment was at 7.30am n i was early but that day we were few people there but i would advise someone to come early coz they work on the first come first serve basis .

Before heading to Nairobi for ma medical appointment i had taken some vaccines from Uganda so as to cut costs at the clinic coz they ask for approx 23,000kenyan shillings but i saved good money when i had ma vaccines from home and i would advise someone to have there vaccines from home n thats a month earlier before yo medical appointment coz when u reach at the clinic they also consider the days of the month u had yo vaccines coz there vaccines that are meant to be had a month before u take another vaccine and here are the vaccines that i had from home before going for ma medical appointment and i had them from KCC Clinic next to christ the king church before u have to go get the yellow fever vaccine and the vaccines i had in uganda were as follows .yellow fever ,MMR,INFLUENZA,DULTAVAX,VARICELLA .

At the IOM clinic in nairobi everyone is meant to pay 135$ and then those who have not had there vaccines they also pay for the service but for ma case since MMR vaccines one is meant to have 2 doses and thats for the adult i had only taken one doze so i had to take another doze at the clinic which i paid for at 21$ coz the second doze of MMR is meant to be had after 3 weeks .so i did the chest x-ray and it was all good but be careful about the spelling of your name coz those people are too fast and in the process they end up making mistakes so i was careful with everything and even after yo medicals you have a right to ask for the results of the x-ray coz sometimes they are not clear and then they call u back a day to your interview and u have to take the x-ray again and you have to pay more money for the x-ray so u have to ask .

Then the big day arrived 24-06-2013 , i woke up at 4am and said psalms121 n i passed thru ma for DS-230 and i was good to go and i had already organised ma paper work , i had all evidences of ma relationship in one envelop , had all forms in one envelop , receipts alone , WU receipts alone ,travel documents wit ma boo in a separate envelop , tax returns and transcripts for all years in one envelop and on each envelop i put stick ons so as to remember and i made 2 copies of every document basically i was organised and its good to be organised but that day i was the only one carrying a bag that had lots of papers but i was confident and ready for whatever they are to ask and one rule is be attentive coz they can call yo number n u forget coz u r busy conversing wit other people .lol.

well i arrived at the embassy coz ma interview was at 6.30am so i arrived at 5.33am and we had to wait in the cold coz currently Nairobi is very cold so those havin there interviews in july carry warm clothes ,so we waited outside the embassy till 6am and passed thru security checks but u can also carry your phone tho they tell u to switch it off and they give you a card for leaving your phone at the security gate .After all the checkups i walked wit ma heavy bag full of evidences n i was worried that they were goin to tell me to leave ma bag at the gate but they dint so i carried ma heavy bag till the interview
javascript:emoticon('') . so wen i arrrived ,we entered the embassy and we were given numbers and thats the number they use to call u when takin finger prints and the final interview

So i was called by an african lady in her early 20's and she asked me whether i have ever committed a crime , whethter i have been to american , she asked for ma birth certificate and marriage certificate and she later said i wish u all the best n i was like thanks ma dia n i went back out side to be called later but it was too cold out there .

Then the second time i was called by an american babe in her early 20's too n she was pretty cool she greeted me n she told me yo welcome to amercia n she would like to take ma finger prints so i was like cool so she took ma finger prints and she told me to sit outside n i walked politely outside

The final moment came n ma number was C-404 ,They called number C-404 report to teller number 10 , i walked wit ma heavy bag politely to the CO she was an amercian lady like in her mod 30's ,she dint greet me so i said Good morning my lord, she put a smile on her face n she was happy n i smilled a lil bit n she said she wanted me to take the oath which i did take and she asked me the following questions ;
a) how did u meet?
b) where does he work ?
c)show me marriage pix and she dint look thru them coz i had alot of pix n i had organised them in a way that before marriage ,after marriage ,wedding , vacation in diff places n she said i love yo pix n i said thanx ma lord just to make her feel good of which she felt good .
And she finally said your paper work looks clean and your visa has been approved so she said pick your passport in a week which is this monday .

i would advise everyone goin for the interview to be smart and confident ,look into there eyes ,well i had to create a friendly talk wit the CO n it was all clean .

Keep time when going for the interview and when u arrive inside the embassy be attentive coz many people know how to get there and then get into conversations wit people and they forget that they are at the embassy for Mission Complete AKA visajavascript:emoticon('') so u have to be attentive even though u meet a friend at the embassy you can talk but be attentive so as to listen to your number being called .

I slept in at dream palace and it was pretty cool but expensive but its 3 mins from the IOM clinic and 10 mins walk to the embassy and later moved to sandton palace based down town where i paid 3300 kenyan shillings per nice for bed and break fast well it was a cool place but its in a congested area n by 5pm u have to be indoors but its cool n next to tuskeys supermarket n its on Taveta road and the day before ma interview i had to get a place next to the embassy and i spent one nite at Westland's in a place called Loresho , Loresho is a nice place tho expensive but secure n its 15mins to the embassy and Sandton palce is like20 mins to both the clinic and the embassy.

For all those who are to have there interviews soon i wish you the best and am ready to help so ask me and u will be answered and i would like to thank all the visa journey members coz u have been of great help to mejavascript:emoticon('')


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Review #9532 on April 21, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The only reason I give this a 1 and not a 0 is that in the end my fiance's visa was approved. In addition, the email system of the consulate was fairly smooth (whenever I emailed, I got a quickly, usually helpful response.) I also had minimal trouble getting through the phone lines (I always called around 2:30 Kenya time.) My fiance's interview in Nairobi was terrible. He was demeaned and ridiculed by the consulate officer, and made to believe his visa was denied based on the fact he and I have some educational differences. He was also told in the interview that his visa would not be granted because he didn't have a police clearance for somewhere he lived almost 10 years ago for less than one year (which the documents provided us said that was not required; such was not the case for us.) After submitting his passport and the police certificat, his visa was approved and after a lengthy wait, he received it via DHL. I am glad he was approved, but it was harrowing and terrible.

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Review #8016 on July 29, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Hey guys, here is a review of how our K1 visa interview went.

I and my fiance arrived at the US embassy in Nairobi on 20th July, 7am. As we walked to the gate, we narrowly survived an accident caused by a bad driver who had previously knocked two people and was trying to run away driving so fast towards our direction. My fiance tripped and fell there by bruising both her knees, elbows and her mouth swelled because she fell on her face. luckily, the speeding car was challenged by the embassy security and we got away.

Once inside the embassy, a big guy approached us and asked if we were together, we said yes. then he asked if we were part of the incident outside the embassy gate and we said yes. then he apologized for what happened and promised to get the embassy medical team to treat the bruises my fiance got. he then took us past the security and then straight to the consular and explained to them why we need to rush through so that the medical team can treat my fiance. He was a nice guy.

I went with my fiance to the consular's window, she took all our documents and then realized that we don't have another copy of the DS 156 form. she then asked us to go download the form and bring it the next day. I then asked her if my fiance shall also have the interview when we bring the missing form the next day, she kept quiet for a while and then said well, there is an internet cafe just near the embassy, so if you can, go there, download it and bring it immediately. That sounded a better option for us.

While at the cafe, the internet connection was so slow and couldn't download anything. So we decided to head back to our hotel which had nice wireless internet connection. only problem was the hotel was a 45 minute drive away from the embassy. When we got back to the embassy, a security guard asked us what we have come for, we told her we have brought a missing document as we were told to. the guard asked us for a written proof to show that we were told to come back. we didn't have any so she suspected that we were telling a lie. she told us she is going in to inquire from the consular. We waited and hoped that the consular wouldn't deny telling us to come back with the missing document. Well, the guard came back and said we can go in. We felt a sigh of relief!

Once inside, we went to the same consular and then she like, i told you to come back immediately, where have you been? K1 interviews are only done in the early morning so you are going to have to come back tomorrow. I explained to her that the internet cafe she sent us to was not helpful so we had to go find another. She insisted on telling us to come back the next day. I then asked her when will my fiance do her interview. she kept quiet for a while then she said, alright i'll take the documents now then you will come back for the interview. My fiance gave her the DS 156, she took it and then she said, sit and wait for your interview. We were happy and shocked both at the same time because she had said my fiance shall come back for the interview but now she said sit and wait for the interview! we were really shocked. and normally, the interviews are done a day after handing in documents. (but thankfully, we had moved with all proof of relationship that day)

Well, we sat for about 20mins then my fiance was called to window 1. I stayed back sitting hoping for good news. ( We were meant to practice interviews questions in the evening at our hotel after handing in the documents, but now here i was watching my fiance being interviewed without any practice). I waited and watched her talking then after about 5 minutes, she looked back at me and smiled. I started to think it is good news. After another 3 more minutes, my fiance walked back to me with a smile on her face and showed me a green paper which stated that she come back and pick up her visa on the 25th of july! i was over joyed. i gave her a big kiss there and then. and we walked out arm in arm.

This is what my fiance was asked.
When did you meet your fiance?
How have you been communicating with your fiance?
Have you met his parents?
Tell me about your wedding plans.
What did your fiance come to do?
When was the last time you saw your fiance?

And that was it. Am so proud of my fiance doing good in the interview. Oh at the end of the day, my fiance got treatment for her bruises. Well it was kind of a bitter sweet day!! And i knew it would be a good day after the early morning incident.
i hope this review can help others in some way.

Del and Beb

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Review #7279 on March 17, 2011:

Mrs Mugabi

Mrs Mugabi


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Nairobi Embassy:
Dropped off paperwork on initial interview day 1230 pm out out by 2:00. Rescheduled to return next day at 0630. Interview went very smooth interviewer was very nice. Asked questions about how we met and our wedding. Approved, was out by 0830, was told to return at 2:00 same day to pick up visa.

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