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Turkey US Consulate Reviews

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Turkey US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
199 Review(s)
Ankara, Turkey
Review #10668 on October 19, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

For my 8.00 am interview, I got to the embassy at 7.25am. After a short wait outside, I got in the line to enter the embassy, I was first in the line. The security officers were all very kind. The only problem was to wait till almost 9.00am in the embassy's patio as it was very cold in Ankara that morning. The reason why we waited for so long was that the person who was supposed to collect paperwork came a bit late. Once I was indoors everything was fine again. I waited a little bit for my fingerprints then short after that I got called to another window for my interview. I first rose my right hand to swear then the lady asked me only where we plan to live, what my plans are there and when the wedding is but these didn't feel like questioning and I felt more like I was chatting with a friend. I should add that the lady who did my interview vas very very nice and polite. So I was done at the embassy before 10.00am, paid UPS for passport delivery and that's it

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Ankara, Turkey
Review #10046 on July 20, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance had his interview on June 5, 2012. The consular officer asked several questions. Where do I work? Tell me about her family. How long has she lived in her city. He was able to answer the questions without a problem exept how long have I lived in my city. He said 6 years and that I was born in my city and had lived in different states. I moved back to my city in 1995 from another state. We have never talked about how long I lived in every state for my entire life. I never thought it was necessary. He brought pictures, phone logs, emails, copy of the engagement receipt, hotel receipts to the interview and at the end was given a 221G for proof of relationship. Apparently emails, pictures, phone logs, and engagement receipts are not enough to proove a relationship. We sent in all of the same information plus envelopes from mail I sent to him, more pictures, about 65 more emails. The consular officer does not belive we have a real relationship and sent the the file back to USCIS f... read complete review

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Ankara, Turkey
Review #9910 on June 29, 2012:

forever waiting

Forever waiting


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I just notice that I did not include this info. I had a vacation album done by Shutterfly, the officer did look at the album with interest and she asked whether we mailed any letters to one another. He had some DHL and Fedex receipts that he had kept and showed those to her.

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Ankara, Turkey
Review #9909 on June 29, 2012:

forever waiting

Forever waiting


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancé and his daughter were at the embassy at 8:10 a.m. They were permitted to go inside at 8:40. They were told to sit down and wait for their number to be called. When their number was called after 15 minutes, they went to a desk and signed the forms. They had to wait again for about 15 minutes until their number was called again for fingerprinting. Their names were called 20 minutes later. The consular officer swore them in. They had to answer a lot of questions.
How did you meet?
What was she doing when you met 32 years ago?
When are you planning to get married?
What happened 32 years ago? Why did you break up?
Did you not see one another all these years?
How did you meet again after all these years?
How long did it take to decide to get married again?
Have you met her children?
What do they think about your engagement?
What does she do for a living?
When did she go to America?
Have you ever be... read complete review

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Ankara, Turkey
Review #9879 on June 22, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my interview yesterday in Ankara, Turkey. It was at 8:30am. There were two lines to get into the embassy, one for immigrant visas and one for non-immigrant visas. I got in the line. It was my turn to enter the building. There was one lady who got my passport, my medical exam results, bank receipt, two passport size photos and proof of relationship. She told me she couldn't accept all the proof of relationship. She told me it was too much and I had to pick. So I randomly picked some letters, phone records, some photos and some emails. She gave me a document I had to sign. It was about selective service and I had to sign it and give it to whoever interviews me. She asked me in which language I wanted my interview, I said in English, she gave me a number and then I entered the main building. It was soooo crowded. I waited like 45 minutes and I got called. I went and the lady at the window asked for the bank receipt. I told her I gave it to someone when I was entering the building. S... read complete review

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