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Tunisia US Consulate Reviews

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Tunisia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
23 Review(s)
Review #29432 on April 4, 2021:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancé’s interview was in March. He street parked and left his cell phone in the car.
His appointment was at 8:30 AM, and he arrived about 15 minutes early. There was some waiting and some paperwork collected before he met with the consular officer around 9:30 AM.

He was nervous and was sure that he came across that way. 
The consular officer started with yes/no and short answer questions from the I-129F and eased into questions that required more descriptive answers and spoke to the level of comfort and familiarity in our relationship.

Is your fiancée divorced?
Are you divorced?
When and how did you meet your fiancée?
How long after the first meeting did you meet with your fiancée again?
- How long was that visit?
- What were the dates of the visit?
Has your fiancée visited Tunisia?
What do you love about your fiancée?
Why do you want to get married in the... read complete review

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Review #27694 on December 18, 2019:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance had his interview today at the Embassy in Tunis. His appointment was at 1p. He said that there were others before him but he didn't indicate that he had to wait long. Please note that beneficiaries are only allowed at the interview at this Embassy (my fiance said that a person there had brought their American fiance with them to the interview and they were upset to know that it isn't allowed). Please also know that cell phones and briefcases are not allowed either.
My fiance said that he was asked several questions about my ex spouse, my son, the fact that my tubes are tied (I think she just wanted to make sure that I had been honest with my intended about this) and some questions about how/when we met. All in all, he said the interview lasted 15-20 mins and that the Consulate was quite nice. He was approved instantly. He was given a slip to pick up his travel documents in two days.

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Review #27143 on September 26, 2019:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The CO was so nice she asked simple questions about me and my fiance nothing was difficult the interview was like 5 minutes and after that she give me a paper with my rights in the USA and she told me to come back on Wednesday to pick up my passport

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Review #23275 on February 16, 2018:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Fiancee said interview was easy. She went and delivered her passport, police certificate, etc, and was told to return 4 hours later. Before leaving she saw her name stuff stamped approved. She returned 4 hours later, they asked her basic questions, then she was free to go. She picked up her passport 5 days later. She said the officer was nice and courteous.

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Review #23271 on February 15, 2018:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

1. U.S. citizen fiance cannot come into the embassy for the interview. We emailed the embassy and they said that of course the fiance is welcome to the interview, then we gave them our names for the admittance list and printed out the email as proof; HOWEVER on the day of the interview she was not let in by security and had to wait outside. Inside I asked everyone including the consular officer if my fiance can come in, but they said that no one is allowed to come in with me.

2. I had a morning appointment. After going through security (which took about 5 minutes) I entered a waiting room, sat down, and waited. In about 5 minutes my name was called and I went up to a person standing behind a window. He took my paperwork, scanned my fingerprints, and checked for my DS-160 on the computer. He did not need the affidavit of support that I brought, however he said that sometimes they ask for it later at the interview. Then he told me to come back that same afternoon.
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