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Tunisia US Consulate Reviews

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Tunisia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.5 / 5
25 Review(s)
Review #33133 on April 22, 2024:

Shawn and Jihene


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

This review is from the point of view as myself (Husband Petitioner) and wife (immigrant applicant).

After all the stress and anxiety, the actual visa appointment was smooth and relatively quick. I think we benefited though from the fact that just the week before, we had been to the consulate for our daughter's consulate report of birth abroad, and so the CO already knew us and recognized us, and had agreed to let me into the embassy for my wife's visa appointment (as my wife is nursing, and would need help to attend to the newborn.

All in all, we arrived a little before 730AM for an 8AM appointment. We were among the first one's in. They gave my wife a number after security, and after about 15 minutes of waiting, her number was called. She had to provide all the original documents of the following:

Marriage contract
city hall marriage certificate
birth certificate
police record
my tax info (oddly, they didn... read complete review

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Review #31328 on August 5, 2022:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband said that he was the last one called. They looked at a few documents and asked why we decided to go back to America. Asked what he planned to be doing for work and then took his passport and gave him a pick up slip. They were courteous and polite to him.

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Review #28514 on September 2, 2020:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Due to shipping issues because of COVID-19, my wife was unable to take the original documents (divorce decree) to the interview. I was worried that this would be a problem because she only had a copy. They didn't even ask her for it. All they asked for was the medical test results and a copy of the DS-261 forum. They asked her about 7 or 8 standard questions, and told her
that she is approved and to come back in a few days to pick up her passport.
She was offered her a translator but she didn't need one. They were friendly and professional.

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Review #27650 on December 10, 2019:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husbands interview was Dec 5th 2019 at 9am. He got there 8:50am so he was last in line with around 20 others. He gave his documents and was told to sit. Took three hours to call him up he was last. The interviewer asked him to tell her about our relationship. She asked about my birthday and said doesn't it bother you that your wife is older? My husband said no my wife is beautiful and looks younger than she is. I am 20 years older. He also told her I don't like drama that comes from young women. She asked what we had in common. My husband said our beliefs are close, we think alike, very compatible, and have the same degrees in business and fiance. She asked him how many children I have and does it bother him. He told her he loves my boys and they need him as a father. She gave him back his passport and a paper saying administration processing. Two business days later they sent him an email saying completed with AP and bring your passport during business hours and your visa will be i... read complete review

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Review #26157 on May 13, 2019:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

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