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Taiwan US Consulate Reviews

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Taiwan US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
85 Review(s)
Taipei, Taiwan
Review #10985 on November 29, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

According to my wife the review was very easy. The real interview only took a minute. However consulate lost all documentations that we submitted to NVC including my wife's police record, household registration, and marriage certificate, so we had to re-submit after the interview. My wife got the VISA 11 days after the interview. Finally pressure was all relieved.

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Taipei, Taiwan
Review #10357 on September 10, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I accompanied my wife for her CR1 interview since I was in Taiwan at the time for another reason. However, they didn't need me to appear for the interview, so I ended up sitting in the waiting room along with everyone else for the whole time and was able to observe the interview process for my wife.

My wife's CR1 interview went very smoothly and everyone she encountered were very friendly and courteous. At the 2nd floor, you first go to Window 3 to let them know that you are appearing for your CR1 interview, then you'll be called to either Window 1 or 2 to go through a document prep interview where they make sure you have all the requisite documents. Then, you'll be called to Window 4 for the actual interview.

At the interview, a nice lady asked my wife three questions:
1. When did you get married?
2. Where did you get married?
3. Where does your husband work?

Afterwards, the lady (consular officer) commented that our... read complete review

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Taipei, Taiwan
Review #9851 on June 16, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My finance said that she had to wait 2 hours before speaking to the interviewer and that the interview took 15min. She said that the interview was very easy, asking general questions like how we met and how often we have seen each other. She also said that the lady was very friendly.

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Taipei, Taiwan
Review #9651 on May 10, 2012:




· 2 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The first consulate officer there collected my pictures, passport and interview letter.
The second one reviewed my paper work, such as I-134, my fiance's W2, my medical exam, birth certificate, police certificate, household registration, and DS 156K.
I brought the proof of bona fide of relationship. The officer didn't ask for it.
I completed the DS 230 form but the officer returned my DS 230 form.
The third consulate officer asked me a few questions regarding to my fiance, me and our relationship, such as
1. How and where did you meet your fiance?
2. What did you do when you were in the US?
3. What did you study?
4. Where did you work?
5. What does your fiance do?
6. Where does your fiance work?
7. When do you guys plan to get married?

Last, the officer asked me to sign my DS 156K form and congratulated me.
I went into the AIT around 7:40 and left there at 9:00 am.
The interview we... read complete review

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Taipei, Taiwan
Review #9640 on May 8, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

what is your Fiancee's name?
what's your impression of your Fiancee's original country?
how long your planning to stay in US?
when do you plan to get married in US?
will you work in US?

pretty simple questions, and if you prepare all the documents and information properly, the interview gonna be really easy.

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