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South Africa US Consulate Reviews

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South Africa US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
136 Review(s)
South Africa
Review #33173 on May 11, 2024:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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South Africa
Review #32985 on February 22, 2024:



· 3 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Immigration visa review
Johannesburg Consulate Republic of South Africa
On the 22nd of February 2024.
I arrived early and parked at Sandton City parking.
Walked over to the consulate.
Initially there was a hiccup as me and another person's info wasn't on the paper so they had to check and then let us thru.
Once inside the consulate I entered the building and was directed to a seat close to window 1. I was instructed to transfer all my documents to a blue folder and wait to he called. Another person went before me and then it was my turn. Upon which we checked all of my documents and took finger prints and then I got directed to another seat to wait for my interview. I waited awhile as there was already a few people before me.
My turn came and the interviewer was very straight forward and to the point.
Questions that was asked
When did you first meet your fiance
How did you meet
When did you both leave the country you met in
How old is your fiance
What is her name
When was she born
What do you like most about your fiance
Where does she stay
What type of accommodation does she stay in
Does your fiance own or rent
Have you been married before
Do you have any kids
Has your fiance been married before
Does your fiance have any kids
Where does your fiance work
When do you plan to go to the USA
Have you lived outside of South Africa for longer than 6 months
What work do you do
How long have you been working there
I got asked a whole bunch of questions which made me more relaxed talking about my relationship
Then whole interview only lasted for about 10 to 15 min 20min max but I spend about 2 hours at the American Embassy.

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South Africa
Review #32962 on February 16, 2024:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was booked for 8am at the Johannesburg consulate, my fiancé and I arrived at the consulate around 7:15am. We parked at Sandton City and from there it’s a short walk to the consulate. The security let us in at around 7:30am. We then needed to hand in our phones and were directed to the interview area.

First all of the requested documents were checked, this included:
-My passport
-2 US passport colour photos
-Unabridged Birth Certificate (and a copy)
-Police Clearance Certificate
-Affidavit of Support
-My fiancé’s latest tax returns
-Proof of relationship (it specified photos+texts/call history)
-Medicals (my medicals were sent directly to the consulate)

After my documents were checked, I was then directed to another queue to await my interview. The interview itself was very straightforward and the consular personnel interviewing me was polite and seemed quite friendly. She asked the following questions;
-What’s your full name?
-What’s your fiancé’s full name?
-How did you meet?
-When was the last time you saw him?
-What is his occupation?
-Where does he live?

She then asked for any document with his proof of residence on it and then went through our proof of relationship folder. She then said everything is perfectly in order and that she’d issue the visa by the afternoon,

The interview itself was the easiest step in the process. As long as you carry along all the required documents, you’ll be completely fine!

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South Africa
Review #32534 on September 27, 2023:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my K1 visa medical with Dr. Brauer (chest scan done at the Gardens Mediclinic) in Cape Town, good experience. My communications with them were very clear and they were forthcoming with information, which I always appreciate. My appointment was a couple of weeks before my interview, they recommended 10 working days between the medical and interview to process the results and courier the package.
I flew up to Johannesburg for my K1 visa interview, but before this I had corresponded extensively with the Consulate and they were extremely fast to respond to my mails within business hours (respond time<1 hour). I was at the Consultate for just under 2 hours because after passing through security and the scanner, my passport information was recorded and I was given a sheet of paper to fill in while the first person/officer asked me to organize all my requested documents. She confirmed my package of documents and I went to the queue (~10 people) to wait for my name to be called. Once I was called to the front to have my interview with the officer, he asked me 5 questions relating to me and my fiance, looked through my documents and after about 15 mins, he said I was approved.
Very good! Happy with the straightforwardness of the whole thing.

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South Africa
Review #31765 on February 2, 2023:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

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