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Slovakia US Consulate Reviews

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Slovakia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.7 / 5
16 Review(s)
Review #4894 on August 26, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

We spent 20 minutes with a Slovak who checked all the previously sent in papers. Then we went to the window where a very young looking consul interviewed us. She asked easy/basic questions. How we met, when we met, where we want to move in America, what we want to do there, and if and for how long we have lived together in Slovakia. She was super! Then we were even able to stay while they printed the visa and left with both visa in passport and special sealed envelope in hand.

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Review #4835 on August 10, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The visa interview for Vladi was very easy actually; much easier than we anticipated but I think being overprepared helped. Vladi received a phone call from the embassy on the same day that I received the NOA2 letter from Vermont Service Center (I was amazed at their timing!). On that phone call she was able to schedule her interview, and so one month later she went in for her interview in Bratislava, SK. The interview itself was a quick and easy process except that she had to walk to the post office to pay the fee - on the embassy website it says you can pay at the embassy itself, but this isn't actually true. Once she returned to the embassy from the post office one of the staffers entered her information into a computer.

At this point one of the US consular officials came into the room and asked one question - "When is the last time you saw Jeremy?". She answered "2 weeks ago" since I was just there visiting , and that was it! He said that she was approved and to come back next week to pick up her passport with the visa.

Simple and easy! We could not be more pleased!

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Czech Republic
Review #2123 on October 23, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I went with Andrea to the interview, and overall the process went just fine. We arrived 30 minutes before our interview time. They had a large family in front of us who had won the green card lottery so they were about 15 minutes late in calling her. When they did, the very nice man who was talking with her asked if I was her fiancee, and he asked me to join her. He asked me how many times I had travelled to Prague/Slovakia, asked us how long we had known each other, asked if my company was based in Chicago and I told him no, Kansas City, and that was all the questions.

The only problem was that they had sent our name/background check when they received our case in September, but no one had checked on it since then until we arrived. They found an error had occurred and the check didn't go through, so they had to send it again. Since we interviewed on Thursday, we had to stay through the weekend to get the name check completed. Very frustrating, as we wanted to spend more time with her family.

Although I think this is a rare occurrence, I would suggest calling a week or so ahead of time and asking them to make sure the name check had occurred, it can save you some time, it surely would have saved us a few days.

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Czech Republic
Review #2050 on September 21, 2007:

Adam and Marcela

Adam and Marcela


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

We asked the consulate before hand if we could pick up the visa the next day. They replied that it was not possible, and my fiancee needed to return home to get the visa. We already had return airfare paid, that we had to swallow, paid for the courier service they would not let us know, and had to search the city for a hotel with vacancy on a busy night. Very stressful experience, but she was approved, and now has the visa!
The interview was fast. They asked only about past entriest to the US, and when we met. Whole inteview was less than 5 minutes after waiting for 4 hours in the consulate.

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Czech Republic
Review #1878 on August 6, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Overall we've had a good and timely K1 Visa process. The interview was scheduled about 3 weeks after we made the appointment and about 4 weeks after we received the packet of information from the embassy. The interview literally lasted about 3 mins, in which only 3 questions were asked!

Do you speak English?
How did you meet?
You fiance is an aviator, what is he doing now?
... ok.. you're good to go!

Maja left her passport overnight and the visa was ready the next day.

Two complaints however. Being a slovak citizen, it is very inconvienent to travel to the Czech Republic for the interview. The Bratislava embassy should be able to conduct these 5 min interviews themselves. Furthermore, if they are going to do the Slovak Republic Interviews at the embassy in the Czech Republic, then they should AT LEAST provide instructions in Slovak not Czech (not that Maja can't read or speak Czech.. they're extremely similiar... its the point of the matter) For the medical examination she had to go to a doctor in Prague, not in Slovakia. This meant she had to drive 9 hours to Prague and stay for 3 days... just to do a 20 min medical exam, a 5 min interview, and pick up a passport. Reputable Slovak doctors should provided as well as instructions in Slovak. Its the least they can do. Otherwise.. it all went off without a hitch.

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