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Panama US Consulate Reviews

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Panama US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
43 Review(s)
Review #13243 on November 15, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Our appointment was at 1:00pm on Thursday. I accompanied my fiancée to the interview since I am currently working in Panama. We arrived at the embassy fifteen minutes early, but they wouldn’t let us in right away. They were only letting in one person/group at a time, so we had to wait in the heat, and we were drenched in sweat by the time we got in. There were about 7 or 8 other individuals or pairs of people, there for all types of visas. It appears Thursday is specifically for interviews. So we waited about a half hour until we got called next to last. We were sent to a window to pay the visa fee, and then waited to be called for the interview.

We then got called up to a second window, and this is where we had the interview. The lady was very kind, and the experience was nothing short of pleasant. She started off by giving us back the photos we had sent. And then she asked my fiancée a few questions, like how we met, when we got engaged, whether we currently live together. Then she asked me what my plans were once I got back to the States, and where we were going to live. Since I’m working in Panama my mother is our cosponsor, and we will be staying with her until we get settled.

And that was it! It took maybe three minutes for all this. She typed away at a computer, then smiled and casually said "well the visa is approved"...and we couldn't believe it. She didn't ask for any of the additional documents we had brought with us. It appears they make their decision based on the documentation already submitted with the I-129F & with Packet 3. It was so simple, so quick. My fiancée was kind of surprised and the lady goes "so you can celebrate now" and we were so happy, so relieved. And she said the visa will be ready in 3-5 days and they'll call us, most likely next week.

So we went outside and hugged and sort of shared our shock. It was all over so quickly. The embassy called the very next morning and said that we can pick up the visa on Monday or Wednesday!

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Review #12474 on August 8, 2013:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

They have a strict schedule on when you can go to pick up and drop off documents. Only two days a week.
You don't need to translate any documents that you submit to them (police records, birth certificate, etc)
After a few trips to the consulate, my interview finally came.
I was an hour early, and security didn't let me in until later. So I had to wait for 45 mins.
My appointment was at 1pm after all the B1/B2 interviews. The waiting room was completely empty. They assisted me right away and had to pay the fee and while I was paying they called me to be interviewed.
The interview was very brief, simple questions (how we met, when our relationship was formalized, his parents names, where he lived). They did not ask for any proof of relationship, no photos, no chat logs, nothing! That by the way they returned to me all the proof of relationship that we sent with the I-129F application.
It lasted about 10 minutes and it took less than 24 hours to get the passport back with the visa!

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Review #12358 on July 18, 2013:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

No questions ask, nice people... approvived in 30 min. No preguntaron nada, no pidieron ninguna evidencia, no fotos no nada... mi consejo a todos los Panamenos q estan pasando por estos procedimientos es pedirle a Dios.. q todo salga bien.. y cuando tengan q sacar los documentos(record policivo, Certificado de solteria)que lo hagan con tiempo porq en Panama todo toma tiempo.. Suerte a Todos...

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Review #10772 on October 31, 2012:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

After 6 months we were finally approved.
We applied in may 2012 and by August we had an answer from the US embassy in panama asking us to go pick up package #3. (When we first applied we had all the documents in order and very organized; We did not hire a lawyer, we did it all by ourselves but making sure we were sending EVERYTHING they ask for) we did not have to send anymore documents after that first time.

Eric, my fiance came down to panama to be with me through this process (July) so he was able to come with me every time I had to go to the embassy to drop off and pick up documents.
I did paperwork for about 2 months (only because I was born in Argentina and needed my birth certificate from there so it was a pain having to get my brother which is in Argentina to do this paperwork for me. it took about 1 month to have the original copy in my hands)
after I drop of this doc and some others (police certificate, 6 pictures) at the embassy, they gave me the date for the intervew, told me to go pay at banco general and told me to go to either Hospital Nacional or Paitilla to get my medical exam and. (I had to pay $184 at hospital nacional. the paper thay gave me said I had to pay 69 or something like that but at the hospital they charged me $184. I think it is because I didnt have record of vaccines so they had to give me 3 different shots, did an X ray and also took a blood sample) the medical exam has to be done at least 6 days before the interview.

DAY OF THE INTERVIEW: I was so nervous because I didnt know what to expect and always heard the interview was super intimidating (I have a tourist visa and had to go to interviews in the past so I had some experience).
I brought some documents in, gave banco general receipt(which I only had to pay $160. I was confussed because in the paper they gave me, said k1 visas pay 240. so i researched, and in their webpage it says to pay 160 at banco general and then the rest at the embassy, so thats what I did.
when i gave them the receipt I asked if I had to go pay the rest there and they told me NO I only had to pay 160$ because when my fiance applied he payed $340 which covers that cost too).

After I gave them those documents the guy told me to go sit down and told me the interviewer would call me to have the final interview.
I brought with me proof of our relationship (pictures, emails, plane tickes of he coming here and me visiting, fb posts, gtalk conversations, skype, bank statements when he was here) and of course my fiance was with me.

I had to wait for about an hour until the consul called my name. I went up there with my fiance. We had the interview in English and probably lasted about 15 mins or less. He asked us about our relationship, how we met, how he proposed, asked us both about each others families asked if we brought pictures (we did so we showed him some. we only brought like 20 pics, and it was fine).

Then he said everything looked fine and in order and that we had to wait about 10 days to get back my passport. So I said: IS THAT A YES THEN? and he laughed and said YES it is a YES.... (I just needed to hear it)

So thanks God after 6 month I was finally approved and only have to go pick up my passport when they call and some package they give me to show at the port of entrance in the US..

God is good, I got my visa and I am a happy person

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Review #10191 on August 15, 2012:

Eny & Bruce

Eny & Bruce


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancee said she got lucky to have a female interviewer assigned to her, because she saw another man who looked intimidating. The interviewer was very polite and understanding, and said she would try to get it processed as soon as possible

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