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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews

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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.9 / 5
272 Review(s)
Review #32314 on July 31, 2023:

Mr Paka


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview process was a smooth sail I must say.
I arrived at 5am and found a cool parking spot which 1 of the boys around spotted for me.
went to the waiting spot for applicants and stood there for over an hour before 6am applicants were called to queue up.
got it, was screened and given the number 16. went into the interview room and was screened again by a Nigerian where she collected the documents I was asked to come with by NVC. was asked to sit back and wait to hear my number called by a CO.
CO calls me about 2hrs later and starts the interview by asking me to raise my right hand and take the oath. after that, the interview began.
who is petitioning for you,
and what's her name?
what city does she live in?
and what kind of house is it?
how did ya'll meet?
when did you get married?
how many times have you both seen in your country.
where else have you both met?
do I have a criminal record or... read complete review

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Review #32249 on July 11, 2023:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

CO was nice and straightforward
Questions she she asked during the interview are as follows
-who is your petitioner and what is his full name
-what state does he live in
-how many times have he visited
-how did you meet your husband
-tell me about your husband
-where does he work?
-does he discuss his work with you?
-Next she asked aside Dubai have I traveled to any other country?

Then she asked if I was given 2 papers before now I said yes.
She asked me to explain what the papers says. I did and she said good I know my rights now.

You’re good to go.
You pick up your passport in 2 weeks
Have a good day.
And I said thank you ma you too!😌

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Review #32125 on June 3, 2023:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Interview was scheduled for 7am, he arrived about 530am. However, after all the embassy processing beforehand and the waiting time in line, he was finally called up by a white lady CO about 11am.

Who is your petitioner?

How long have you known her?

Where does she stay in the US?

How long have you and her been dating?

Have you been married before?

Has your wife been married before?

What does your wife do for a job?

How many times has your wife visited you?

The CO only went through his birth certificate, the divorce decree for my ex spouse, and photos.

He was approved soon afterwards.

All glory to God for getting me and my husband through this long waiting period for his visa.

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Review #31973 on April 14, 2023:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

6:00 am - goes in for the interview
     Number 1 in the queue
Appointment at 6:30 am

He provided his required civil documents (originaland copy), Affidavit of Support, my income (up to 2021) and domicile documents, and our bona-fide marriage evidence from dating through the interview date.

Pleasant interviewer

How did you meet your wife?
How old is your wife?
Do you have children?
Have you been married before?
Has your wife been married before?

After my husband informed him I've been living here in Nigeria over 8 months, he said wow! Then he asked... Does she work remotely?


8:10 am - returns to the car

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Review #31971 on April 13, 2023:

Brandy Udeze


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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband interview was at 6:30am. He arrived around 5:30am and was number 6 he said. The consulate said good morning and started with the questions

1. What's your name?
2. What's your spouse name?
3. Where does your wife work?
4. What does she do?
5. Where did she work in 2021?
6. Do you have pictures
7. Who is this in the picture?
8. Did y'all have a white wedding?
9. Nice, who is Reginald Wynn
10. Can I have his tax transcript not W2?
11. Ok no worries, send his transcript and your passport to this DHL address and we will continue to process your visa! Congratulations 🎉

What God Cannot Do Does Not Exist💯🙏🏽❣️

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