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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews

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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.5 / 5
774 Review(s)
Review #1111 on December 13, 2006:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Well my husband went into the consulate, and the Consulate decided to combine the K3& K4 visa, and my husband received the 'Administrative Processing' paperwork.

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Review #1023 on November 15, 2006:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Firstly, we are yet to attain normalcy as regards appointment scheduling and handling at the Lagos embassy. I look forward to the day when interviews can be strictly by appointment. In other words, you have an appointment for 9a.m and you can be there at 8.30a.m and not have to struggle to get in.

I cannot help but envy countries that have figured this out and I cannot help but ponder on the mitigating factors that prevent same orderliness occurring at the Lagos embassy. Too many applicants? Too many unruly people?? Too little motivation to make this work?? What really could be the issue why a simple orderly method cannot be instituted and (wait for it…) maintained? Sometimes I tend to liken this to the difference between the two legs of the trip from U.S to Nigeria. The first leg U.S – Europe goes smoothly and then Europe-Nigeria……Hello!!!!!!! Call me paranoid or cynical but suddenly the planes don’t seem too nice and the cabin crew lose their smiles... read complete review

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Review #1015 on November 13, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Segun's interview today was mostly a lot of waiting. He said once he was finally called after waiting almost 6 hours the interview was fast. His CO was a woman and she first asked for his paperwork. He also gave her the file I had prepared. Then she asked some basic information about me from it such as my name, DOB, where I work, what type of work I do. He said the CO would look at the papers then ask a question from them. She then asked some questions about his son who was not present(we did not intend to get his son a visa today but he was included per instructions). She asked him to hand over his passport, birth certificate, police report and medical results. He gave her everything except the medical results but he did give her the receipt where he had taken his medical. On it was the date when the results would be available. She told him he should return within 2 weeks after the medical results are in to have his visa issued. She gave him an appointment date and a form that would a... read complete review

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Review #929 on October 13, 2006:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Okay...here is the long awaited for news of Sam's interview ....but first..YES..he was approved YIPEE! As usual...he was instructed to be at the consulate at 7 am to wait in line for entry in to the building...where upon entry he was first asked to pay his visa fee..then he had his fingerprints and oath..after that it was a very long wait. Finally at 2:30 he was taken to a room where the interviewer was waiting for him...it was all an done with in about 3 minutes time LOL The interviewer only asked Sam questions that had "YES" responses to..such as his wifes name, my work... read complete review

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Review #913 on October 9, 2006:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Unraveling the contents of packets 3 and 4 (P3, P4): The Lagos Embassy

What follows is a summary of the information received by me from my fiancée who actually eyeballed the so-called packets P3 and P4 and info below is based on my phone conversation with her regarding said packets.

Firstly there is no “packet” as such. There are sheets of paper and forms stapled together. There is no returning of P3 and collecting of P4 as may obtain in other embassies. You receive P3 and P4 together and are expected to
“return” P3 on the day of your interview.
P4 is actually the first page of the “packet” and contains, in the main, your interview date

P3 consists of the following:

•Instructions on how to fill DS156 and DS156K forms
•Page that mentions all the documents you would need (where applicable)- documents incl... read complete review

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