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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #1015

Nigeria Review on November 13, 2006:


Review Topic: K1 Visa

Segun's interview today was mostly a lot of waiting. He said once he was finally called after waiting almost 6 hours the interview was fast. His CO was a woman and she first asked for his paperwork. He also gave her the file I had prepared. Then she asked some basic information about me from it such as my name, DOB, where I work, what type of work I do. He said the CO would look at the papers then ask a question from them. She then asked some questions about his son who was not present(we did not intend to get his son a visa today but he was included per instructions). She asked him to hand over his passport, birth certificate, police report and medical results. He gave her everything except the medical results but he did give her the receipt where he had taken his medical. On it was the date when the results would be available. She told him he should return within 2 weeks after the medical results are in to have his visa issued. She gave him an appointment date and a form that would allow him to get in.
As has been said before each interview/interviewer is different. For his she never asked to see any pictures at all....not a one(here we were stressing about them wondering if we had enough). She was impressed with the folder I had put together and she looked through that a lot. He didnt say if she asked to see our emails, IM's or phone records but since they were in the folder she may have just looked at them.
The interview was smooth because he was prepared and organized but the wait was ridicules.

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