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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews

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Nigeria US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.5 / 5
774 Review(s)
Review #10726 on October 24, 2012:




· 1 person found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I got to the embassy at around 6:30am, I waited under the tree for over 3 hours. Then I join the line by 10 am, I went through the first check point. There were three ladies sitting at that table. She collected my passport and letter and searched for my name, after she located my name,she then give me a slip paper to fill and I was asked to meet with the security. I went through three security check points and at the last point was where I picked a number which was a wild one, B419 I never notice the number at first until I sat down. That was when I looked at my number and it was B419, immediately remembering my wife did share a lady testimony to me about how she pick the same number and at the end of the day she was approve. I key myself into her testimony and claim my own approval also. I sat down at the interview room by 10:36 am. My name was call by a woman like 10 minutes after where I was asked to submit my passport and the slip I was given at the first entrance to fill, so I han... read complete review

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Review #10710 on October 23, 2012:




· 2 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I was the first on qua, pass the security checks, will loaded with Gmail, phone calls, yahoo, facebook, i was so nervous because my wife do not want anything less then approved...

who is the petitioner???
where did you meet???
when was did you meet???
you not divorce when you meet why???
what was the reason she divorce???
Do you have child together???
when was she born, where she was born, do you have here birth certificate????
Do have pictures????
Are planning to take other of you children???
Your Visa approve


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Review #10708 on October 23, 2012:



· 3 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

A very brief interview after all d security checks and about an hour wait.I was the first to be called by a black American male for the proper interview and it goes like this....who is petitioning for you.
How did you guys meet
Where does he stay in America
Where does he work
Where did we meet
What kind of wedding did we have
How many times has he been home since we met.and that was it no request for any evidence.very brief and I was out.prayers really works.Glory be to God in the highest.

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Review #10703 on October 22, 2012:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance said his experience there went very well. He was surprised that his interview only lasted 10 mins. He was interviewed by a black female CO, whom has a reputation for being strict, but my fiance says she was okay with him. I believe they had good conversations from his account. He said he was overjoyed when he heard the news of our approval, and will be able to pick up his visa in a number of days.

(updated on October 23, 2012)

(updated on October 23, 2012)

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Review #10679 on October 20, 2012:



· 2 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: K1 Visa

ok soo our visa was not denied but not approved. Our case is being reviewd and another interview resheduled. The officer was an American female officer. She took 1 1/2 with my fiancee. She had nothing to say about the actual proof of the file, Infact she insisted we had an lawyer put it together, which we didn't. My fiancee felt like she was looking for something wrong, she would ask a question and he would answer, then she would go back and flip pages and ask another question, evertime he had an answer for her. Finally, she decided to harp on "is he sure I'm not still in a relationship with my 8 year old sons father" How does he know for sure" asking questions about him. where he lives, not state, but actually address, what he does, and etc. hell i don't even know his address,we are not in contact. This sucks, because one, your supposed to only have proof of legal marriages being dissolved. How do you prove your not sleeping with someone?? Only a death certificate would prove it impo... read complete review

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