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Netherlands US Consulate Reviews

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Netherlands US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
127 Review(s)
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #536 on April 27, 2006:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

So, that morning after a horrible night of sleep, i was pretty anxious and headachee...i think from nerves,but by the time I arrived in Amsterdam i felt fine again..Once I got to the Consulate I was 45 minutes to early and the first one to arrive, after that pretty soon a whole line was forming by the gates, around 13:35 this guard comes out and lets groups of 3 coming in, we have to show him our invite we received with the last package, we have to empty our pockets and he`s starting to scan us one by one with a handheld metaldetector and tell us to line up again by the door, after like 5 minutes I was allowed to go in as first, i came by this glass window where another guard told me to empty my pockets again and walk through a metaldetector, my keys and my cellphone I had to leave behind to pick up after eveything would be done.
We were sent to a waiting room, where I was almost instantly called to a booth, this real friendly Dutch guy asked me for some forms, told me what expe... read complete review

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Amsterdam, Netherlands
Review #252 on November 17, 2005:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

what to say about the consulate. The biggest thing was the wait and that was only like an hour(I brought a book just in case). The first consulate employee was Dutch, he took my paperwork(1-134, birth certificate etc.) and he gave me my vaccination records back. He also gave me my bank statement back.

Interview(well, interview is a big word here) lasted for less than 5 minutes and was by an American consulate employee. He first apologized for the wait. No questions asked at all and he didn't even look at the evidence of our relationship that I brought. Just me signing my paperwork and taking my fingerprints, that was all he wanted and he congratulated me on getting my visa.

I received my passport with the visa in it and the big mysterious packet 3 work days later. So all in all a very pleasant experience

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