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Morocco US Consulate Reviews

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Morocco US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 2.9 / 5
455 Review(s)
Review #2272 on December 18, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My husband's first interview ended in disaster. One of his papers was the updated version (for some reason they wanted an EXPIRED version). Instead of handing him a new one to fill out, they told him to go outside to find one and return. He returned a few minutes later and the security guard would not let him back in. So he was then told to reschedule a new interview and it was more than a month later! The second interview went more smoothly and we were approved within a few weeks of AP.

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Review #2259 on December 14, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I am very happy to say my fiance had a very good interview with the consulate. The woman who inteviewed said his petition was good his application will be in Administrative review and fingerprints sent to Washington. She said it will be 1 to 2 weeks for the results to come back and they will call contact him. The only surprise was the request for fingerprints/fee & that they had not received the exam results. The woman later called to appologize she was mistaken they did have the exam results. So we are pleased with the out come of the interview. Hopefully it will only take 2wks for the results to return from Washington and that will be the final step for him to receive his VISA.

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Review #2250 on December 12, 2007:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

my inteview was monday dec 3 at 8 , i was in casablanca at 7.50 and after i pay equivalent of 100 dollars i stay waiting whith sopme poeple that are more that 20 , when i hear my name i go to a waman that she ask me the papers that consulat asks me to prepar and she asks me too to put my fingers in something for have my print .
i come back to same chair waiting the interview , a blonde waman call my name , when i stund front here she asks:
- when i met my fiancee
- where i met here
- what chat i meet here
- what salon in the chat i met here
- did i know some freids of here
- my age
- where my fiancée lives
- whith who my lives lives
- if i had other gf by internet before my faincée
- what i love in my fiancée
- why we dont merry in morocco
- when i met my fiancee in person
- how long my fiancée stay in morocco
- what place we visit
- when is the last time i have seen my fiancée
- what i will do if i dont have visa
- and she cheks some picture and asks :
- is my mother accpet here
- asks about some place
- asks me where is my city
in the end she asks if i take passport whith me or leave it whith here
and she gives a pepar say g 221 that i have to bring it when they call me later
and when i want show here other thing in my folder she says its ok.
i wish baby that they call me soon ...lol
i hope that can help some that they have the interview soon ... and all have a good news we are currently waiting security checks to finish wich should take about 2 weeks and it has already been a week so one more week inshallah .. and also he did not use and interprator which i think helped so much ..

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Review #2239 on December 6, 2007:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Just awful. Does no one here actually do thier due diligence or does this consulate run only on suspicions and no proof?!

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Review #2092 on October 8, 2007:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I had my interview on Oct 2nd.I had the blond young girl, she asked alot of questions but nothing unexpected like :
name of petitionar ?
when did u met ?
how did u met ?
was she ur first online girlfriend ?
what was u doing at that site ?( Paltalk )
what does like to do for fun ?
wich bands she likes ?
where has she been living ?
why did she move ?
has she been married before ?
does she have kids ?
name and ages of the kids ?
do u talk to them ?
what do they call you ?
when did start acting romantic with ur wife ? (she meant before getting merried )
what do u do for living?
how long her first marrige last ?
and she asked me if we had a weeding and asked how many gusts were there and asked for pictures.I showed her the pictures (60 pic) she went though them quickly and she asked for emails so I gave her our emails and skype phone calls history.(she looked at them quickly too).ok till here everything is fine.
then in the end of the interview she said my wife doesn't make enough money so we have to get a cosponsor and she gave me a paper said ;
section 221(g) wich prohibits the issuance of a visa to anyone whose application doesnt comply with the provisions of the immigration and nationality act or regulations issued pursuant thereto.the following remarks apply in your case:*
please bring an I-864 affidavit of support for petitioner.also please bring an I-864 affidivat of support,supporting documents and W-2 forms,and proof of U.S citizenship or LPR status,for a cosponsor.

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