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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews

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Jamaica US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.8 / 5
619 Review(s)
Review #6862 on November 12, 2010:




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Review Topic: General Review

the consulate request dna for my son and his dad and that the reason why it been so long

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Review #6826 on November 5, 2010:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Our appointment was at 8:00am on November 1, 2010. He stayed overnight in Kingston at the Spanish Court Hotel, which was a maximum of 15 minutes (in rush hour traffic) from the embassy. My husband arrived at the embassy about 10 minutes before 8am. He went over to the ladies behind the railing in front of the embassy, who took his 2 passport size photos, passport, and appointment letter. They then returned his passport with the photos in them. Next up was security check - removal of shoes, belt, etc. to pass through metal detector. Then he went inside and obtained a number at the first desk and a yellow paper to write his passport number on. He was then told to wait over to the right side for his number to be called. After about 45 minutes of waiting, he found a seat. About a quarter 'til 10am his number was called. He approached the window and provided his passport, 2 passport size photos, and medical. The lady asked a couple questions like if he had ever traveled to the U.S... read complete review

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Review #6827 on November 5, 2010:

Connie N Akeel


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Overall experience was good.

His appointment was at 7:30a and we got there at 6:00a.
It is a lot of waiting! Once inside the whole process took almost four hours.
Here are some of the questions that they asked and he could remember.

All of the questions were about the petitioner:

Where was I born? (City, State)
Where did we meet?
When did we meet?
Where do I stay when I visit? (City and name of the place)
How many times have I visited?
When did I visit? (Months)
Was I there now? (He explained yes outside waiting)
How old was I?
Where do I work?
What do I do for a living?
Where do I currently live?
When did we get engaged?

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Review #6803 on November 1, 2010:



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Review Topic: IR-5 Visa

After hell and powda house we got to the embassy at 8:30 for our 8:30a appointment. I asked the lady if I would be allowed in.. she said no. Explained to her that I sent about 4 emails and got a response from the Embassy saying that I would be allowed in and no special document is needed. The lady called a certain guy in a Purple Shirt who wasnt dressed in the blue security officer/guard uniforms. Told him what I told the lady.. He asked me for my US Passport Told him I dont have it, I did have my Tennessee DL.. but he never looked at it. He then told me to come in..!


Got to the Security check point/screening area and I had to deal with those very rude Jamaican Butu people dem.. The women were too rude.. My mom had her UMBRELLA in her bag and the lady told her she got to go back out side.. my mom was about to put her belt back on.. the woman said .."Lady mi nuh have time fi yuh all dem tings deh." They were rushing us out the screening hall s... read complete review

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Review #6791 on October 29, 2010:

ras wyse

Ras wyse


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My appointment was at 8:00am today in Kingston and thanks to the vjer i made it through. I got there at 7:50 secured parking and left my phone and car keys with a friend in the cleaners. i was the only person in the line at that point so i went straight to the ladies in pink, she took my forms and stapled my pictures to them and also the receipt and directed me to the security area. After going through the security checks and having to remove my belt i proceeded to an outdoor lobby area where i signed the forms as instructed by the ladies in pink. This was now about 8, i went in the door got a ticket and was told to go straight in and have a seat and wait to be called.

The area had about 20 persons in the immigrant section so i knew i was in for a wait, after about an hour i was called to window 6 where a Jamaican lady took my documents and my fingerprints. she asked for my fiancee's cell # and i blanked out. i remembered the area code and the first 3 numbers but forgot... read complete review

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