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Indonesia US Consulate Reviews

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Indonesia US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
159 Review(s)
Review #3487 on October 21, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiancee was scheduled for her interview on Sept. 30th, but that was changed to Oct. 16th. The U.S. Embassy in Jakarta made a phone call to a family member stating that her fingerprinting and interview were re-scheduled and never called my fiancee directly or emailed her of this change.

She emailed the embassy to let them know she had received their message. We thought this was very unprofessional. When she emailed them she asked if there was anything else she needed to bring to the interview and they emailed her back confirming the dates and times and stated she needed to bring this email.

The document review went just fine, the only item she forgot was a copy of her orginal birth certificate and they said it's okay to bring when she has her fingerprinting appt. We had much confusion as what order she should present her original documents and the DS forms and evidence. The staff member simply took everything and gave her back the evidence to bring to t... read complete review

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Review #2989 on June 10, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance's interview was relatively easy and painless. His appointment was for 1pm, but they didn't get to him until about 3pm, as they were really busy. The officer first tried to trick him, asking about his "wife," but then moved on to more typical questions. "What do you do?" "What does your fiancee do?" "Where/When did you meet?" "When did you get engaged?" "Where does your fiancee live in the US?" Those kinds of things.

Overall, it took a little over 10 minutes because the officer spoke so fast that my fiance had to ask her to repeat herself several times.

All of the other Fiance Visa applicants there that day were approved!

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Review #2905 on May 23, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had the visa interview appointment at 1 pm but it was quite a bit of queue so my turn came at around 2.20 PM. I went thru the interview room after the 4th applicant and felt a bit nervous.
The interviewer was OK and he started off by asking me to take an oath by raising my right hand. He worked pretty efficient. First question was how long we have known each other. The others were easy, such as how we met, when i saw him last, how we communicated with each other, and if I brought our pics and his emails. Oh yeah, he also asked if I had lived in other country other than Indonesia, oh well I had never.
Over all it was quite a pleasant interview and then after about 6 mins or so he said that things looked good. When I asked if I was approved, he said "pretty much", then handled me this white slip to be used to pick up my passport.

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Review #2565 on March 6, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I attended the visa interview with my fiance at Jakarta Embassy. It was a fairly easy interview that only lasted about 5 minutes and without any difficult questions. The interviewer only asked "How we met?" and "How many times I had visited Indonesia?" (6). It was a "slam dunk"

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Review #2324 on January 8, 2008:

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Review Topic: K3 Visa

There were no questions or requests. The consul handled it himself. He took my wife's passport, handed her an approval slip, and said "your husband should be very happy about this".

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