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Honduras US Consulate Reviews

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Honduras US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.7 / 5
88 Review(s)
Review #20402 on September 14, 2016:




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Review Topic: IR-2 Visa

My interview was yesterday and it went well. Everyone is really friendly. There are two lines and we had to stand in the right one if you are facing the embassy. You are not called in the order that you enter, so no need to be there too early. They are now asking for the folio and not the Expediente de Vida birth certificate, but they still accepted it (although I don't know for how much longer). I got an email 6 days before my interview telling me exactly what they needed. Since I sent a lot of evidence (pictures, letters,etc.) with my I130 they didn't need that again. My appointment was at 7 and we were out by 10, but we were towards the middle of all the people being interviewed. They asked my 13 yo stepson
1) when did your father leave
2) have you seen him since
3) he showed him one of the pictures and asked him who was he
4) he asked him how he communicates with him
5) how is his father, his temperament

And he asked me
1) w... read complete review

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Review #19959 on July 18, 2016:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance stayed the night before the interview at econo hotel b&b (~$50 price), about a block away from the embassy. Her interview was scheduled for 7am, the hotel owner told her not to walk over until 6:30am because of a recent change where they’ll tell you to come back later if you show up too early (i.e. the 5:30am arrival recommendations from previous reviews).

When she arrived, a guard asked her which visa she was applying for, and after hearing it was a k1 visa, let her skip the line of around 52 b2 visa applicants. She didn’t bring her phone, so had no trouble entering. She waited from 7am until 9am. Then she was called up to hand in her required documents. She was missing the original copy of the dpi police report (forgot it in san pedro..ugh), but she showed them a photocopy and told them that she could bring the original later in the afternoon (a family member had business in tegus that day and thankfully was able to bring the original with the... read complete review

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Review #19082 on March 10, 2016:



· 3 people found this review helpful

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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Here's what happened yesterday at my interview in Honduras US Embassy

My interview was set at 9am, I got to the embassy around 8:40am, waited around 10 mins in the line for inmigrant visas then I was send to windows 1 where the lady asked me for the interview letter, she marked her paper then she send me to security line, after I passed security I got to the waiting room after 15 mins they called my name to windows 4 this representative too my fingerprints and asked for:

- Birth certificate
- Passport
- 2 photos 2x2
- Honduras police record
- Medical exams
- Waiver 601 Approval ( this was not included in P4)

And then she asked me if I have any proof of my relationship with my petitioner so I gave her:

- Warranty deed of our house in Miami
- Documents of our business
- 10 photocopies of airplane tickets and Hotel reservations of trips we have made together in the past 2 years... read complete review

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Review #18515 on December 5, 2015:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I wanted to ensure that we didn't have any problems with the most important paperwork (129-F), so we used www.rapidvisa.com. We'll probably do the remainder of the paperwork ourselves in order to save some money, but rapidvisa was awesome! Highly recommended!

Rapidvisa told me that from the time of mailing the 129, my fiance should have her visa in-hand in 4-6 months; and they were right!

FYI: Sometimes the govt doesn't have any of their official paper. Yes, they actually run out (regularly)....smh. This can delay the receiving of any official documents (i.e. birth certificate & its translation). After the consulate received the visa packet, we could have scheduled our appt at that time, but we didn’t have our documents ready. It took us another month to get her birth certificate & medical exam completed. So, try to have all documents ready as soon as possible! I think my fiance could have had her visa in that 4month timeframe if we would’ve had all do... read complete review

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Review #18155 on October 26, 2015:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My experience at the US Embassy was nerve-wrecking from the get go.
I got there at 6am and there was already a huge line. A woman came out about an hour later to check our papers, she told me to skip the line and get in the front (I'm guessing because of the type of visa I was trying to get), but she did not give us a special ticket or anything, so to others waiting in line it just looked like we were intentionally skipping the line and I had to be a bit forceful to be able to get in. Once inside the security resembles the one on an airport.

I was one of the first ones in the line inside to get my digital prints, BUT, the guy who took them was this really rude latino guy (honduran maybe) that said my pictures weren't the correct ones (which was BS because I used the same one for most of my paperwork and this was the first time I encountered any type of issue with them), so this guide made me get out of the embassy and get new pics, which are very costly and they ... read complete review

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