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Guyana US Consulate Reviews

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Guyana US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.1 / 5
59 Review(s)
Review #3927 on February 10, 2009:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

I was not there, so i will report was was said by my husband. He got to the embassy then waited for his name to be called. He was asked about 4 questions.
How long has he known me?
How long have i been in the US?
I cannot remember the other 2. Then they looked at 3 pictures and told him that he they need to do a DNA test on our daughter. Well, i contacted embassy and they gave me all the information on how to go about taking care of it. They seemed pretty friendly and not ss scary as i thought. We will see how the rest of this journey goes. It should only be a couple of weeks now.
Oh, they also wanted an up-to-date copy of my birth certificate as well.

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Review #2663 on March 30, 2008:

Munesh and Suz


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

For the most part, I would say the Embassy is very prompt with their responses and timely in their mailing out of information. Also, if you email them they answer within 20 to 60 minutes. Not bad, considering we couldn't find anyone to talk with us in Vermont. However, with that being said, we were interview by four males that I thought asked absurdly personal questions. I'm not sure if they got a kick out of it or what. It was really kind of weird. But when you know your relationship is true, then it shouldn't be a problem answering those questions. I still think it was way out of line though. One final note, everyone in the embassy that I encountered was very friendly. No one was really intimidating.

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Review #2462 on February 12, 2008:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

My experience with the GY Embassy was relatively pleasant though some people would/will disagree.

Let me start by saying that people are extremely difficult in terms of reviewing data and processing time. They review every single aspect of you case, your spouse and even you. The process time is atrocious, 5-6 months for Administrative Review/Administrative processing. During this time they screen your civil documents, pretty much interrogate the beneficiary's neighbors (not really interrogate like CIA style) about your relationship. For example: they go house-to-house asking questions about your relationship, the beneficiary's, beneficiary's parents, you, etc.

Required documents:

It's imperative that you have all your documents UPDATED and organized. See what I wrote in the Consular Review section about what's required. The embassy will send you home if you don’t have updated documents, especially civil documents. See here:


I've heard some mix reviews for the interview. Some people have reported that they were asked many very personal questions. Our interview was casual and professional. We had two interviews: the initial interview where my wife and I were both questioned. We had a second interview 5 months later where they only question me. I wasn’t asked anything really personal – more like 'when did we get married, how did we meet' etc. I'm guessing they wanted to compare the responses to that of my initial interview. They person whom I interviewed with was very professional and kind.

Waiting time:

To survive this process and the Guyana embassy, you HAVE to be patient and abide to the process. YES they take a long time. YES they are extremely vague in their responses to inquires. My advice is NOT to annoy these people. Limit your inquires to 1-2 per month. If you planning on visiting Guyana then contact them and let them know…who knows what can happen. We didn’t know that they wanted a 2nd interview until I informed them that I was visiting my wife and I wanted to know the Status of our case. Patience is very important.

I you have questions, feel free to contact me.

**** This info was provided to aid you in your process…not to be a master of fraud! I'm sharing our experiences so that you will have some idea of what to expect. This forum contains many Guyanese who were successfully granted a visa but their experiences are not well documented. I know you may feel shy in asking about what to expect so hence this review. Until many other counties, info on Guyana is not widely available online so I this review will answer some of your questions AND that you utilize this info in a respectful and honest way!!! *********

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Review #782 on August 22, 2006:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

processing exceeds 3 yrs

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