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Germany US Consulate Reviews

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Germany US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
499 Review(s)
Frankfurt, Germany
Review #6047 on May 11, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Interviewer was very friendly and only asked very short direct questions.

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #5842 on March 26, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Everything went well on March 1st. nothing to worry about. The officer was really nice and the interview just took 5 minutes or less.
Only bad thing: He told me that I would receive my visa within 2 weeks, but it took 3,5! Was kind of nerve-wracking, but now that I got it I'm just so happy!!

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #5841 on March 26, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

First off, it is far less scary than you'd think.
My appointment was at 8.30, got there at 8.10 and queued up for the "All other services" line, got my number (e.g. W506). Security check, no big deal.
Once in the big hall with all the counters, you will be told where to wait for your number to be called out.
All in all I'd say it took about an hour for everything 'inside' that hall.
At the first counter I had to show passport, appointment letter and visa payment receipt. He gave me a checklist with all the things I should pre-prepare for the next step (Birth cert, divorce cert, marriage cert, police cert, affidavit of support and supporting documents).
At the second counter I gave the officer all the requested documents. He explained when and how I will probably receive my visa and asked no further questions.
At the third and last counter I had a short chat with one of the consuls. He asked when and how my fiancé and I met. He quickly asked what I was doing in my hometown right now and why I studied but stressed that that would not affect my visa application.
After approx. seven minutes he said I would probably be issued my visa in a few days!
All in all, everything went very smoothly. Everyone was very friendly. Fast and uncomplicated.

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #5716 on February 22, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My appointment was scheduled at 7.30 in Frankfurton February 16th. I got there at at 7 am. A funny, typical American guy was talking to us and asked us whether we had any electronic devices with us. At 7.15 they opened the reception where I got a service ticket (the number was W 600). It took about 10 minutes to get that ticket and the guy at the reception was talking German with me. I just had to show him my passport (not even my invitation letter). Then I went through the security check which took another 10 minutes. Those people working there were talking German too. After that I had to go to another building where I sat down and waited. You sit in a big hall with chairs for up to 300 people. They have a little cafeteria, a vending machine for stamps, a photo-box and copy machines. At 7.45 they called my number and i had to give that lady at the counter my passport, the service number, the payment slip and 1 photo (American size). She talked German as well. At about 8.15 my number was called again (on the big screen) and a nice German man wanted to have my birth certificate (+copy), my original police certificate and the affidavit of support (apparently he was only interested in the form itself, the letter of intent to marry and support me, and the last year's tax return; he gave me back all the other documents, like bank statements, letter of employment). He was explaining all the following steps after I have entered the US (he said I should apply for the SSN after the marriage; I always heard that you should do it 2 weeks after you got there). I also need to write my address on a big envelope and put a 4.25€ stamp on it. About 20 minutes later I was called again to the 'actual' interview at another counter. A nice American younger woman was only asking me when and where we met. It wasn't a big of a deal. She was busy with all the documents while I was telling her how we met (I didn't even had to show anything to proof our relationship). I also had to sign the DS-156k and she got my finger prints. She was really funny and after a few minutes she said the magic words: Your visa is approved. It really was almost 'too easy' after the whole procedure and a 5-month-long-wait. But I felt very relieved after that.I was done at about 8.45 and I have to say everyone was nice and inside the building I wasn't even nervous anymore. Just be well prepared and polite. I wish everyone luck!!

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #5705 on February 18, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

US Consulate interview was generally painless and fast. Recommend getting there at least 30 min ahead of time. I waited 20 min to get in after getting a number, 10 minutes for my 1st window (document check and instructions where to go for my medical). Then another 20 min wait to get to the window # 2 and another 20 min before the actual interview. In comparison, the interview was rather short-10 min.

The 3 documents they were interested in: police record in German, affidavit of support and, in our case, the K-1 beneficiary\'s divorce decree in German. They didn\'t take translated versions although their website says all foreign documents should be translated so it was an unnecessary expense...grrr! They didn\'t care about the evidence of an ongoing relationship, I was told we had a strong case.

Questions asked: When did we meet and what did we do during the 5 months we lived together in Germany? He also asked if I\'m planning to work in my profession in the US. The consul was impressed I travelled 12 times to NY to visit my future fiancee spending minimum 6 weeks with her each time.

Had a scare though, right before the interview when they couldn\'t locate my bio . As it turned out they were processing 2 identically named K-1 beneficiaries but from different cities and I started to fear they mixed up our papers. The woman at the document drop off window requested my bio, which I mailed weeks ago, and was surprised I wanted to buy return stamps because she said that "I was there before". I denied so she showed me an envelope belonging to some other guy with the same last name. I got a bit angry and asked her what they were doing with my carefully assembled documents. She went looking for my envelope and finally got the correct bio to go with the rest of my papers.

In the end I was told I will get my passport with a sealed envelope in 2 weeks, which I did.

(updated on February 18, 2010)

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