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Germany US Consulate Reviews

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Germany US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
499 Review(s)
Frankfurt, Germany
Review #6555 on September 2, 2010:




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Review Topic: FB-1

Questions asked:
How long married?
Do we have kids?
Where do I intend to work?

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #6552 on September 1, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview appointment was on the 1st of september at 9h30.
I arrived a little later (9h40) but since there was a good amount of people waiting in line (non-immigrant line for the k1-visa in frankfurt) it didnt really matter. After waiting in line for 30 minutes and getting through the security check, i finally entered the building.
I took a seat and just 2 minutes later i got called to the first booth by a friendly german lady (passport, 2 pics and the visa fee receipt), after waiting for some more time i sorted my papers as it was written on a paper i received at the first booth (birth certificate, police certificate, the affidavit of support n all relating papers to it). At the second booth(german and also very friendly guy)i had to hand those in and put my address on an envelope and 4,25 euros in stamps. The guy at the second booth went over some forms with me to verify that everything is filled out correctly and that nothing changed. Then again i took a seat n got ... read complete review

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #6373 on July 21, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Very, very good experience all in all. Super friendly case workers and CO. I felt extremely comfortable and well taken care of (which helped my excitement and nervousness a lot ;-)).

My appointment was scheduled for 8:00 am, but I got to the consulate one hour early (thank lord, since I had forgotten to take my iPod out of my purse --> was able to put it in storage at a nearby kiosk). Anyways, once inside the consulate - W-number in hand- I was waiting to be called to window 23 (Immigrant visas) where I was briefly walked through the process and was handed a shit which told me how to organize BC, PC, and Affidavit of Support. The lady was super nice and right when I got to the window she said: "It looks like I have everything I need from you on file." The only thing missing were two passport pics which I had brought with me. For a sec, she wasn't sure whether they would accept them since I was wearing glasses on the pics, but talked to her supervisor and got the OK (the... read complete review

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #6331 on July 13, 2010:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

So it all started with me traveling down to frankfurt on the 11th as my interview was at 0730 on the 12th. I went to sleep in the hotel at around 2300 and woke up every half hour because i was freaking i would miss my alarm lol. At 0445 i eventualyy gave up and just got up to get ready for the interview, my taxi was booked for 0645. I wasnt nervous at all, i dont really think it has hit me what has been going on lol.
I got to the conuslate at 0700 and there were 2 lines, one for non-immigrants and ond for other. there was only 3 people in front of me and loads of others in the non-immigrant lane. At about 0730 a guy came out and told us how it would go from there. Everyone in my lane got called up to a window outside one at a time to get a number. Mine was W601. Then we had to go through a small building where security was and then into the bigger building. It was a huge hall that had id say about 300seats in it and 30 odd windows. I totally forgot that i passport pics again and... read complete review

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Frankfurt, Germany
Review #6132 on May 26, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My appointment letter said 8am and do not arrive more than 15 minutes early. I got there around 7:25 and stood in line for maybe 10 minutes and was issued a number (Numbers seem to be sorted by type of visa - mine started with a W). I had to show my passport at the number counter.

New line - stood there for a few seconds and went to...

Short security check (no electronics), everybody was very friendly.

Inside the embassy there is a large waiting room and a bunch of windows (23 or so). They call your number very clearly, no problems there. The waiting room also has two "picture booths", a machine for stamps, a machine that gives you change (seemd to be broken though!), a copier, vending machine (I think), and a bar type thing (Had some snacks and drinks; I think it opened at 8:30).
-- So everything is there, but I'd definitely recommend bringing everything to the embassy; much less stressful (pictures - see below, stamps - 4,25Euros, ... read complete review

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