Finland US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.3
/ 5
53 Review(s)
Finland | Review #31116 on June 8, 2022: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: General Review
Everyone were extremely friendly, and I had really good interview experience 
I had trouble at the gate to get a permission to carry a tampon with me. I was quite embarrassed I had to explain I cannot really decide as a woman when I need one or decide to have a break from period for important meeting. I understand the safety is important and no objects are allowed to be carried along other than the documents, but carrying a tampon is not something a woman can choose or not. Maybe they could have hygiene products in the bathroom inside the consulate to solve the issue?
I was grateful to get an appointment even extremely limited availability, so it was okay to wait 3 hours for my turn. But would be nice to have water at the waiting area, it is quite long time to be without eating or drinking.
Interview questions
-When did you meet?
-Where did you meet?
-Are you planning on marrying your fiance in US ... read complete review
Finland | Review #30903 on March 26, 2022: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: General Review
Rating only
Finland | Review #30516 on December 16, 2021: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: F-2A Visa
I had had my medical exam at Eira Hospital exactly two weeks before the interview date and I had been told to pop in before my interview to pick up two envelopes before my interview: one to take to the embassy and one to keep with me for when I enter the US. Normally with my visa type, the medical exam results get transferred to the embassy electronically but I had had a chest X-ray done a week before the green card medical exam for an unrelated reason so my process went a bit differently and I ended up with a physical results package which I needed to take to the embassy (Dr. Anna Back was lovely and had informed someone at the embassy to make sure everything goes smoothly). The hospital is an easy walking distance from the embassy so I went there about an hour before my interview. Before that, I had also picked up a return envelope from the Posti in Kasarmitori to take with me to the embassy. I had stayed in Helsinki overnight which I think was a good decision so that I didn't need t... read complete review
Finland | Review #29799 on July 1, 2021: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: General Review
I decided to grab my medical envelope on my way to the embassy as the hospital was only 3 tram stops away from the embassy. When I arrived at the embassy I wasn’t sure if I had arrived at the correct entrance so I approached the security window where they gave me directions to head back to the way I had came from. For some reason both Google Maps and Apple Maps directed me to the other side. The correct entrance is the consular side so if you see the sea behind you, you are at the wrong entrance.
Then I proceeded to wait until it was 5 minutes to my appointment. I approach the security window where I was asked to give my passport. I was also asked to turn off my phone and keep waiting outside until they call me in my by name. Soon a guard let me in and I was instructed to put everything in a plastic bin for the x-ray machine similar to the ones on airport security checkpoints. I only had my phone, wallet, keys and the appointment documents. I brought everything in... read complete review
Finland | Review #29741 on June 17, 2021: |

Click here if you found this review helpful | Review Topic: K1 Visa
The whole thing was fast, about an hour in and out. Two people before me. Just make sure not to carry anything extra, like bags or backpacks. Just whatever you need for the interview. You can take the number 3 tram from the central railways station.
Very kind and professional lady interviewed me. I was pretty nervous but she put me at ease. All in all, a positive experience.
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