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Egypt US Consulate Reviews

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Egypt US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
329 Review(s)
Review #1985 on September 2, 2007:



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Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing

1- we had to go to the embassy 4 times .. one was fine , 3 were worse than each others .
2- the American side is the last place on the earth you want to visit .. yes even if you are American coz me and my wife were treated the same and were given and told the same ( bullshit )
3- we had DCF , the petition interview went fine BUT this was the only time when something goes well .
4- the visa interview was a nightmare COZ ... 5
5- the AP Decision is taken previously and even before the interview in most cases .
6- the delay is unbearable and mostly it over than 6 months in most cases doesn't matter what typ of visa you have applied for .. and many cases go over the year limit specially when it's 4 and 5 and 6 months and yet you are still hearing that your case hasn't been sent to the DOS for nams check .
7- when you deal with Cairo embassy simply ( you are GUILTY untill you proof that you are NOT )
the WORSE PART is even when you proof so , it won't make much difference .
8- really sad they don't have a negative rating here and i see ( 0=worst ) which is not fair enough coz it's more than worst .

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Review #1930 on August 20, 2007:

Prince of Egypt


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My fiance had his interview on August 6th 2007. He had the black guy and at first the guy was really serious and asked "have you ever been arrested" then proceeded to ask "how did you meet?" "Are you planning to finish your studies when you get to USA?" Then he looked through the photos and said everything was complete. Towards the end he was nicer to him. HE then told him that he should recieve his passport in 3 weeks and he paid for DHL. We are not sure what this means. So my fiance said, should I get a plane ticket? He said just wait until the visa is in hand.

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Review #1865 on August 3, 2007:



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Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing

Our interview in Cairo was short and not so sweet. The officer who interviewed us was rude in the fact that he walked away from the window to make/take calls on his mobile. He was not very friendly and he didn't ask us many questions. Our interview did not result in the visa being issued because we were told to get a cosponsor.

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Review #1850 on July 29, 2007:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

The consular faied to show up for work the day of the interview, 7/22 so we rescheduled for 7/29. The consular was extremely rude and impatient and asked my husband when we had sex. Then he told him he needed to bring two more pictures even though he had already submitted 4 extras that weren't required. This consular sucks and I am going to find a way to hold them accountable if it's the last thing i do.

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Review #1796 on July 15, 2007:




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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Interview was June 12, 2007..They gave my husband back his passport..And said they will phone telling of the next steps...Now its been over 4 weeks still nothing...How long does AP usually take?????Can anyone tell me???

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