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Egypt US Consulate Reviews

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Egypt US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 3.1 / 5
329 Review(s)
Review #2797 on April 28, 2008:



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Review Topic: K3 Visa

Embassy was very nice to him. He got his visa in one week. They made him feel at ease, they were joking and laughing with him. It was a young girl in her last 20s that interviewed him.

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Review #2721 on April 12, 2008:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

First off I will say that my review will not reflect my entire dealings with the Embassy. We had an extremely scary situation of interrogation that happened last year when we attempted to marry which could have caused us to separate due to a massive amount of lies and scare tactics they used. My rating of this dealing would be 000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000!!!


As far as the K1 visa interview goes, it was smooth sailing. He went to the interview was called back timely, asked for his documents, went to DHL, came back gave the receipt, had his fingerprints taken, then called up by the Consular. He was not asked one question at all by him. He kept trying to show proof of our relationship and he said none needed everything looked great. One last attempt of showing our son's birth record and pictures the man said congratulations, you should be able to meet him soon. He told him that we would have the visa within two weeks. W... read complete review

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Review #2666 on March 31, 2008:

Jason and Rania

Jason and Rania


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Was a horrible experience for us. First they gave us less then a weeks time to prepare, and we were scrambling to get all the paperwork together in time. When she finally went to the interview, she was questioned for hours about our relationship, and they finally put our case under review simple because the location of when I proposed to her was different from what I said. I said I proposed at the Pyramids, and she said while we were on a nile cruise... the only problem was that both were done on the same day, and the cruise was right after we went to the pyramids.

Anyway, they kept us without a response for 8 months, and did nothing with our case until we got fed up and hired a lawyer. Within three weeks of us filing for him to represent us, Rania got a call from the Embassy with more questions, mainly doubting that her parents were okay with our marriage, until they called her mother and spoke with her. Three weeks later, we finally get a call asking for her to ... read complete review

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Review #2659 on March 28, 2008:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

habibi's interview didn't take long... they asked him 9 questions.. however the wait to get to the interview was long... he got there at 7:30 and didn't leave til almost 2.. but otherwise the interview was great.. i'm very pleased

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Review #2641 on March 25, 2008:

mohamed N melinda


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

wow we got the visa after 7 day from the interview
fastest visa ever in cairo

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