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Canada US Consulate Reviews

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Canada US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.2 / 5
1651 Review(s)
Montreal, Canada
Review #4316 on April 30, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I had my K1 Visa appointment on April 28th. I went prepared. Organization turned out to be key as they officers conducting the interview were very impressed with "my precision" as they put it. I wore a suit and tie and stood out amongst a group of people wearing mostly jeans and a t-shirt. I took the appointment and interview very seriously and it couldn't have gone better. The consular officers were very friendly and professional. Given how ready I was, it was easy for them to get the answers to the questions they wanted as well as the documentation so they started asking non-interview related questions for fun.

I got there at 9:30 and I was out by 11:30.

My experience was 5 out of 5 big time.

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4315 on April 30, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I will try to make this as short as possible as I'm sure most people don't read an overly lengthy review.

To start off with my appointment was scheduled for 9:30am and being a very punctual person, I was rather upset that it basically meant nothing at all to have a time set. I was at the consulate at 8:00am, there were noisy protesters outside the consulate shouting and yelling while we were all waiting in line trying to be patient. Once we were let in, 2 at a time, and went through the security check point, we went down stairs to an elevator to get to the 19th floor and the waiting began. My number was not called until after 11:30, after which I was called to a small, booth if you can even call it that, where I was asked for the receipt for the $131 USD for the interview, a copy of a few forms, electronic finger prints were taken and my passport. Then I was sent outside again to the waiting room for .. guess what... more waiting.. then about an hour later, I was call... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4300 on April 28, 2009:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My American Fiance, 11 years old daughter and I arrived at the Montreal Consulate at 7:00 am. There was another woman there and also some people manifesting peacefully in the front of the US Consulate. We were second in line and I discussed with the lady that was the first about the VisaJourney Website information. Both agreed that it is a wonderful ressources tool. The security open the door as usual at 7:30 am. Every one was kind and polite toward us. We got letter B. All the step descibed were followed. At 8:00 we were called to first window. The lady asked me for all my original certificates and one copy, passports, photos, police certificate. She asked my fiance who he was. Then she send me to another casher with a paper for payment and after to wait until they called us back. The lady before us, got out from the interview room and had been approved. We were so happy and gave her a hug. We waited around 30 to 45 minutes before they called us back for fingerprint and to... read complete review

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Montreal, Canada
Review #4285 on April 26, 2009:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Was fast and easy. Was there at 7:10 am, got in at 7:30 am. Every one was kind and polite. At 8:00 am called to first window, fingerprint. Interview was at 8:30 am, but was called for interview at 9:05 am, was all finish at 9:25 am. Took 20 minutes, that is all. Got fingerprinted by first window, check fingerprint in interview room. A few questions, like where we met and if I had met my husband's children. Was told I had the Visa right there. Was explain how to cross the border, and was told to expect the Visa in the mail in 10 days. She didn't ask me for any papers. she returm my original birth certificate and marriage license. The only paper I gave her was the Ex-press post envelope. She was very friendly and read all my papers that she had allready in her hand. She didn't ask me for the recent photographs, that I was ask to bring. Although she did have one of me done in November, 2008. That is it, the worse is over!!!!!!

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Vancouver, Canada
Review #4260 on April 21, 2009:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Just as everyone else has said, the interview at the Embassy is the easiest part.

In Vancouver, be sure to arrive 15 minutes before your appointment time, they won't let you in any sooner. My appointment was at 1 pm and I had to wait until 12:45 before they were letting people into the building, I guess all the officers were still on lunch.

Make sure you have all your documents requested on your checklist and you will be fine. The interview part for me was 3 question:

How did you meet?
When did you get engaged?
When is your wedding?

They also asked what my fiance did for work, how much salary he made, what kind of work I did and how much I made. As well as would I be working in the US once I was able to.

The lady told me right away I was approved and to come back the next day to pick up my Visa.

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