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Belgium US Consulate Reviews

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Belgium US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
86 Review(s)
Review #29005 on January 13, 2021:



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Review Topic: J-1 Visa

I had an interview for my J-1 visa at the end of 2018/in the beginning of 2019, it went relatively quickly. The person who interviewed me was nice and let me know on the spot that my visa was approved. Questions were about the company I applied for (internship), what my tasks will be, and how I plan to support myself.

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Review #28946 on December 27, 2020:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Takes a while to get in and another while to be seen. Other than that it's as smooth as it can get. They're super nice people and there's really no reason to be nervous going there if your shit is in order. It did take a long time to get through, so plan your day accordingly.

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Review #27748 on January 2, 2020:



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Review Topic: EB-3 Visa

Et voila , il just had my interview at 2 pm at Brussels US embassy.

It was a piece of cake .

i showed up at the front grid way too in advance (1pm). The security guard checked my passport and compared it with his list . Ok but they told me they could only allow me to enter the premise at 1:45 . So i ve been accros the street to get a coffee .
At 45 i was back at the entrance . There was a couple in front of me , the guards started to let people enter once at a time . Detector stick for security .
Then we arrive at the entrance of the security check , airport like , again , they only let people enter once at a time . I have the time to discuss with the guy who where coming with his fiancée .
i enter the security , they keep my vest , keys , ipad and i go inside only with my forms . I take a ticket and wait in the salle d attente for +- 5 minutes
My number bip , desk 8
I arrive to a first man who have my case with all t... read complete review

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Review #27665 on December 12, 2019:

Pw + Jb


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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Wow, my K1 interview went very smoothe! Overall great experience and very friendly staff.
I had to wait outside the gates until 15 minutes before my appointment (14:00h). Then through security.
I was only allowed to bring my wallet, forms and phone in. The rest of my stuff was kept in a numbered and guarded wardrobe at the security area.
Then a little wait until my number was called. I handed in the requested paperwork and was asked to take place in the waitingroom again.
There i chatted with fellow K1 interviewees, so se enjoyed ourselves .
The waiting took about an hour. Then i was requested to walk up to a different window.
I took an oath that i spoke the truth and the questioning began.
It was more like a smoothe conversation, starting how me and my fiance met, and the flow of our relationship.
Before i knew it i was approved! It literally took only 5 minutes
I can honestly sa... read complete review

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Review #27398 on October 31, 2019:



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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My appointment was at 2pm and I was allowed into the embassy at 1:45pm. First the guards checked my appointment letter then scanned my body and allowed me to continue to the security check inside the embassy. The people there were very nice and I got through easily (phones are allowed inside).

After waiting for a little while my number showed up on the screen and I went to the counter and submitted the civil and financial documentation alongside having my fingerprints taken. Meanwhile I had a conversation with this guy in Dutch and he was very friendly throughout all of it. I was then told to sit back into the waiting room and wait to be called for my interview. The interviewer spoke English to me and got me to take an oath before starting. He then asked me a few questions (seemed more like a conversation to be honest) and told me I was approved. Just like the first guy he was very friendly and easy-going. He then told me how I would receive my visa. gave back my documen... read complete review

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