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Belgium US Consulate Reviews

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Belgium US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4.4 / 5
85 Review(s)
Review #7756 on June 14, 2011:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Very good experience. Employees were very helpful and friendly. They understand the stress we are going through.

BTW, I was able to get an earlier interview date. So do not hesitate to call and ask !

Only downside is the waiting time. It seems that everyone gets a 2:00 pm appointment so you end up spending the whole afternoon there. So my advise is to be standing in front of the door at least 30 min before.

It takes one week to get the visa after you have been approved your K1.

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Review #7723 on June 8, 2011:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

On May 24th 2011 I had my interview for a K1 visa application. Eventhough I thought I had prepared everything, 2 documents were incorrect but I still allowed to go through with the interview and just turn these in afterwards. Please bear in mind you can only drop off documents on Thursdays, due to a holiday and a booked flight I was able to turn it it in earlier, however.

The first interview consisted of me running through all the documents with a clerk of the Consulate. She then called me over for fingerprints and pointed out that I would need to get married within 90 days once I would enter in the USA using my single entry K1 visa.

The interview with the Vice Consul followed, it was a very friendly 30something year old lady. She actually seemed genuinely interested in how we met, which gave me a good feeling. I probably gave away more details than were required but in the end, I was approved after about a 10 minute interview with her. Her focus for proof of relationship was entirely on pictures, bring lots of them and she will be happy.

The total duration of my visa interview was about 1 hour, also take at least 30-45 minutes into account to get into the Consulate itself.

I contacted them by e-mail to enquire about picking up my visa (which was 1 week after I submitted the incorrect documents). The replied within 10 minutes. Upon picking up my visa and big brown envelope, I was once again asked to go inside but was called to the window instantly and reminded once more that we would need to get married within 90 days and then file for AOS. I thanked her and walked out feeling like a million $.

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Review #6419 on July 30, 2010:



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Review Topic: Direct Consular Filing

Everyone at the embassy was pretty friendly and very professional. The processing times are good. Overall experience was good.

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Review #6144 on May 31, 2010:




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Review Topic: K1 Visa

Everyone working at the embassy was very friendly. They're all very helpful & professional.

You can start lining up for security at 13:30, but the windows for visas only open at 14:00. You wait inside a big room with chairs until a window opens. Then you have to give your documents one by one, they ask some questions, take your fingerprints, you got to another window to pay, and then after a while a consul will call your name for a final interview. At the end she or he will tell you you've been approved, and give you an appointment to pick up your passport (most likely the next week).

Oh, and most people at security & administration speak Dutch, so they'll automatically help you in Dutch if they see on your passport you're from Flanders.

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Review #5663 on February 6, 2010:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

My interview was scheduled the 4th of February, at 2pm.
Got inside the embassy, went throught security and took a seat.
After 10 minutes of waiting a lady asked for the required papers.Then fingerprints were taken, waiting again, fingerprints taken a second time.
Now the consulate called me to come up to window nr 1. She was very friendly and asked me a few questions. "Congratulations, you are approved"
The only poopy thing is that I have to wait a week to go pick up the visa.
So be prepared and you will have no problems.

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