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Barbados US Consulate Reviews

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Barbados US Consulate Reviews
Average Rating: 4 / 5
31 Review(s)
Review #14275 on April 10, 2014:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

The process was quick, just had to email them for updates. The interview itself was great. Only asked a few questions, and the interviewer was very nice. His name was John. Was approved. Couldn't be happier at this moment.

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Review #12989 on October 11, 2013:



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Review Topic: K1 Visa

I am writing this review on behalf of my Fiance, Raymond. Unfortunantly my fiance is a last minute person and alot of tasks were done when it was close to interview time. The medical and ordering of police certificate being a couple. Just to give you an idea he picked up his results the DAY of the interview and unfortunantly the police clearance had not been issued.

My fiance arrived a few minutes late to his appointment but they still accepted him. My fiance tells me they looked over the photos--asked a couple of routine questions--and within 10 minutes time they said he was approved! All he has to do is once the police ceritificate has been issued he will mail it back to them along with his passport so that the visa can be attached to the passport once issued. Pretty open and shut case..dont let the horror stories on this site worry you--if your relationship is truly genuine then you will be fine--good luck to all of you continuing your journey!

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Review #12735 on September 10, 2013:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My interview was scheduled for 9 o'clock...I arrived about 8:10am, waited until nine..Was called to Booth 1 where they do a pre-screening of the information handed over to them from the NVC, asking basic question like.. Who is the petitioner, what he does for a living, where does he live, how many ppl are staying at his house ect...Had to sit for about 2.5 hrs..Then was called into an enclosed interview room, had to swore in on the oath...The Gentleman started drilling me with questions as follows:
1. what's the name of the petitioner 2. how did you two meet 3. what does he do for a living 4. where was our wedding 5. Did his family attend the wedding 6. what school did he attend 7. Do you have any photos of you two together ...thought everything was going smooth until he looked at the poverty guidelines and saw that my husbands' tax return showed under that amount as required and said that we needed a joint sponsor.. I then told him he has an employment letter showing he makes way over that amount so that tax return shouldnt matter.. he still insisted that we needed a joint sponsor..i told him i knew what i read online and i should be clear to go.. He then told me to be seated for a second.. He went to ask someone about it, came back looked at the computer screen.. apologized and then said i'm approved loll...Thank God..just make sure you know your stuff and no one can/should screw you over...

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Review #10042 on July 19, 2012:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My husband and I attended our interview on July 19th 2012. My husband is the beneficiary and I am the petitioner. We got to the embassy in Barbados at 7:15AM for our 7:30AM appointment. My husband and I waited in a line outside the embassy to be checked in and a thorough check of your bags, etc was done. We then made our way into the main room where we waited for our name to be called. After about a 2 or 3 hour wait, our name was called and a lady did a pre-screening type of interview, where a couple questions like, name of beneficiary, name of person petitioning and beneficiary's mother's name was asked. Most of the questions were directed to my husband... the beneficiary and finger printing was also done at this stage.

We were told to have a seat and we waited for about 2 hours more. Our name was finally called by another lady who proceeded with the interview. She asked us how we met, how long ago we were other, if he has ever met my mother, if we have any children together, questions about taxes and what type of work we both do and how often I visited my husband in Barbados. I brought a lot of documents but none of them were looked at. I believe this is so because I loaded our application from the beginning with a lot of pictures, phone bills, affidavits, receipts, etc. She was very nice and we were approved! She wished us a happy life together and it was a very pleasant experience. After we were approved she directed us to visit the DHL area to pay $10US dollars and my husband's passport should be posted in 5 business days.

We are extremely happy. I will advise individuals going to this consulate to prepare themselves for a long wait at the embassy. We were there from 7:30AM to a little after 12:30 noon.

The staff in general are very pleasant and approachable.

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Review #8859 on December 13, 2011:




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Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

Hey all jus wanna give my review of the interview. My interview appointment was schedule for 9 am . We got there 20 mins before, my husband who is the petitioner also accompanied me to the interview.

The security took our appointment letter,then we went through the door where we you go tru the same type of screening at the airport. They were all females and were very nice and friendly .Then we walked over to the next building where many people were waiting and we sat and waited 2 1/2 hrs before we were called up.

She asked us bare minimum questions, When and how long we were married for? whose the guy with me ( husband)? she give us back my original documents that was submitted to the NVC and I give her the photos and that was it . She made me signed the paper and told us to sit and wait . We waited for 5 mins max and another lady (white lady this time) was the one interviewing us. She was very pleasant and addressed most Q's to my husband. When,where,how we got married,how we met etc she asked my husband Q's pertaining to his tax forms.

How many people live with him,how many siblings he have what do they do.Where he studied,worked etc . how much he earns . We were missing one paper from his tax forms and she told us we need to resubmit that with my passport via courier service.

We found the paper next day and dropped it off at the embassy instead of mailing it . I then receive my visa via DHL 2 days later :D

All in all it went smoothly thanks to the Almighty GOD! and the counselors were all pleasant and efficient .

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