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Consulate / USCIS Member Review #12735

Barbados Review on September 10, 2013:



Review Topic: IR-1/CR-1 Visa

My interview was scheduled for 9 o'clock...I arrived about 8:10am, waited until nine..Was called to Booth 1 where they do a pre-screening of the information handed over to them from the NVC, asking basic question like.. Who is the petitioner, what he does for a living, where does he live, how many ppl are staying at his house ect...Had to sit for about 2.5 hrs..Then was called into an enclosed interview room, had to swore in on the oath...The Gentleman started drilling me with questions as follows:
1. what's the name of the petitioner 2. how did you two meet 3. what does he do for a living 4. where was our wedding 5. Did his family attend the wedding 6. what school did he attend 7. Do you have any photos of you two together ...thought everything was going smooth until he looked at the poverty guidelines and saw that my husbands' tax return showed under that amount as required and said that we needed a joint sponsor.. I then told him he has an employment letter showing he makes way over that amount so that tax return shouldnt matter.. he still insisted that we needed a joint sponsor..i told him i knew what i read online and i should be clear to go.. He then told me to be seated for a second.. He went to ask someone about it, came back looked at the computer screen.. apologized and then said i'm approved loll...Thank God..just make sure you know your stuff and no one can/should screw you over...

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