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marjus's girl

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Status Updates posted by marjus's girl

  1. todays bad day for me about to give up:(:( don't really care if approved now or not so sick of this process..;-(;-(

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Pamela&Terry


      Dont give up! you know this is worth it .. and the end!! we are here for you and we understanad how you feel. We are all together supporting you , send me your email so we can chat or exchange ideas if you want! I have a blackberry pin number if you need it too... NEVER GIVE UP !!

    3. Dumb/Dumber


      I would give anything to see you post that you have received your NOA2 because I understand exactly how you feel. Some make us feel like we are just not being patient. But it is not about being patient. It is about our fear of the unknown. This process is so uncertain. I think I was very naive going into the process. I never thought it could take so long and I never even considered that my husband could be denied a visa to the United States. But now I know. I have always considered my...

    4. Dumb/Dumber


      I hope you can read the rest of that posts. But if not, I am positive you are going to get you NOA2 just after the 4th of July. POSITIVE POSITIVE POSITIVE Now get everything together for the NVC and makes notes for the interview.

  2. hope i hear something this week, miss my love so much..skype only helps so much;-(

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. EAbbas


      Awww ill keep praying you hear something soon dear.... i didnt realize NVC would do this during it;s process but maybe this means the interview would be much lighter for you...inshALLAH... Good news this week!!!!! (((HUGS))) and a little NVC dust ;)

    3. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      thanks all for your support if i didn't have you guys i would go crazy:)...yeah im hoping they will see all the evidence before his interview and it will help us..but i agree with michelandbahadir no more cam after this..lol

    4. Dumb/Dumber


      I agree. I never want to have to talk to him on webcam again once he is here. Night Nurse got her NOA2 YAYYYYYYYY!!!!!

  3. minutes seem like hours, hours are days and days seem like years in this process;-(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. JRTLFlores


      if days are years, then I haven't seen my Ramon in about 180 :(

    3. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yeah were going on 7 months for noa 2:(

    4. JRTLFlores


      yikes! :( It's gotta come soon now! the time goes by both fast and sloooow.

  4. waiting again for noa 2 now that they got my rfe!!!

    1. Dumb/Dumber


      Praying it comes very quick.

    2. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      thanks and i hope for you too:)

  5. online updates and txt messages from uscis is actually working...just got txt they received my rfe today:) im grasping at anything to feel happy:)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      no it will be 7 months the 15th...got rfe after getting congressman involved up until then they were saying background check..of course if were denied im moving there, just finishing the process now because of money pd and time spent:(

    3. Mellie&Irvin


      Wow!!!!!! That is ridiculous. I am so sorry hun...... I don't get it. Some people get done with this whole thing fast and some not. I hope and pray that u get approved this week!!!!!! Your husband is in Albania?

    4. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yes he is in albania..he is ready to give up and just have me move there..i didn't because my mom was ill when we started this but she is okay now..but the money and time invested already..and i know some ppl wait only like two months:( if we don't get approved or denied at interview im just staying there..is ok with me as long as im with him..

  6. California got my rfe at 10am today:) we will see what happens...:)

    1. Dumb/Dumber


      I will be praying for it to come soon.

    2. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      thanks hun and for all your support, i am still praying for you also...i don't know i thought when i turned this in the stress would be gone but its not ..crying my eyes out tonight:(..maybe if we get approved and i have all of this off me:(

  7. hi just wanted to let you know got my husbands papers yesterday so sent the rfe back overnight to cali with them having to sign for them ..so i sent them our whole relationship over 3lbs worth if they don't accept that then im moving there..:) thanks for your support!

  8. Thank GOD I got my husband's paperwork today and I was able to overnight the package to Cali they will get it by 3pm tomorrow..i feel so much better ..whether yes or no i done all I can..

    1. Dumb/Dumber


      Yes you have. I hope you hear back soon.

    2. Brusik


      lets hope all goes well. The IRS lost my documents for ITN.. Apostilled passport.. I told them I am not having another Apostilled document. I will send copy of original but I refuse to pay another 50 dollars.. I sent priority mail and they signed for it....This whole process is a neverending fiasco.........

    3. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      oh i know..the government no matter what branch is irresponsible:( and i keep hearing about nvc loosing documents ..im like you this whole thing is fiasco and i keep wondering about my judgement in doing it:(

  9. a new week hopefully get rfe sent out this week and will only be delayed couple of weeks..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Dumb/Dumber


      I know. I have been waiting on somethings my husband mailed from Turkey. It usually takes three weeks for me to get anything.

    3. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yeah i don't think it was worth putting off the rfe for university records since all our chats show he knows english:( and example of our wedding invitation..

    4. Dumb/Dumber


      I think you are probably right since I believe your RFE was in response to Congressman's inquiry, but who knows with these people. It is scary to give them an excuse. I pray this time next year both of our husbands are here and we can all go to Dollywood in Gatlinburg together since you are not far away. My father lives nine miles from Vincennes, Indiana.

  10. still praying i get his stuff so i can turn in this rfe...so depressing:( wish now i would of just sent what i had..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yeah it ask if you know their language or proof they know yours..congressman said these 3 page rfe are more common not sure why..at this pt don't care if we live there or here..he didn't want to take me away from my mom because of her age(she really my grandma)but we will probably go back to albania in few yrs regardless..or i hope so..

    3. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yeah it ask if you know their language or proof they know yours..congressman said these 3 page rfe are more common not sure why..at this pt don't care if we live there or here..he didn't want to take me away from my mom because of her age(she really my grandma)but we will probably go back to albania in few yrs regardless..or i hope so..

    4. Dumb/Dumber


      I am so happy for you and your husband that you want to live in Albania. I wish I wanted to live in Turkey, but I truly do not because the quality of life there is basically just existing unless I could get a good accounting job. But the gas prices are outrageous. When I was there it was nearly $6.00 American dollars per litre. Crazy.

  11. why can't the snail mail be faster so i can get this rfe over with and they can make some decision:(

    1. Dumb/Dumber


      I hope you are doing good today. I start the day out with great hope and then heart break by the end of the day. But at least some people from December are getting approved.

    2. JOLISA


      Hang in there Marjus's girl...It will get better! Praying for you

    3. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yeah i get disappointed checking the mail and marjus package isn't here yet..all this for school records..:( our skype and msn clearly shows he knows english..i find this process so frustrating, now ppl are getting approved in a little over two months and they wait 6 1/2 months to give me rfe..

  12. can't wait for this to be over ! so either way im with my love!!

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Dumb/Dumber


      Yes, I am very afraid of that too. But we just talked again tonight and he says he will do whatever I decide. He will be happy as long as I am happy. He is so great.

    3. Dumb/Dumber


      Just saw another K1 CSC from March get approved. It makes me just want to call CSC and asked them how they can justify holding up our lives while approving people that apply nearly 4 months after we did. Insanity

    4. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yeah im seeing that too...it is crazy...and their answer for everything is background which is probably means your case is collecting dust:(

  13. why do k1 visa's get approved faster than cr-1 visas? confused and why is csc on feb when they haven't finished nov or dec ppl yet...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yeah i know and the snail mail is taking forever for me to get my stuff from marjus i swear im about to send it without his school records..im crying more and more and am miserable..i got letter today telling me they're resending my rfe and would take 14 days to get what a joke..i have it already (thank God)the rep messed up and said was sent 9th instead of 18 so he thought lost in mail and put in request to send again..14 days to re mail something..:(

    3. Dumb/Dumber


      I think some think we are not being patient, but I think 6 1/2 months plus is more than patient. Life is too short to be going through this. And we have no idea what the outcome will be after all this waiting because we have lost faith in the process. But we have not lost our faith in God. We have not lost our faith in our relationship and we are stronger than we think we are. We can do this. Hang in there. I am so proud of you for getting your Congressman to get the ball rolling for y...

    4. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      thanks hun..you have been great support and your right i haven't lost faith in God or my love..i think it is the unknown that has got me down..have u contacted your congressman?

  14. thanks so much for checking in on me:) i know how your wife feels been crying a lot lately myself:( im waiting for my husband to send me something thru snail mail:( and will send rfe overnight the same day i hope and then hopefully know something..we decided if denied here or at interview i live there...

  15. my brother is willing to write a job offer letter for my husband does anyone have any samples of this..?? and yes is legitimate job..lol

    1. KemalTuanaYalcin


      HI, if you go online to www.microsoft.com then go do a search under templates, you can put in job offer and it will provide you with downloadable templates that you can utilize

    2. KemalTuanaYalcin


      HI, if you go online to www.microsoft.com then go do a search under templates, you can put in job offer and it will provide you with downloadable templates that you can utilize

    3. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      Thanks alot was big help!!!

  16. just wanted to say hi and i added u to fb me and marjus sitting together in profile pic..:)hope is okay..and im praying for you to get thru nvc ...

  17. missing my husband so much..wish this process was over:(

    1. Show previous comments  12 more
    2. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      aww okay..i understand..im nurse so pretty much can work anywhere,,,but if i ever get in same room with my husband we are wanting to start family..then i work as mom...lol

    3. Dumb/Dumber


      Sounds wonderful to me. I am accountant, but not sure if I can get a job in Turkey as accountant, but I am checking into it.

    4. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      that sounds good to me too...since your good at numbers that opens up possibilities for you such as business, etc..i can teach english too as a tutor there and be stay at home mom so probably do that...if i go there

  18. thanks so much for your nice comment..wishing your family great blessings:)

  19. i have the papers for nvc and police certificates..i have my sponsor and co sponsor paper done but because of this i will be going over everything in detail..lol

  20. have rfe done and had every thing they ask for :) that makes me feel wonderful:)

    1. Brusik


      I pray now it goes fast.. I hope you sent priority mail.. Then I hope it only taks a 7-10 days to approve

    2. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yeah i will mail it express overnight with confirmation seen to many packages get lost will take alittle longer to mail than i thought:( had to send regular post instead of dhl..cost to much because of amt of paper:) lol

    3. Alberto&Asni


      Hi there! Good to know your feeling wonderful - I pray that everything will goes fast and the approval very soon :)

  21. hey just wanted you to know i should have rfe sent back by monday husband is sending stuff dhl and i have gotten everything on my end and i had every single item they wanted in the 3 pages..so hopefully a approval now..if not then i did everything humanly possible to make it so and this gives me extreme peace of mind..if i get to nvc i will be bugging u:P

  22. husband got everything we needed and mailing out ...will have rfe mailed out faster than i thought..:)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yep probably no later than next monday..whoo hoo..and whats funny is after doing all of this glad for rfe because i know in my heart i have done everything humanly possible, my sister said she couldn't show this much proof in her 12 yr marriage..lol

    3. Dumb/Dumber


      I know. After I read about your RFE, I printed out so much more stuff. It was like a book. And I think that is all we can do do is do everything humanly possible to get them here to America where we can have a better life together. If we fail, then we have no regrets. We go to Plan B.

    4. marjus's girl

      marjus's girl

      yeah if he gets denied im moving there ..like i said mom was the only reason we didn't go that route now..

  23. thanks for the template im about 3/4 done with everything they need hopefully can have all mailed back by next week ..would be sooner but waiting for stuff from my husband..thanks for your help:)

  24. yeah after contacting my congressman got rfe so probably was sitting on someone's desk..at first upset but now like you its better than nothing and my congressmans liaison is going to follow up with the rfe..so it is worth it for them to get involved..:) good luck !!

  25. actually so glad for the rfe because things can only go up from here and i have all the evidence they want so it just validates mine and my husbands love for each other:)

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