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Status Replies posted by jaz00mine

  1. Here we are at 120 days....happy we came this far but sad its taking so long!!!

  2. PLEASE JOIN US ON TWITTER!! hashtag #K1Vermonters

  3. PLEASE JOIN US ON TWITTER!! hashtag #K1Vermonters

  4. PLEASE JOIN US ON TWITTER!! hashtag #K1Vermonters

  5. APPROVED!!!!!!!!!!!! NOA 2

  6. PLEASE JOIN US ON TWITTER!! hashtag #K1Vermonters

  7. PLEASE JOIN US ON TWITTER!! hashtag #K1Vermonters

  8. Here we are at 120 days....happy we came this far but sad its taking so long!!!

  9. We made it home! Despite having lost our connection at JFK...

  10. 4 months and 2 weeks from NOA1 John and gigi

  11. back from DR... hoping our noa 2 comes thru quick!

  12. We do not trust the mail service in DR so we are waiting for someone to come back from el carnaval so he can send me the papers. The wait is killing me! We just want to send this in ASAP. This VSC slowdown is really downing my spirits :-(

  13. I purchased his flight. So expensive! It is really amazing that I did not have to declare bankrupcy as a consequence of this process... However, I am very happy!


  15. I purchased his flight. So expensive! It is really amazing that I did not have to declare bankrupcy as a consequence of this process... However, I am very happy!

  16. back from DR... hoping our noa 2 comes thru quick!

  17. Here we are at 120 days....happy we came this far but sad its taking so long!!!

  18. lonely in Miami!!!!

  19. Our K1 journey is 4mons., 1week and 6days.... continue to guide us Lord!!!

  20. Interview date March 08th !!!! Yeeeeeeeiiiiiiiii

  21. Medical done, interview on Monday. In God's hands =)

  22. bitting my nails, seen a couple of October filers fromVSC get their NOA2!!!!

  23. Tomorrow marks 90 days and counting 

  24. Just submitted (4Feb11) a request to expedite on the grounds of military deployment and I am waiting their reply.

  25. i received my approved!! my case is approved, now i will have a case number in NVC.

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