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Posts posted by OnMyWayID

  1. But you are just as remiss with your fact checking? Can you prove him wrong?

    You're fired;)

    I'm a guy on a forum - I don't have the same restrictions or expectations of accuracy.

    .. But of course I did some fact checking when I saw how the media was handing it.. Two media outlets asked for permission to post the video from the original author and permission was not given but they posted it anyway. The Daily mail asked for information and did not receive any so they decided to label it as a World Record setting Humanoid Lizard.

    I tried to gauge its size based on three different types of fish that swam next to it.. For example there were a couple of Damsel fish in the video swimming next to the lizard - if it is six feet then these two fish that swam next to it are also giant sized and world record holders themselves. I did not bother to look up information of the other two fish types though there is one that is perfect for comparison when they swim head to head.

    Also the closeups of the hands on the rock you can compare it to the sea moss and the very small fish that all run about the same size since it is high definition. The lizard in this video is close to the thickness of the arm and probably not much longer than the lizard in my previous photo.

    We could do more but that is already at least 10 times the work than any media outlet bothered to put into it.

    My wife is in the photo for size comparison, I left just enough for that....

  2. Picture of my wife next to a Lizard that is just under 6 feet (and 220 pounds):


    All kidding aside I am a bit sad at how the press is reporting this.. All of them point back to an original article that had several things wrong and did no fact checking. Fox news Latino stated that the average length of Iguanas was seven feet - Darwin never reported one over three feet and the guniess world record for an Iguana is under four feet. The Galapagos fact sheet says they can get up to 39 inches... The person that created the video said nothing about the size and has not made a post in five months since posting this - everything has been supposition from looking at a video but you would not know that reading the Yahoo story.. All these crazy headlines they just pulled from their butt.

  3. Even in your own article

    "With little sense of perspective, it is unclear just how large the reptile is. "

    Well then it must be huge!

    The original photo showing scale that seems to be the impetus of the original post :


  4. Read the article! This is why it made news, for goodness sake. Six foot long!

    Get some glasses, mate. This one is an abnormality.

    Get some glasses, mate. This one is an abnormality.

    Get some glasses, mate. This one is an abnormality.

    Yes but read the followups - it was not - it was not even close or even abnormally sized - people beleive what they want even with the truth right there on camera ;) These Iguanas run 22-39 inches. The two experts that did comment on reddit put it at about 36 inches and almost 11 pounds. Pretty big! If it was out on the rocks with the other thousands there everyday you would not be able pick it out.. So It isn't humanoid either... Or a viscous hunter (unless you are sea moss)

    Sorry, some people have to suck the fun out of everything :)

  5. From the article:

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro has declared that "a woman looks better when she runs her fingers through her hair and lets it dry naturally," in a bid to help save electricity in the midst of the country's energy crisis.

    As reported in The Independent, government officials have been offering Venezuelan women alternative tips on drying their hair - a first for any political party. Forget budgets and foreign affairs, Maduro is now meddling with the country's beauty routine.

    The beauty decree

    The 65th President of Venezuela has asked women to use hairdryers only on "special occasions." Luckily there is at least some authenticity to all his hot air, being a man who favors the natural air-dried effect, over a barnet perfected with tongs and a dryer.

    "It is just an idea I have," admits Maduro, who has already given his citizens Fridays off to save on energy. But his amateur beauty thoughts are facing the wrath of the country's glossy-of-mane, well-manicured women. "If the President thinks that not blow-drying our hair is going to help, then the problem is far worse than we thought," one woman told Al Jazeera.

    Be warned, photo of a very pretty woman with wet hair in the link: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/beauty/hair/venezuelan-president-calls-for-a-ban-on-hairdryers/

  6. ^^ I have a headache from trying to decipher this, egad man.

    While I was typing that my wife walked in with a 60 year old woman that spoke very little English and said "Tell my friend how we always travel for free - what banks should she get cards at and how can she get more points per dollar?" I spend probably 20 minutes a day doing travel points research and she thinks I cant impart all of that in a few sentences... and then that tongue twister was born!

  7. From The article:

    Scores of women have reported assaults by Uber drivers... Now Jenni Avins reports at Quartz that a ride-sharing service that only uses women as drivers, Chariot for Women, is set to launch April 19 in Boston, featuring more stringent background checks and additional steps to ensure riders correctly match with their drivers.... "nlike other services, Chariot for Women features a patent-pending technology that will provide both users and drivers with a code after a request is made that will need to be verified upon starting the ride," reports Glamour.

    But "whether it's legal or not is a different question," says Joseph L. Sulman. Quartz reports that "According to civil rights lawyers, Chariot for Women's female-only policies could put it squarely in the crosshairs of gender discrimination lawsuits, which would be difficult to win." Founder Michael Pelletz says he welcomes the legal challenge. "We want to show there's inequality in safety in our industry," says Pelletz. "We hope to go to the US Supreme Court to say that if there's safety involved, there's nothing wrong with providing a service for women."

    So.. I'm less interested in the service than I am of the already-preparing-for-court to say it OK to discriminate if you can statistically prove a safety issue. Generally when I think through these things the universal question to know if it will go through the courts: Is it possible for white males to gain from this at the expense of others. In this case directly the answer is no (females gain at the expense of others - so no problem) but it will be difficult to word it such that it could not be expanded to go beyond gender as long as there was statistical proof it was safer...

    In the end I am betting they skirt the issue by allowing both genders to choose to only go with their own gender if they choose with drivers allowed to only serve only their own gender should they choose.

  8. Yes she has a part-time job working 30 hrs a wk at 10.00 hr so now no more mr.nice guy she wants something she buys out of her money plus now she sends her daughters allowance every month so no more money to spend out with the witches whom her family forbids from now on no money no so called Friends.

    You are nearly 60 she is nearly 40. You are both as mature as you are going to get. I'm going to repeat what I said before:

    If you are in a marriage where it it not seen as an equal partnership by both parties and advantages (money, green card, sex, etc) are used as a way to control or extort the other then it is a doomed situation.

  9. thanks for Replying .. i guess we will just have to wait.. to see when it gets approved...

    The process times vary - for a while it may be six months, then stretch out to a year.. Ours went about 9 months.

    Remember you go through USCIS, then NVC, then have to find an open appointment date at the embassy for the interview. Looking at the latest timelines for Israel it looks like the NOA2 is only taking a few months (varies greatly) but the time from NOA2 to go through NVC and then to the appointment is around six months - Those times are are always shifting. All you can really see is that if you had done it around nine months ago that it would have taken nine months...

    If I had friends from Israel asking me how long it would take today I would tell them "Impossible to know exactly but looking at current timelines the interview should happen about nine months from your NOA1 give or take a month"

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