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OneLove <3

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Status Updates posted by OneLove <3

  1. yaaaaay!!! congrats!!! 4 months thats nice!!!

  2. Best of luck to those upcoming interviews!!!

  3. Don't know what kind of wedding celebration to do or for that matter what date to go with lol..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MrsAmancio


      can I get an amen on this one!!! i was thinking the same thing a little while ago...how is adjusting so far?

    3. Lari & Jhona

      Lari & Jhona

      u are going by wat we had talked bout muujer....but lets just wait for jaz n geannete to come

    4. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      lol lets see i know i want something simple for now and my parents need to be here so its looking like end of aug or september.. @mrsamancio He is adjusting just fine he likes it and we go out here and there :)

  4. just a one way flight for my fiance

  5. lol asi mismo estabamos los dos dreaming about that damn interview y todo lol, no te preocupes que con dios delante todo saldra bien

  6. dime aver como estan las cosas?

  7. omg im tooo excited for you te faltan poco dias!!!!!

  8. good luck with youe interview!!

  9. good luck with your interview!!

  10. buena suerte con tu cita!!

  11. good luck monday!!!! let us know how it goes :)

  12. lol thanks yea POE for us was 2 hrs long but no harassment, you have to read the review it was nuts lol

  13. gracias my love :) sorry que no nos vimos pero todo fue para rapido despues de la cita con el corre corre. Pero espero verte aqui si dios quiere

  14. we are here!!!!

  15. Ya llegamos!!! POE was alright just long...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. din15


      Hi I'm from Philippines.. You mean there's a possibility that I will be denied in case my fiancé from US will not attend with me during my interview? Even though I got all the documents and proof? Ohhh no? Cuz if I let my fiancé accompany me it's a waste of money...pls help thanks

    3. yj_drotar


      @din15..its ok if u go to the interview alone..

    4. RenCor


      Hi thanks for the add.. its ok to go interview alone but be sure all documents are complete..and know all about your fiance..just answer them honestly..goodluck

  16. gracias!! I know crazy

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. la2011


      OMG those questions were quite, hmm, shall I say...personal!! "Are you wearing a thong and using condoms"?? Good Lord! This process isn't for the faint of heart...but CONGRATS on passing and being with your loved one forever. God bless!

    3. Terca


      wow you guys had a hard time, but at least the outcome was great! Perhaps they drill fiance visas more, they didnt ask my husband and I any questions whatsoever

    4. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      thanks @la2011

      @Terca yes a hard time and a half lol but typically they drill married couples we were the exception but oh wells im happy :D

  17. Waiting and waiting and more waiting ughhhh

    1. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      Was told visa was printed on Thursday...lets see how long DOMEX takes to get a hold of it....

    2. Terca


      Our visa was delivered to Santiago a week after paying Domex. We kept checking the tracking webpage they have but there were no updates until the very day they delivered it

  18. i know soooo exciting!!!!!!! cant wait!!!

  19. the cedula no problem and his last names werent even mentioned :)

  20. Siiii aprobado yaaaayyy, thank you Lord!! detailed review to follow....

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Sannybel



    3. OneLove <3

      OneLove <3

      thaks everyone!!! Just know to be over prepared and be ready to answer any type of question regardless of visa type

    4. AmorFelicidadPaz


      Ayy, felicidades mujer..cant wait to read the review

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