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Status Updates posted by kristinanddan09

  1. Well it's time to file again ! I-751 time! Fantastic.

  2. Wow, haven't been on here in a long time ! Hi everyone !

    1. Wishing on a Star

      Wishing on a Star

      Hi there! :) How's life treating you?

  3. Hi ! We are doing good, thanks :) we are staying with my parents right now in the finished basement. It's hard, we can't decide on a place we like, theres some I like, some he likes, we just can't find one that speaks to both of us :) I hope we will soon though, really wanted to be on our own for the holidays, well I mean have our own place, but no such luck yet :(

  4. hows everyone doing? it seems quiet around here on my page and everyone else who was approved. I hope you are all doing well ! I have just found a dress for our wedding celebration with our families and his friends all coming over. and we're getting ready for the holidays and looking at homes for us :)

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Wishing on a Star

      Wishing on a Star

      When are you having the vow renewal? Cannot wait for Christmas this year! SO excited that we can have our husbands here with us for the holidays! How are you doing? We're still waiting for our AOS to be looked at... it's currently sitting at the CSC, just waiting to be looked at. Tick Tock. lol

    3. kristinanddan09


      we are doing great, and didopage, good luck ! i'm sure you'll get an amazing one whatever you choose. we are having it may 11th, was suppose dto be the 18th (a year from the date we were married) but the place wasn't available. but its going to be great, can't wait to see everyone :D

    4. J&P!


      Hey Kristin! Good luck with your wedding planning, and hope you both are doing good. Jared is still in HAITI and am in DC, this been really tough and he might be getting extended untill march trying to keep busy with job hunt. did dan get a job? best PJ

  5. so, time for the holidays!!!! can't believe it's been almost 8 months

  6. we need our own place !

  7. daniel got his first pay check yesterday, so proud of him. he's so happy he has a job, and he's taking me out fo ra day! :D

  8. been sick lately :( glad to have my baby here though, he takes care of me :D

  9. daniel really needs to drive more

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. didopage


      At least, they will be less confused by driving on the right side of the road. :) I drove in UK for a month, gosh, that was so confusing to me!! And lei, I see exactly what you mean, roads are so large here, it needs some time to make some wide turns and try not to turn too early. :P

    3. lei1111


      i LOVED the transit in england. i didnt drive at all and i consider myself to be adventerous! i was terrified of all the roundabouts!! it was crazy, bonzai flying across lanes. gimme wide streets and a millions cars piled up side by side anyday.

    4. kristinanddan09


      I loved not having to drive when I was there, the roundabouts freaked me out !!!! I dunno how they do it and daniel doesn't know how we do without haha

  10. Question ! What do we do about tax season? I changed my last name and got my new social security card, but how do I let them know? or do they just find out when we send them in???

    1. Harpa Timsah

      Harpa Timsah

      They figure it out when you send in the new taxes. Your SSN is the same.

    2. lei1111


      i was just thinking about this yesterday too! please let me know what you find out. i hate to pay someone to file my taxes but maybe we should this year. i was thinking "married filing joint" but really have no idea. i was also thinking its too bad i couldnt claim chris as he didnt work 8 months of 2011 =/ wish i new tax laws...

  11. so we have to get a new social security number as he has his green card now, must remember to go tomorrow after looking at new houses.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. didopage


      Yes lei, you have to keep the SSA informed if your immigration status change. The SSN is the same, but the card won't have the mention "valid for work only with DHS authorization" anymore. Look here: http://www.ssa.gov/pubs/10002.html#a0=6 and here http://www.ssa.gov/pubs/10002.html#a0=2

    3. lei1111


      good grief. saved by all of you here yet again! thanks so much for the info. we will go on friday. i hope there is no late penalty. thanks again. xo

    4. didopage


      No late penalty at all... some people don't even do it because they don't know, and I don't think it changes much. They will just issue a new card, and I think it's better to do it so no potential problem in the future. :)

  12. daniel goes to orientation tomorrow, and i have safely packed away all our I-129F, AOS and EAD paperwork. yay !

  13. daniel got his permanent residence card today ! hooray !!! so happy its here, now can officially be ok with things. now if only we could find a house!

    1. Omeka
    2. lei1111


      very nice!oh, to find a house =D

    3. kristinanddan09


      lol yeah we really are looking for one

  14. bit bummed, daniel can't start work cause they have to do a background check and they have to get it back from the embassy and it hasn't gotten here yet :(

    1. J&P!


      Best luck, I am sure everything will work out quickly.

    2. lei1111


      he will be tired of working before you know it.

    3. kristinanddan09


      lol, he now starts monday :)

  15. got text notification today and a letter stating his green card is in production, I feel so much better!!!

    1. Harpa Timsah

      Harpa Timsah

      Hearty congrats! All that worry for nothing :)

    2. kristinanddan09
    3. lei1111
  16. i think it's going to be weird to have both of us working at the same time, even though it is a great thing that he has a job.

    1. lei1111


      i think i know what you mean, i felt a bit like a mother hen worring over chris at work all day. it was weird!

    2. lei1111


      i think i know what you mean, i felt a bit like a mother hen worring over chris at work all day. it was weird!

    3. kristinanddan09


      yeah I'm happy for the extra money, I have to get daniel a cell phone now ! haha

  17. he's got a job that promises 40 hours per week doing security instead of the stocking in the backroom. I feel very much relieved :)

  18. daniel got a job ! he went in for the stocking job, but instead got a better paying job with security, and a promise of 40hours/week ! so looking forward to this extra income.

  19. it's official, daniel is approved for his green card, thank goodness. may be a stupid question, but with this he can travel back home can't he? we probably won't do anything til after the wedding but just checking. :)

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. kristinanddan09


      haha i know right ?! crazy stuff, but we are done ! yay !!!!! thanks everyone! you guys all rock for all of your help

    3. lei1111


      congrats! feels nice huh?

    4. kristinanddan09
  20. we had our interview ! the lady said that as long as everything looks good, she wants to look at the file again? he should get his green card in 2 weeks. I was really nervous, and we didn't have to show her much. She asked Daniel all the questions on the form we already sent to them, and showed them pictures we brought, and proof of him being here like on the bank acct and stuff. feeling much better now !

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. kristinanddan09


      hope so!!! thanks, i was so nervous but the interviewer was great !

    3. kristinanddan09


      i just checked, all approved :D woohoo

    4. J&P!
  21. daniel has a job interview thursday, its not what he wants to do but it's something ! :D

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. lei1111


      YEAH! good for him =D

    3. kristinanddan09


      It's just stocking the shelves and helping in the back unloading the truck at the local Target. :) But it's something, I'm super excited, 2 incomes would be fantastic !

    4. BocaChicaBabe


      All that matters right now is that he has a job. He will eventually get something he wants. Congrats!!

  22. I'm getting extremely nervous !!!! :(

  23. Getting all the interview stuff printed out and organized, kinda nervous !!

  24. got him added on to my bank account for now, and he has his learners permit, can't wait to be done with this interview !

    1. lei1111


      wow! thats a big deal. chris has been driving for years and is still REALLY nervous of driving here. good for you daniel!

    2. kristinanddan09


      daniel hasn't driven yet lol, he's nervous too !!! but i'm just glad we're getting all this done right now. he hasn't found a job yet though :(

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