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Amber & Ahmed

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    Amber & Ahmed reacted to Karam and Jamie in What was it like to see him for the first time?   
    Oh my gosh. I smiled through this whole thing! Thanks hehe!
  2. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from jacqueline6001 in Addressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT   
    Oh! How did I ever know YOU would have something unkind to say??? I was simply telling her it is possible to have a good life with her husband. Bragging? Ha! If you only really knew me! Was I trying to be subtle? No actually I wasn't! The details I am sharing all goes into what I was trying to convey! Shockingly even further is the fact YOU took the time to read each of my minute details, now that my dear is good comedy and so laughable, wouldn't you agree my dear? I do not feel your jealous, I feel your judgemental. If you would really look at my post it wasn't for bragging, making anyone jealous, or for sharing the boring details, it was for giving another person hope in the midst of many questions and worries. But I guess YOU wouldn't see it that way. No bother though, my friends from here know who I am and how I am, your acceptance nor comments needed nor your approval, you won't keep me up all night with worry. Now if you will excuse me I got something a lot better to do than argue with a VJ bully who gets upset when someone has a sucess story to share. Hmmmm
  3. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from jacqueline6001 in Addressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT   
    OP: Hello, how are you? I bet your head is absolutely spinning! There are always so many questions and things to think about before getting married, especially in a foreign country. I remember when I went to marry my Ahmed, goodness gracious girl I was a mess! A happy chaotic mess! At first I was hesitant about posting in this topic for many reasons but decided to go ahead and give my 2 or 3 cents.
    My husband and I met in December 2009. He asked me to marry him after a months time. I of course was taken back by this. I mean come on I heard all the things being said about foreigners wanting to marry American women. I jokingly said to him " sure I will marry you, just send me a ticket and some cash for expenses." He then said ok. I was like oh my goodness what did I do! So at the beginning of March 2010 here was my ticket money along with cash for expenses, even money for my mom to use to take care of my kids while I was gone. So on my spring break from University off I went on a wing, a prayer, and a bottle of xanex. We got married on March 25, 2010. Yeap, that's right almost 3 months to the day we met online.
    My husband was an accountant in Egypt. He worked for a worldwide, very huge company. He was the Chief Accountant. By the time we had been through the process and he was ready to fly, he was offered a promotion to the Chief Financial Officer of this very big global company. People have asked me many times, why would he leave a job like that??? Well I have kids and I needed permission to take my kids to Egypt to live and well their dad of course would not give it, even though he hasn't seen them since 2006. Basically anything to impede my happiness, which is his favorite hobby. My husband sold his flat, his car, also he had started a taxi service on the side and he sold that too. He then came to me here in the USA.
    My husband is a very intelligent man, well read, educated beyond a Bachelor degree, as well as studying for fun on his off times. When he came here he was prepared to take the helm as the husband and father of our family. We knew from the beginning I would stay at home and he would provide for us. We want a traditional marriage and family, and to be honest I welcomed giving up the independance I had grown so used to.
    As soon as my husband arrived we went from Michigan to Illinois and bought his first car, a 2003 Mercedes C230 Kompressor. Two weeks later we went back to Illinois to buy my car, a 2007 Chevy HHR. He paid cash money for our cars. Once we decided to relocate for his job we sold the Mercedes and bought a 2001 Dodge Ram Extended Van. We sold many of my belongings as well as donated a lot and packed what we could into the van, packed the kids into the HHR and off we went! We took 5 days to drive to Florida, a 1500 mile trip. We took time to see some sites and just enjoy our way.
    Once we got to Florida we stayed in a hotel for 2 weeks, oh what fun that was! LOL My friend Wendy, whom I met from VJ sent me a lovely care package to my hotel. We found our house and moved in right away. We then went on the hunt for furniture. We bought all the furniture and decor according to OUR taste. My husband then began looking for work in his field. He applied online, in person and at temporary agencies. He even looked on Craigslist. He never gave up, he was diligent at his search. When either of us felt down we picked each other up. Our money began to deplete but we held onto hope and faith in God as well as faith in each other. There were some days we didn't have anything to eat but pancakes. No gas in our cars, nothing. Still we held onto each other and found ways to encourage each other. We went through a very hard time. To this day we cannot eat pancakes without smiling at each other.
    My husband started doing mobile mechanic. He had a background in mechanics from when he was young and helped his brother fix the bus his brother drove. So some days he would make 20$ after expenses other days he made 200$. We decided to sell the van. We listed it on Ebay and Craigslist. Sold the van and bought another car, a 2003 Chrysler Concorde. Then it happened! He got a job offer! Working for the headquaters of a big bank! It is in the top 10 of all banks worldwide. How exciting! We laughed and jumped around and screamed like we had gone crazy! We celebrated by going out and buying sodas! Something we had forgone in order to pay for food.
    He began working as a financial analyst. At first he didnt like it at all, but hey it was work and it paid good money. He still works there but now after 8 months he is being promoted to another department and he will be a manager over other employees. Also he recently was contacted by his previous employer to interview for a branch here in the USA. God has really blessed us and our marriage. He never needed English classes, his English is impeccable. He is logical to my dreaming. We balance each other very well.
    He adjusted very well to being here, yes he misses his beloved Egypt and he lost a close family member while here and he of course misses his family. It took time for the boys and Ahmed to adjust to each other. Also it was an adjustment for Ahmed and I to get used to living together. We had only lived together for 7 months total the first 2 years of our marriage. I would say that was the hardest part for us. Adjusting to living together. We wake up every day and I make his lunch and his coffee, I walk him to the door and kiss him and tell him to have a great day. He calls me from the office about 5 times a day. We just love being together! I greet him every evening and have dinner ready. On weekends we go to community garage sales. It is all about making a committment to each other. Forget these huge declarations of love and talk of your beauty, those things are a bunch of hooey anyways. The committment is what will carry you through.
    My husband advises other Egyptian Immigrants he met while the process was going on. He even sends money to them when they are in a pickle. One of our reasons we gravitated towards each other is out of our concern for others and our desire to help others. He has helped a couple of friends find work as well as figure out how to navigate their new country. He just amazes me. Right now as I type he is out in the backyard planting flowers and vegetables we grew from seeds. I keep stopping typing to smile at him and watch him work. God knew what he was doing when He created us for each other.
    I didn't come on here to brag and boast about our life. Those that have met me and know me know everything I am saying to be the truth and know I am only telling these things to you now in hopes of helping you. Yes it can get hard, yes there are obstacles and naysayers but if you have a committment to each other you will overcome. One thing Ahmed and I said from the very start is we will always put God first and follow where He leads us and the other thing is we will never discuss divorce as an option, we refuse to take the easy way out.
    I wish you the very best in your endeavors and a blessed marriage. I know many people can be a bit harsh on here but I think it is their way of helping someone, I will admit I never really seen eye to eye with many women on this site, but there are some smart ladies with good advice to give. Then of course there are the "others" LOL! Just take time and answer for yourself if what your doing is right, then proceed according to your answer, you are young and have a whole life ahead of you my dear. If you ever need you can message me and I will help as best as I can.
    Ok, off I go to help my husband work in the yard and play with him, sorry my post was so long, I tend to be long winded LOL!
  4. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from Sarah Elle-Même in the other wife and my interview   
    WOW!!! I simply cannot fathom this! My mind cannot wrap around the concept of a fellow American woman saying "oh its cool you have another wife, lets keep it a secret from immigration honey". Seems to me you will not get your visa and will receive a ban. A HUGE red flag this is, not to mention a huge mess, YIKERS!
  5. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from ricnally in the other wife and my interview   
    WOW!!! I simply cannot fathom this! My mind cannot wrap around the concept of a fellow American woman saying "oh its cool you have another wife, lets keep it a secret from immigration honey". Seems to me you will not get your visa and will receive a ban. A HUGE red flag this is, not to mention a huge mess, YIKERS!
  6. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from elmcitymaven in Help pleasee   
    Hello good morning. While I know this is a frustrating time for you and your husband, I think you should have seen this coming. I see you have been a member here since August 2012. therefore you have had ample time to witness firsthand the plight of EVERYONE going through a MENA country. Almost ALL males have AP. This is not something new to you. I do not mean to sound harsh, but come on, what makes your hubby any more special than the rest? Surely in your eyes he is, yet to the immigration powers that be, he is just another number. Seems to me you should be grateful he had a much easier interview than most, and that he was approved. Celebrate the fact you are at the final stage of this hard process! If need be fly home without your husband, if you have pressing issues to go home for. The embassy isn't stopping you, rather YOU are stopping YOU from flying home. Yes in a "perfect" immigration world you and your hubby would go thru the airport skipping and holding hands but sometimes it just does not roll like that. Many of us had to leave our husbands after the interview, some were unable to see their husbands at all during the process. My advice would be to calm down and let it come as it comes. I know it is hard to do. There is light at the end of the tunnel or maybe I should say there is a visa at the end of the AP. Best wishes to you and your husband for a speedy AP.
  7. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from Sarsoor in Quick question about Social security #   
    Ahmed came for the first time in November of 2011. We went to the social security office after 1 week. He took his passport with the visa in it and his international drivers license. We applied. The funny thing is we had checked the box on the DS-230 form, yet SS had no info in their system showing an application for a number. So I would say go ahead and go to the SS office and apply yourselves, based upon our experience. About one week later he got his SS card in the mail. Around 3 weeks after port of entry his greencard arrived. Which worked out great since he got it in time for his return flight. Ahmed only stayed one month then he had to return to Egypt to wrap up his work at his job.
    During the month of November we spent time exploring his soon to be new hometown. I showed him Walmart as well as thrift stores, which became one of our new hobbies. Also I took him to meet family and friends. Of course we didn't worry about looking for work due to him going back.
    Once he arrived back we got busy applying for jobs and buying cars, getting insurance, opening accounts with banks, moving across country. Getting a cellphone. I had already purchased adapters for his electronics from Egypt.
    Maybe some of what I said could help you.
    I would advise, based on our experience: applying for SS card, applying for jobs, open a bank account. If he does not have an international drivers license go get a booklet and start learning that. Also taking time to learn how will he get around until he can drive himself.
    Taking him to meet family and friends. Looking for a community of Arabic speaking people. Ahmed has met so many people since being here in Tampa. Also finding a mosque.
    Look at grocery stores to find things similar to his foods at home. Go to fresh markets. Try new foods also. Go at a pace that is comfortable to him would be a good idea in my opinion.
    Get him a cellphone. Make sure he has internet connection in order to help him keep in contact with his family and friends.
    Take time to take him to Walmart and other stores that are not offered in Egypt. My husband was fasinated by Walmart and the fact he could find so much variety of just about anything he could think of.
    Oh and most important, if your husband needs to brush up and/or learn more English you could help him by speaking words he may not have come in contact with. If there is a school near you, maybe even enroll in classes? I have seen numerous women say their husbands have benefitted from that.
    Come up with a solid plan on rather he will work, go to school, or work and school. If your husband has a degree I would advise getting the degree evaluated to see if it is equivelant to American degrees.
    Creating a really good rock solid resume is instrumental in getting the type of work he wants. Try looking for work thru every avenue you can think of: online job sites, employment agencies, newspaper, company websites, word of mouth.
    Ahmed and I worked hard to get the type of job he desired and while most suggest this cannot be done, I tell you it can be done.
    Those are the things I can think of to help you both when he arrives in the States. I am sure others will come along and help you further.
    As I said before I wish your husband a fast AP.
  8. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from MedRoni in Help pleasee   
    Hello good morning. While I know this is a frustrating time for you and your husband, I think you should have seen this coming. I see you have been a member here since August 2012. therefore you have had ample time to witness firsthand the plight of EVERYONE going through a MENA country. Almost ALL males have AP. This is not something new to you. I do not mean to sound harsh, but come on, what makes your hubby any more special than the rest? Surely in your eyes he is, yet to the immigration powers that be, he is just another number. Seems to me you should be grateful he had a much easier interview than most, and that he was approved. Celebrate the fact you are at the final stage of this hard process! If need be fly home without your husband, if you have pressing issues to go home for. The embassy isn't stopping you, rather YOU are stopping YOU from flying home. Yes in a "perfect" immigration world you and your hubby would go thru the airport skipping and holding hands but sometimes it just does not roll like that. Many of us had to leave our husbands after the interview, some were unable to see their husbands at all during the process. My advice would be to calm down and let it come as it comes. I know it is hard to do. There is light at the end of the tunnel or maybe I should say there is a visa at the end of the AP. Best wishes to you and your husband for a speedy AP.
  9. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from Asia in Help pleasee   
    Hello good morning. While I know this is a frustrating time for you and your husband, I think you should have seen this coming. I see you have been a member here since August 2012. therefore you have had ample time to witness firsthand the plight of EVERYONE going through a MENA country. Almost ALL males have AP. This is not something new to you. I do not mean to sound harsh, but come on, what makes your hubby any more special than the rest? Surely in your eyes he is, yet to the immigration powers that be, he is just another number. Seems to me you should be grateful he had a much easier interview than most, and that he was approved. Celebrate the fact you are at the final stage of this hard process! If need be fly home without your husband, if you have pressing issues to go home for. The embassy isn't stopping you, rather YOU are stopping YOU from flying home. Yes in a "perfect" immigration world you and your hubby would go thru the airport skipping and holding hands but sometimes it just does not roll like that. Many of us had to leave our husbands after the interview, some were unable to see their husbands at all during the process. My advice would be to calm down and let it come as it comes. I know it is hard to do. There is light at the end of the tunnel or maybe I should say there is a visa at the end of the AP. Best wishes to you and your husband for a speedy AP.
  10. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from Ayman___ in Help pleasee   
    Hello good morning. While I know this is a frustrating time for you and your husband, I think you should have seen this coming. I see you have been a member here since August 2012. therefore you have had ample time to witness firsthand the plight of EVERYONE going through a MENA country. Almost ALL males have AP. This is not something new to you. I do not mean to sound harsh, but come on, what makes your hubby any more special than the rest? Surely in your eyes he is, yet to the immigration powers that be, he is just another number. Seems to me you should be grateful he had a much easier interview than most, and that he was approved. Celebrate the fact you are at the final stage of this hard process! If need be fly home without your husband, if you have pressing issues to go home for. The embassy isn't stopping you, rather YOU are stopping YOU from flying home. Yes in a "perfect" immigration world you and your hubby would go thru the airport skipping and holding hands but sometimes it just does not roll like that. Many of us had to leave our husbands after the interview, some were unable to see their husbands at all during the process. My advice would be to calm down and let it come as it comes. I know it is hard to do. There is light at the end of the tunnel or maybe I should say there is a visa at the end of the AP. Best wishes to you and your husband for a speedy AP.
  11. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from PalestineMyHeart in Help pleasee   
    Hello good morning. While I know this is a frustrating time for you and your husband, I think you should have seen this coming. I see you have been a member here since August 2012. therefore you have had ample time to witness firsthand the plight of EVERYONE going through a MENA country. Almost ALL males have AP. This is not something new to you. I do not mean to sound harsh, but come on, what makes your hubby any more special than the rest? Surely in your eyes he is, yet to the immigration powers that be, he is just another number. Seems to me you should be grateful he had a much easier interview than most, and that he was approved. Celebrate the fact you are at the final stage of this hard process! If need be fly home without your husband, if you have pressing issues to go home for. The embassy isn't stopping you, rather YOU are stopping YOU from flying home. Yes in a "perfect" immigration world you and your hubby would go thru the airport skipping and holding hands but sometimes it just does not roll like that. Many of us had to leave our husbands after the interview, some were unable to see their husbands at all during the process. My advice would be to calm down and let it come as it comes. I know it is hard to do. There is light at the end of the tunnel or maybe I should say there is a visa at the end of the AP. Best wishes to you and your husband for a speedy AP.
  12. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from Sarah Elle-Même in Help pleasee   
    Hello good morning. While I know this is a frustrating time for you and your husband, I think you should have seen this coming. I see you have been a member here since August 2012. therefore you have had ample time to witness firsthand the plight of EVERYONE going through a MENA country. Almost ALL males have AP. This is not something new to you. I do not mean to sound harsh, but come on, what makes your hubby any more special than the rest? Surely in your eyes he is, yet to the immigration powers that be, he is just another number. Seems to me you should be grateful he had a much easier interview than most, and that he was approved. Celebrate the fact you are at the final stage of this hard process! If need be fly home without your husband, if you have pressing issues to go home for. The embassy isn't stopping you, rather YOU are stopping YOU from flying home. Yes in a "perfect" immigration world you and your hubby would go thru the airport skipping and holding hands but sometimes it just does not roll like that. Many of us had to leave our husbands after the interview, some were unable to see their husbands at all during the process. My advice would be to calm down and let it come as it comes. I know it is hard to do. There is light at the end of the tunnel or maybe I should say there is a visa at the end of the AP. Best wishes to you and your husband for a speedy AP.
  13. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from Dr. A ♥ O in 9 years ago today   
    Olivia, hello, how have you been? Seems you are wonderful! I seen your beautiful post and felt such happiness for you! I agree it is simply amazing to look back and see the accomplishments made over the years! Your story is an inspiration to not only me but all that are here and those that will come!
  14. Like
    Amber & Ahmed reacted to Dr. A ♥ O in 9 years ago today   
    Nine years ago today I met my husband on St. Patrick's Day. I guess we could say it was our lucky day!
    I had time before my friends could meet to go out for St. Patrick's Day so I went online into a yahoo movie chat room. That's where we talked for the first time and saw each other on webcam. I was wearing green lipstick and green clothes. He was wearing a white button up shirt and I remember the day was so bright there while it was night time where I was.
    It just started out as casual acquaintances with a mutual interest in films, and then we became friends for a couple of years before it grew into something more. I never imagined in my wildest dreams that I'd be married to an Arab Muslim from Egypt that I met over the internet but here we are nine years later and still going.
    This is a really special anniversary for us because it was the start of it all. He brought it up to me so we recently looked back at our old photo albums together and said we look so young to ourselves now. My God we were both just 25 years old when we first met! Both so young, healthy, attractive and full of potential. You don't realize what you have until later. Hindsight is 20/20.
    Then we talked about what happened each year that passed since we first met and recalled all the things we went through to be together. We realized we're finally coming up on having more years being physically together than when we were apart. Some of those years apart were so dark and difficult, but now life is a lot sweeter the three years after he's been in the States with me and it feels like it's only going to get better from here. I know some of our best years together are yet to come!
    Think about that when you feel down about everything. Some of the happiest years of your life together hasn't happened yet, but it will. It's waiting for you both and there is so much more to look forward to.
  15. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from faithinGod in Addressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT   
    Well, well, well someone needs to clear their throat! My, my, my! Anyhoo my husband has a degree in Finance. His brother actually works for a firm out of Dubai. They both worked hard and earned their success! So the heck what if his brother was a bus driver when he was 20, you can bet your sweet ####### he isn't anymore! As far as class goes, well they have way more class than those that would sit on their miserable arses hoping to hurt and insult those higher than them. Seriously I'm sorry if your husbands aren't praise worthy, but no need to come down on mine and his family. You ladies need to get a life and stop circling these boards looking for someone to pounce on. Your never gonna get to me, I'm much stronger than you can ever hope to be. I'm still going to carry on with my beautiful life and leave you little ladies to search for fresh blood. You cannot even get on my level. Keep trying, hey everybody needs a goal! LMBO!
  16. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from Tuti & Baher in Wife hair cover and Denial or Administrative Processing ( The prejudice )   
    I covered my hair once when I was in Egypt. I did it not for my husband but to see what his sisters and family felt like wearing one in all that heat. All I can say is God bless them! I wore it a few hours and took it off, whew! Not for me! My hair is too thick, curly and unruly to be covered so it never would work for my own personal comfort. For certain reasons i must state I WAS NEVER PRESSURED TO DO IT, NOT EVEN ONCE! I know many women wear them to try to blend in more to the society in hopes of blending in more. I met a Norwegian woman in Cairo studying Arabic and she wore one so to blend in better. She had no husband/man. I think the embassy workers won't hold it against you all. Best wishes to you and Rena! She is a real doll!
  17. Like
    Amber & Ahmed reacted to RFQ in Do we need a sticky for newbies?   
    We need a post on how to use tact. This forum section is lacking.
  18. Like
    Amber & Ahmed reacted to abbi627 in Do we need a sticky for newbies?   
    Oh and I forgot to add - I'm a card carrying member of the sunshine, lollipops and unicorns club
  19. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from Peace.... in Addressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT   
    Well, well, well someone needs to clear their throat! My, my, my! Anyhoo my husband has a degree in Finance. His brother actually works for a firm out of Dubai. They both worked hard and earned their success! So the heck what if his brother was a bus driver when he was 20, you can bet your sweet ####### he isn't anymore! As far as class goes, well they have way more class than those that would sit on their miserable arses hoping to hurt and insult those higher than them. Seriously I'm sorry if your husbands aren't praise worthy, but no need to come down on mine and his family. You ladies need to get a life and stop circling these boards looking for someone to pounce on. Your never gonna get to me, I'm much stronger than you can ever hope to be. I'm still going to carry on with my beautiful life and leave you little ladies to search for fresh blood. You cannot even get on my level. Keep trying, hey everybody needs a goal! LMBO!
  20. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from JeanneVictoria in Addressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT   
    Well, well, well someone needs to clear their throat! My, my, my! Anyhoo my husband has a degree in Finance. His brother actually works for a firm out of Dubai. They both worked hard and earned their success! So the heck what if his brother was a bus driver when he was 20, you can bet your sweet ####### he isn't anymore! As far as class goes, well they have way more class than those that would sit on their miserable arses hoping to hurt and insult those higher than them. Seriously I'm sorry if your husbands aren't praise worthy, but no need to come down on mine and his family. You ladies need to get a life and stop circling these boards looking for someone to pounce on. Your never gonna get to me, I'm much stronger than you can ever hope to be. I'm still going to carry on with my beautiful life and leave you little ladies to search for fresh blood. You cannot even get on my level. Keep trying, hey everybody needs a goal! LMBO!
  21. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from N-o-l-a in Addressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT   
    Well, well, well someone needs to clear their throat! My, my, my! Anyhoo my husband has a degree in Finance. His brother actually works for a firm out of Dubai. They both worked hard and earned their success! So the heck what if his brother was a bus driver when he was 20, you can bet your sweet ####### he isn't anymore! As far as class goes, well they have way more class than those that would sit on their miserable arses hoping to hurt and insult those higher than them. Seriously I'm sorry if your husbands aren't praise worthy, but no need to come down on mine and his family. You ladies need to get a life and stop circling these boards looking for someone to pounce on. Your never gonna get to me, I'm much stronger than you can ever hope to be. I'm still going to carry on with my beautiful life and leave you little ladies to search for fresh blood. You cannot even get on my level. Keep trying, hey everybody needs a goal! LMBO!
  22. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from Peace.... in Addressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT   
    OP: Hello, how are you? I bet your head is absolutely spinning! There are always so many questions and things to think about before getting married, especially in a foreign country. I remember when I went to marry my Ahmed, goodness gracious girl I was a mess! A happy chaotic mess! At first I was hesitant about posting in this topic for many reasons but decided to go ahead and give my 2 or 3 cents.
    My husband and I met in December 2009. He asked me to marry him after a months time. I of course was taken back by this. I mean come on I heard all the things being said about foreigners wanting to marry American women. I jokingly said to him " sure I will marry you, just send me a ticket and some cash for expenses." He then said ok. I was like oh my goodness what did I do! So at the beginning of March 2010 here was my ticket money along with cash for expenses, even money for my mom to use to take care of my kids while I was gone. So on my spring break from University off I went on a wing, a prayer, and a bottle of xanex. We got married on March 25, 2010. Yeap, that's right almost 3 months to the day we met online.
    My husband was an accountant in Egypt. He worked for a worldwide, very huge company. He was the Chief Accountant. By the time we had been through the process and he was ready to fly, he was offered a promotion to the Chief Financial Officer of this very big global company. People have asked me many times, why would he leave a job like that??? Well I have kids and I needed permission to take my kids to Egypt to live and well their dad of course would not give it, even though he hasn't seen them since 2006. Basically anything to impede my happiness, which is his favorite hobby. My husband sold his flat, his car, also he had started a taxi service on the side and he sold that too. He then came to me here in the USA.
    My husband is a very intelligent man, well read, educated beyond a Bachelor degree, as well as studying for fun on his off times. When he came here he was prepared to take the helm as the husband and father of our family. We knew from the beginning I would stay at home and he would provide for us. We want a traditional marriage and family, and to be honest I welcomed giving up the independance I had grown so used to.
    As soon as my husband arrived we went from Michigan to Illinois and bought his first car, a 2003 Mercedes C230 Kompressor. Two weeks later we went back to Illinois to buy my car, a 2007 Chevy HHR. He paid cash money for our cars. Once we decided to relocate for his job we sold the Mercedes and bought a 2001 Dodge Ram Extended Van. We sold many of my belongings as well as donated a lot and packed what we could into the van, packed the kids into the HHR and off we went! We took 5 days to drive to Florida, a 1500 mile trip. We took time to see some sites and just enjoy our way.
    Once we got to Florida we stayed in a hotel for 2 weeks, oh what fun that was! LOL My friend Wendy, whom I met from VJ sent me a lovely care package to my hotel. We found our house and moved in right away. We then went on the hunt for furniture. We bought all the furniture and decor according to OUR taste. My husband then began looking for work in his field. He applied online, in person and at temporary agencies. He even looked on Craigslist. He never gave up, he was diligent at his search. When either of us felt down we picked each other up. Our money began to deplete but we held onto hope and faith in God as well as faith in each other. There were some days we didn't have anything to eat but pancakes. No gas in our cars, nothing. Still we held onto each other and found ways to encourage each other. We went through a very hard time. To this day we cannot eat pancakes without smiling at each other.
    My husband started doing mobile mechanic. He had a background in mechanics from when he was young and helped his brother fix the bus his brother drove. So some days he would make 20$ after expenses other days he made 200$. We decided to sell the van. We listed it on Ebay and Craigslist. Sold the van and bought another car, a 2003 Chrysler Concorde. Then it happened! He got a job offer! Working for the headquaters of a big bank! It is in the top 10 of all banks worldwide. How exciting! We laughed and jumped around and screamed like we had gone crazy! We celebrated by going out and buying sodas! Something we had forgone in order to pay for food.
    He began working as a financial analyst. At first he didnt like it at all, but hey it was work and it paid good money. He still works there but now after 8 months he is being promoted to another department and he will be a manager over other employees. Also he recently was contacted by his previous employer to interview for a branch here in the USA. God has really blessed us and our marriage. He never needed English classes, his English is impeccable. He is logical to my dreaming. We balance each other very well.
    He adjusted very well to being here, yes he misses his beloved Egypt and he lost a close family member while here and he of course misses his family. It took time for the boys and Ahmed to adjust to each other. Also it was an adjustment for Ahmed and I to get used to living together. We had only lived together for 7 months total the first 2 years of our marriage. I would say that was the hardest part for us. Adjusting to living together. We wake up every day and I make his lunch and his coffee, I walk him to the door and kiss him and tell him to have a great day. He calls me from the office about 5 times a day. We just love being together! I greet him every evening and have dinner ready. On weekends we go to community garage sales. It is all about making a committment to each other. Forget these huge declarations of love and talk of your beauty, those things are a bunch of hooey anyways. The committment is what will carry you through.
    My husband advises other Egyptian Immigrants he met while the process was going on. He even sends money to them when they are in a pickle. One of our reasons we gravitated towards each other is out of our concern for others and our desire to help others. He has helped a couple of friends find work as well as figure out how to navigate their new country. He just amazes me. Right now as I type he is out in the backyard planting flowers and vegetables we grew from seeds. I keep stopping typing to smile at him and watch him work. God knew what he was doing when He created us for each other.
    I didn't come on here to brag and boast about our life. Those that have met me and know me know everything I am saying to be the truth and know I am only telling these things to you now in hopes of helping you. Yes it can get hard, yes there are obstacles and naysayers but if you have a committment to each other you will overcome. One thing Ahmed and I said from the very start is we will always put God first and follow where He leads us and the other thing is we will never discuss divorce as an option, we refuse to take the easy way out.
    I wish you the very best in your endeavors and a blessed marriage. I know many people can be a bit harsh on here but I think it is their way of helping someone, I will admit I never really seen eye to eye with many women on this site, but there are some smart ladies with good advice to give. Then of course there are the "others" LOL! Just take time and answer for yourself if what your doing is right, then proceed according to your answer, you are young and have a whole life ahead of you my dear. If you ever need you can message me and I will help as best as I can.
    Ok, off I go to help my husband work in the yard and play with him, sorry my post was so long, I tend to be long winded LOL!
  23. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from Peace.... in Addressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT   
    Oh! How did I ever know YOU would have something unkind to say??? I was simply telling her it is possible to have a good life with her husband. Bragging? Ha! If you only really knew me! Was I trying to be subtle? No actually I wasn't! The details I am sharing all goes into what I was trying to convey! Shockingly even further is the fact YOU took the time to read each of my minute details, now that my dear is good comedy and so laughable, wouldn't you agree my dear? I do not feel your jealous, I feel your judgemental. If you would really look at my post it wasn't for bragging, making anyone jealous, or for sharing the boring details, it was for giving another person hope in the midst of many questions and worries. But I guess YOU wouldn't see it that way. No bother though, my friends from here know who I am and how I am, your acceptance nor comments needed nor your approval, you won't keep me up all night with worry. Now if you will excuse me I got something a lot better to do than argue with a VJ bully who gets upset when someone has a sucess story to share. Hmmmm
  24. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from JeanneVictoria in Addressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT   
    Oh! How did I ever know YOU would have something unkind to say??? I was simply telling her it is possible to have a good life with her husband. Bragging? Ha! If you only really knew me! Was I trying to be subtle? No actually I wasn't! The details I am sharing all goes into what I was trying to convey! Shockingly even further is the fact YOU took the time to read each of my minute details, now that my dear is good comedy and so laughable, wouldn't you agree my dear? I do not feel your jealous, I feel your judgemental. If you would really look at my post it wasn't for bragging, making anyone jealous, or for sharing the boring details, it was for giving another person hope in the midst of many questions and worries. But I guess YOU wouldn't see it that way. No bother though, my friends from here know who I am and how I am, your acceptance nor comments needed nor your approval, you won't keep me up all night with worry. Now if you will excuse me I got something a lot better to do than argue with a VJ bully who gets upset when someone has a sucess story to share. Hmmmm
  25. Like
    Amber & Ahmed got a reaction from N-o-l-a in Addressing possible red flags in i-130 -- EGYPT   
    Oh! How did I ever know YOU would have something unkind to say??? I was simply telling her it is possible to have a good life with her husband. Bragging? Ha! If you only really knew me! Was I trying to be subtle? No actually I wasn't! The details I am sharing all goes into what I was trying to convey! Shockingly even further is the fact YOU took the time to read each of my minute details, now that my dear is good comedy and so laughable, wouldn't you agree my dear? I do not feel your jealous, I feel your judgemental. If you would really look at my post it wasn't for bragging, making anyone jealous, or for sharing the boring details, it was for giving another person hope in the midst of many questions and worries. But I guess YOU wouldn't see it that way. No bother though, my friends from here know who I am and how I am, your acceptance nor comments needed nor your approval, you won't keep me up all night with worry. Now if you will excuse me I got something a lot better to do than argue with a VJ bully who gets upset when someone has a sucess story to share. Hmmmm
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