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Posts posted by Laveau

  1. My Name is Khan a foreign film about an Indian Muslim who has asperger's. It's a great film with tragedy, laughter a love story just great. Anyone else heard of it or watched it? Available on Netflix,

    Kamran got this from Netflix. We did not like it. We couldn't even finish watching it.

  2. I agree because my husband hardly ever seems to get sick. He was able to use PTO at a past job for mostly just vacation. Now he has the separate sick and vacation days. What's irritating to me about some of the working world is that they offer you sick and vacation days, yet act weird when you want to use them. I never had a job with the level of benefits my husband has

    What does your husband do?

  3. In Pk, Christianity does NOT earn one a death sentence. My husband was raised Christian his entire life in Pk. His parents are both Chistians as were their parents. I've asked him to briefly describe what it was like to grow up in Pk as a Christian. His reply was that although he was not fearful of his life, Pk is not a country for a Christian to "grow" professionally. They are for sure discriminated against. I asked if he felt like the discrimination was equal to Muslims who are discriminated here in our part of USA. His eyes got big and he said NO WAY. Americans, in general, are much much much more tolerate (I said IN GENERAL) to all races and religions compared to his countrymen.

  4. Turkey

    Mashed potatoes

    Giblet gravy (first time I will cook this; I will use the pan drippings and chop up the giblets after they cook in the pan with the turkey. I welcome suggestions)

    Green bean casserole

    Sweet potato casserole

    Corn casserole


    Pumpkin pie

    I'm the only one who really likes dressing so I'm not bothering with it this year. My daughjter called and requested I make a corn casserole. I'm tring to keep the menu to a minimum but I guess I'll accomodate her. She volunteered to bake the pie from scratch.

  5. I'm automatically spoken to in Spanish when I'm in Ecuador, si man, probably because it's their national language.

    Funny: On one of my recent trips to my favorite Mexican border town, I went into a pharmacy to look for a particular shampoo for Mrs. T-B., who has very curly hair. I mustered most if not all of my Spanish vocabulary and asked the pharmacist, "Tienes shampoo para pelo con serpientes?" ("Do you have shampoo for hair with 'snakes'?") and I made twisting motions with my finger. ("Snakes" is semicolloquial for "curls," in Ecuador at least.) In perfect English, he said, "Here, we call them 'curls,'" and he pointed me to the correct product, si man.

    heehee! :lol:

  6. In general, he's mistaken for an Indian.

    The ONLY folks who've mistaken him for being Mexican are Mexicans. But you know, I'm not really sure just because a Mexican initially speaks Spanish to a person that he/she assumes the person is also Mx. He/She might simply assume person speaks Spanish. I know white people who have been automatically spoken to in Spanish by Mexicans.

  7. if they were to have this child it would be removed from them... do you honestly think CPS would have any problem in a case like this proving mental instability of both parents?

    You should do a little research regarding how overloaded CPS is and how many TRULY abused children slip through the cracks because of this. :(

    @Slim, I agree: the less intelligent and less educated are definitely outpacing everyone else in procreating.

    @Jenn, I agree: I think the couple is pro-life. That thought crossed my mind when I skimmed the site and esp when I saw the sonogram pics and updates of development.

  8. I am reading some of the guides now and looking around the site :)

    Thank you all for the help in pointing me in the right direction, and the advice. it seems much easier than I originally thought and the only problem seems to be the time we will have to wait.

    I have a book by him sitting in front of me Shal

    Which one? I've read them all except maybe the last of the Aztec sequels which were finished by other authors after he died.

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