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Posts posted by Laveau

  1. I guess I'm pretty fortunate to live in an apt complex with a fitness center with functional treadmills. There is also a big flat screen tv that one can watch during a workout. I find, however, that if I'm into a vigorous workout I cannot concentrate on watching tv or reading. Sometimes, I have looked to see what was on tv and made a tv date with the treadmill in the fitness center. When I go specifically to watch tv I just walk. And yes, time flies like that. Why have I been so lazy to not even do that these last 8 months? D a m n shame.

  2. I have all three dvds right in front of me I dug them out when you first mentioned them because I couldn't recall the titles of the other two. The 20 minute workouts are the longest 20 minutes ever. I remember thinking that. Now I sit here frightfully looking at the stack. Your last post has me thinking I really should just do it.

  3. Jillian Michaels...her vids are HARD. I have the 30 Day Shred, Banish Fat Boost Metabolism, and No More Trouble Zones. I did 30 Day Shred at the lowest level a few times. I can't even recall if I attempted these other two dvds. I need to invest in a new exercise mat then perhaps I'll make use.

    I went for a brisk one hour walk as soon I woke up today. Baby steps.

  4. I like beets a lot. I wanted to take my multivitamin so I fixed a tiny bit of rice, curry, and a few slices of boiled beet. I think one is suppose to take a multivitamin with food? Or is it the other way around?

    Julianna, you eat very healthily.

  5. Girl, that's Nicole L. from the pussycat dolls. I look like that in my dreams. Haha!

    Just got done playing tennis. I really don't like it but Mitchell (son) enjoys it and since I wanted to get a workout tonight. I'm pretty tired from it.

    Man, now I want to eat the leftovers from lunch today. We went to a Cajun place with a menu similar to pappadeaux. So good. But I'm not hungry so I will resist. I sincerely want to get back to my normal size again.

    What's everybody else having for dinner?

  6. Julianna and Sarah, how tall are y'all? I'm trying to lose this weight I put on since last summer. Like Sarah, I haven't stepped on a scale but my "loose" jeans are now snug on me and that's when I know it is time to do something to get back down into the skinny jeans.

    I said I'd weigh myself tomorrow but I think I'll start working out this evening and weigh myself when these jeans don't feel as tight on me.

    Anyway, an estimate for now: 12 pounds by Aug, too. I'm 5'2". I joined myfitnesspal in march but have been pretty flakey using it.

    Let's motivate each other. Man, I need some motivation. Today my daughter told me: yeah your butt IS big. Lol! I mean: oh :( *sniff*

  7. I had to google Khmer Krom. So, this group is actually indigenous to the area where they presently live? They were there before the "vietnamese" people migrated/took over? Is that correct? I can't answer your question on what is politically correct or incorrect but I'm happy to have learned something new today! Thanks! :)

  8. Seems Debbie (the blonde) looked after him some. The boy got his own food from the looks of it. He was buying a sandwich in one scene. I was appalled that the boy was wandering around that club with all those drunken idiots. No one seemed to care that he was just wandering like that. His mother knew she was being selfish and even said so. She did not care. If they wanted to go act like whores for two weeks, that's fine but don't take the kids. Did you hear the boy say something like his mom will get him a prostitute when he's 13? :blink:

    Oh good lord! I didn't catch that.

  9. ""He's done what he needs to do to be successful and in 'Ameritocracy' we have to accept that no matter who your father is, whether he be rich, poor or absent, that you can in fact be successful on your own merit," Perry said."

    I agree with Mr. Perry and I don't see why he should giveaway what he earned just because someone "needs" it more. It would be a kind gesture, but the nerve of people to demand or "call on him" to give away what he earned.

  10. OK, I watched this whole thing last night. ZOMG. First, the women (and I'm discussing the Turkey one-- I haven't seen the others)are totally trashy. They are seriously screwing up their kids. Secondly, the guys are gross-- although 1:04 is the most hilarious humpy huddle of all time. It's so obvious to see what the guys are getting out of it though. The guy the red-haired girl hooks up with says in the beginning that it's about sex. She thinks it could be real because he doesn't ask for anything-- well that's because he got what he said he wanted-- sex! Ali looks like Tom Greene and is totally creepy. He is obviously in it for the sex and material things. I feel sorry for his wife who is not only at risk for heartbreak but also for STDs and Gd knows what else.

    I find it amazing how callous they are toward that little boy. The daughters are totally trashy, although in different ways. At least the one doesn't seem into sex tourism and finds the whole thing gross, but she's also pretty bigoted. The younger one is pretty trashy and there is no way Bar Boy Ruben is into her for more beyond sex and a visa.

    I loved the "#######" face and comments of their guide, creepy Emil, when they told him about their boyfriend-spuncle relationship of Mother-brother-brother-daughter. Like that was too far even for him.

    I also find it amazing how ignorant and socially inept people are-- do they not notice how out of place they are behaviorally and in dress as they are in the village areas-- and in the city in general? I've seen more classy prostitutes at home.

    OMG and that old guy who had his shirt open and was dancing-- vomit. Vomit actually describes it all pretty well.

    Stop JUDGING, Julianna! GOSH!!! :rolleyes:

    I get that they are consenting adults and to each his/her own. However, I highly doubt these people are practicing "safer" sex. So, both parties in this vid are putting their partners at risk. If I'm right then no bueno. And again, in the case of this vid, the total disregard for the children's mental or emotional health is very appalling.

  11. I watched the whole vid. I was horrified by all of it. Even without the children and grandchild tagging along, the women and men are nasty.

    The daughter is already promiscuous and the boy? Well, I'm afraid the world will have another woman hater on its hands. Those poor children :(

  12. I'd like to know how he REALLY feels about his past behavior NOW. Most of us have done regretful things in our youth. However, I work in an inner city high school and there are just some teens who shine when it comes to knowing manners, right from wrong, etc. They are who keep me in this profession. I might be wrong but I highly doubt if the guy feels bad about his actions. Makes me sad. And horrified.

    I know some of you have the thought: kids will be kids. But after 15 years as a HS teacher I hv observed ( from knowing past students ... My first class are now in their early 30's!!) the attitudes, in general, do not change that drastically for most.

    Also, my daughter is 22 and son is 17, I couldn't imagine either treating a schoolmate in such a way at whatever age was mentioned. He didn't like his HAIR??? Ok! Thats fine. But Unacceptable behavior for a potential leader even if he was a teen.

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