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Status Updates posted by MSR

  1. No response yet, other than the automated response! We even labeled it urgent, lol. I can look on the brightside though, maybe they figure they will be giving us an interview this week so why bother responding. I can dream........

  2. I seriously hope you are right, we have all waited too long already!!! I tried to call today at about 4:30, but gave up on the ringing, lol.

    I take it you called today?

  3. Well, the last time he emailed them, it took weeks for them to respond, so im not holding my breathe, I am however hoping they will respond with an interview date!! :)

  4. Your interview is FAST approaching!! Let us know how it goes!!! :)

  5. Good luck this week!

  6. MSR

    Good luck this week!

  7. Good luck this week!

  8. Good luck this week!

  9. Good luck this week!

  10. MSR

    Good luck this week!

  11. Good luck this week!!

  12. I will email you when i get home this evening.... I am going to buy our tickets for our medical as soon as i am done work....

    10 minutes!!!

  13. Be safe this weekend Jeannie. Let me know how you fair!!!

  14. Anything for you two as of yet?

    The longest wait i've seen so far is 73 days.....

  15. I'm calling at 4:30, that should give enough time to update their computers with our info.

    I hear they only update the day after.......

    Have you called yet???

  16. I still don't understand why they can't split the workload between Vancouver and Montreal. Why can't Vancouver process CR1's? If you're understaffed and can't hire more people, split the workload!! :)

  17. Have you heard anything as of yet??

  18. Hey Jess

    Will you be attending the interview with Andrew?

  19. Be careful this weekend!! Earl doesn't look happy.....

  20. MSR

    I saw that too.

    I'm happy for them and i hope that means we get something too. I hope they don't skip us over and assign us November!!

  21. MSR

    I haven't yet...... I will between 3-4.

    It should be any day now..........

    Keep Hoping!! :)

  22. MSR

    How's the back? Good thing you have Ken there to take care of you.

    Hope things are well

    Nothing , NADA on my end here!!

  23. Anything?? Anything at all? It's like no one is working anymore!!! :)

  24. MSR

    Well, i didn't bother calling today, i'm tired of hearing " you are eligible but nothing has been scheduled yet". :( I'm sure i'll call on Friday afternoon though.

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