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Status Updates posted by MSR

  1. Dare i tell what's in that stuff?

    I've gotten used to Mark carrying around a spit cup, although the looks he gets here, lol..

    You can tell Kenny that stuff is 15 dollars a tin in Canada as opposed to the 1.79 he paid for it there LOL

  2. Good Luck today! Let us all know how it goes........


  3. so did he chew Kodiak winter green??

    Mark LOVES That stuff!!!!!

    Cheap too!! :)

  4. Not freaking out just yet......

    I can't wait for this part to be over!! :)

  5. You can only call the number between 2:30 and 4 i believe it is. I just can't believe this....

    It makes absolutely no sense.

    What if we gave you link to schedule? I wonder if it would allow you to do so?

    would you like to try it out??

  6. No, just have your case number, your passport infor, your ds 160 confirmation number

    go for it!!!

  7. You will be booking your interview when the time comes. I chose October 22nd.

    I HOPE you guys hear something soon!!!

  8. MSR

    did you book anything yet????

  9. Anything in the mail????

  10. You must tell us all about your interview!!

  11. I think we ARE booking our own interview!!!

    there's someone from toronto who just received p4 and was directed to a link, OMG!!

  12. MSR

    I think we are booking our own interviews

    look at this thread


    i am NOT impressed

  13. Medical is tomorrow , i will let you know all about it......

  14. I won't know until i get home from work!!!

    They are slow with mail out of Montreal, so realisticallym i'll probably get it next week

  15. Any news????

  16. Let us know if you hear anything!!

  17. Hey, are you guys waiting on an NOA2 or an interview from Montreal??

  18. MSR

    Mine was logged on July 9

    They didn't give us a date, they only said that a P4 letter was sent out yesterday.

  19. MSR

    You need to call tomorrow!!

  20. MSR

    You need to call too, just as Hendea3 says

    only don't do what i did initially, ask if there is a note in your file about anything.

    You probably have one too!!!!

  21. SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO weird, i'm getting the P4 letter too, but no dated recorded at DOS. I don't get it

    Have a wonderful day tomorrow!!

  22. Oddly enough, there is a couple with a p3 logged two weeks after us that was told their P4 was sent out yesterday, however, they had no information on a date.....

  23. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, are you joking????

    What date did you receive??

  24. Forget the paperwork until at least next week. :)

    You are getting married tomorrow, Congradulations. I hope you have a wonderful day.

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